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Solar magnetic fields: basic concepts and magnetic topology

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1 Solar magnetic fields: basic concepts and magnetic topology
Anna (Ania) Malanushenko

2 Plasma Is matter… Mass is conserved Momentum is conserved
Energy is conserved …ionized and in magnetic field Obeys Maxwell’s equations Obeys Ohm’s law e.g., adiabatic gas law,

3 Plasma Is matter… Mass is conserved Momentum is conserved
Energy is conserved …ionized and in magnetic field Obeys Maxwell’s equations Obeys Ohm’s law e.g., adiabatic gas law, v<<c charge-neutral

4 Plasma Is matter… Mass is conserved Momentum is conserved
Energy is conserved …ionized and in magnetic field Obeys Maxwell’s equations e.g., adiabatic gas law, + Ohm’s law + charge-neutral + non-relativistic

5 Plasma: “frozen-in” p. 1, “Ideal” induction equation (1) (2)
“Magnetic Reynolds number” 

6 Plasma: “frozen-in” p. 2, particle trajectories vs. magnetic field lines Are the same. To prove:

7 Plasma: “frozen-in” morale: For non-resistive plasma (Rm>>1), field lines and particle trajectories are the same. 1) 2)

8 Plasma:  Recall conservation of momentum (a.k.a. Newton’s 2nd law):
(1) (2) High density: pressure force dominates Low density: Lorentz force dominates

9 Plasma:  (Gary 2001)

10 Plasma:  Solar wind: low density, but field strength is even lower
Corona: low density, magnetic field determines “what plasma does” Chromosphere: both plasma and field are equally important Photosphere & below: high density, plasma motions determine “what the field does” (Gary 2001)

11 Concentrate on magnetic field lines
Solves Unique (where B0 and finite) …and flux tubes… …in low- solar corona:

12 Low- solar corona Most of the corona evolves slowly most of the time
Except for eruptions – catastrophic losses of equilibrium Coronal field is anchored to the photosphere, where plasma flows “drive” the field SOHO/EIT

13 Low- solar corona hint: B k So: magnetic pressure magnetic tension

14 Low- solar corona B k magnetic pressure magnetic tension
…so field lines “want” to be straight – and can’t go through each other – much like rubber bands! …and – they are “anchored” in the dense photosphere

15 Low- solar corona …“anchored” in the dense photosphere

16 Low- solar corona …“anchored” in the dense photosphere
If footpoints rotate, flux tubes become twisted What would happen if one to twist a bundle or rubber bands too much?

17 Low- solar corona Tw=/2 Uniformly twisted: B=krBz,
Putting some math to it: consider a thin flux tube with FL=0 (magnetic pressure + magnetic tension=0) Uniformly twisted: B=krBz, so a field line is (z)=kz or (z)= z/L Threshold: for Tw> Twcrit the tube is unstable Twcrit1.65 Tw=/2 – number of turns about the axis (Hood & Priest, 1979)

18 Low- solar corona What would happen if one to twist a bundle or field lines too much? That is, Tw>Twcrit?

19 Low- solar corona What would happen if one to twist a bundle or field lines too much? That is, Tw>Twcrit?

20 Low- solar corona The problem: what if it is not a thin tube – what is Tw? Tw: turns about the axis Twgen? Solution: via helicity

21 Helicity Has topological meaning!
In general: H=2L12, for untwisted tubes

22 Helicity Has topological meaning!
In general: H=2L12, for untwisted tubes L=0 L=1 L=2

23 Helicity In a twisted torus: Sum over all ``subtubes’’: H=Tw2
Not an invariant! Recall: H=2L12 for two untwisted tubes

24 Helicity H=2L12 – L is invariant; HTw=Tw2 – Tw is not invariant!
In general: L=Tw+Wr; Htot=HTw+HWr (Berger & Field, 1984; Moffatt & Ricca, 1992)

25 Helicity axis writhing reduces Tw!

26 Helicity H makes sense for closed field lines,
otherwise it is gauge-dependent What if ? the change: …what to do? Increase the volume and “close” field lines

27 Helicity H makes sense for closed field lines
Relative helicity: H(B1,B2) =H(B1)-H(B2) – gauge-independent if at the boundary B1n=B2n and A1n=A2n. Typically: B2 is the potential field: B2=0 => B2=, 2=0 domain (Berger & Field, 1984; Finn & Antonsen, 1985)

28 Helicity Proposal: Htot HTw=Twgen2 HTw ``Closing’’ field lines
For a domain: two potential fields, two answers (Longcope & Malanushenko, 2008) Proposal: Htot HTw=Twgen2 HTw

29 Calculating Twgen Test case: from Fan & Gibson, 2003

30 Calculating Twgen Test case: from Fan & Gibson, 2003
Identify the domain (Malanushenko et. al., 2009)

31 Calculating Twgen Test case: from Fan & Gibson, 2003
Identify the domain Compute the reference field in that domain (Malanushenko et. al., 2009)

32 Calculating Twgen Test case: from Fan & Gibson, 2003
Identify the domain Compute the reference field Calculate Twgen=HTw/2 Compare Twgen with Tw for a thin subportion (Malanushenko et. al., 2009)

33 For thin subportion: is Twgen=Tw?

34 For the entire structure
Red: Blue:

35 So… Thin flux tube => domain Tw => Twgen=HTw/2
Tw=Twgenfor a thin flux tube Twgen works as predicted for a domain Twcrit => 1.4 Twgen, crit 1.7 Could now study kink instability on the Sun! …not yet. This is only a half of the story. (Hood & Priest, 1979) (Malanushenko et. al., 2009) Recall: Need to know B! – tomorrow 

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