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Legal and Ethical: Copyright Law and Plagiarism

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1 Legal and Ethical: Copyright Law and Plagiarism
Employability Skills Legal and Ethical: Copyright Law and Plagiarism 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

2 Bellwork List what you know about copyright and copyright law.
Using what you know about copyright law, what might the term “Fair Use” mean? 3. Complete this sentence: “I would never think of taking _________________ without asking.” Be prepared to share. 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

3 Objectives Define terms related to the use of copyrighted materials
Explain what constitutes plagiarism Explain the effects of plagiarism Explain how to legally use copyrighted material 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

4 Objective: Explain what constitutes plagiarism
1. Plagiarism The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s original work. 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

5 What are the effects of Plagiarism?
Objective: Explain the effects of plagiarism What are the effects of Plagiarism? Make a list of five effects with a partner! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

6 When do I have to give credit?
Objective: Explain what constitutes plagiarism When do I have to give credit? When using another person’s idea, opinion or theory. When using any facts , statistics, graphs, drawings-any pieces of information that are not common knowledge. When using quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words. When you paraphrase another person’s spoken or written words. 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

7 Objective: Define terms related to the use of copyrighted material
2. Copyright What is copyright? The exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc. Copyright pertains to anyone who has authored original work and starts upon creation of the work! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

8 Objective: Define terms related to the use of copyrighted material
2. Copyright Who is the copyright holder? A copyright holder is the person who “owns” the copyright 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

9 Objective: Define terms related to the use of copyrighted material
2. Copyright Take two minutes to reflect on Copyright… What original works have you created that you hold a copyright for???? Hint: Think about any creative works you have done (a picture, a short story, etc.) 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

10 Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material
3. Fair Use Fair Use is the right of the public to make reasonable use of copyrighted material in special circumstances without the copyright owner’s permission. 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

11 Four factors to consider for Fair Use (guidelines)
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Four factors to consider for Fair Use (guidelines) #1 Purpose and Character of Use If the material you have taken from the original work has been transformed by adding new expression or meaning, it is more likely fair use. If value was added to the original by creating new information, new aesthetics, new insights and understandings, it is more likely fair use. 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

12 Four factors to consider for Fair Use
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Four factors to consider for Fair Use #1 Purpose and Character of Use If you are just copying, it’s not likely fair use. If the work is for use in an educational institution it is more likely to be considered fair use. Examples for fair use are education, review, criticism or parody. Weird Al Yankovic, Famous for Musical Parody Weird Al Yankovic, parody of Eminem’s Ridin’ Dirty 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

13 Four factors to consider for Fair Use
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Four factors to consider for Fair Use #2 The Nature of Use You will have a stronger case for fair use if the material is from a published work and not an unpublished work The scope of fair use is narrower for unpublished works because the author has the right to control the first public appearance of his work Out of print works are more likely to be fair use than currently printed works The more artistic a work is , the less likely it will be fair use 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

14 Four factors to consider for Fair Use
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Four factors to consider for Fair Use #3 The Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Taken The less you take, the more likely that your copying will be considered fair use Even if you take a small portion of a work your copying will not be fair use if the portion taken is the heart of the work A guidance is 10% 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

15 Four factors to consider for Fair Use
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Four factors to consider for Fair Use #4 The Effect of the Use Upon the Potential Market Will your use deprive the copyright owner of income? Will your use undermine a new or potential market for the copyrighted work? If so, it is not Fair Use!!!! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

16 Fair Use Guidelines for Students
Objective: Explain how to legally use copyrighted material Fair Use Guidelines for Students Read the guidelines with a partner. Highlight at least five key ideas. Be prepared to share! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

17 What about: The Obama Hope Poster Fairey vs. A.P Oswald the lucky rabbit? Be prepared to share! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

18 Closure Jenny is writing a report. She copies and pastes many of her phrases from a website. She does give credit to the website in the Bibliography. Is she doing anything wrong? Write what she should do to avoid any copyright or plagiarism issues. Be prepared to share! 9/2015 Property of AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

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