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Forming and Charging the Search Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Forming and Charging the Search Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming and Charging the Search Committee

2 Forming and Charging the Search Committee
Overview Role of the Hiring Authority Definitions Composition of Search Committee Charging a Search Committee Charge Checklist Provided by Hiring Authority Committee Chair Duties Committee Considerations to Address Forming and Charging the Search Committee

3 Role of the Hiring authority
Define the charge of the committee, selection or search or screening Keep in mind, if the hiring authority is on the committee, the committee may experience a strained power differential. It is critical to leave titles at the door. Forming and Charging the Search Committee

4 Forming and Charging the Search Committee
Definitions Search Committee The search committee reviews applications, participates in the interviews and identifies hirable candidates from the finalists. Screening Committee When the candidate pool is large, a screening committee is sometimes used. The screening committee reviews materials and identifies most qualified candidates for consideration. Forming and Charging the Search Committee

5 Composition of Search Committee
5-7 members Broadly representative Reflects diversity in gender and race Understands the role/position Peers of the new hire In his/her reporting chain Clients Stakeholders Consider larger community representation Ensure committee members understand role and function of the vacant position Ensure technical expertise of members to compare applicants Diversity of committee members is important Appoint someone who has supervised the vacant position Acknowledge the time commitment necessary Forming and Charging the Search Committee

6 Charging a Search Committee
Committees need to receive their charge from the hiring authority before they begin work. For a successful search, committees must be appropriately charged with clarity of tasks, deadline, budget and kind of candidate that the hiring authority wants to attract (See charge checklist) Committees do not make hiring decisions only recommendations to the hiring authority. Provide ranked or unranked recommendations to hiring authority Forming and Charging the Search Committee

7 Charge Checklist Provided by Hiring Authority
Official title Position description and advertisement or position announcement Preferred criteria for selection Departmental goals Institutional goals Timeline Policy for handling late or incomplete applications How UHR will monitor the process Budget EEOC and AA requirements Review diversity commitment and unit goals Duties of the search chair and committee members Hiring authority’s involvement Preferred number of finalists and process of campus visit Form desired for final recommendation Single candidate Ranked candidate Narrative Forming and Charging the Search Committee

8 Committee Chair Duties
Liaison between committee and the hiring authority and University Human Resources Spokesperson of the search Ensure charge is carried out Call and chair meetings Ensure that proper records and meeting minutes are kept Correspond with semifinalists Coordinate the efforts of all the committee members Perform all duties of regular committee members Forming and Charging the Search Committee

9 Committee Member Duties
Help to identify potential applicants Attend all scheduled meetings Review and screen applicants Host candidates and make candidates feel welcome Direct inquiries about the search to the Search Committee Chair Maintain appropriate confidentiality about proceedings Participate in the interview process Check references Other duties as assigned by chairperson Forming and Charging the Search Committee

10 Committee Considerations to Address
Confidentiality Conflict of interest (for more information contact University Human Resources) Making the candidates feel welcome Successfully transitioning the successful candidate Forming and Charging the Search Committee

11 Recruitment and Advertising
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