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What was ancient Ghana’s role in the gold-salt trade?

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Presentation on theme: "What was ancient Ghana’s role in the gold-salt trade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was ancient Ghana’s role in the gold-salt trade?
Since Ghana had no gold or salt, it controlled the land and maintained peace so that the trade was safe. What was ancient Ghana’s role in the gold-salt trade?

2 The characteristics of an advanced civilization included ample food and supplies; money to provide a strong, well-equipped army; and an efficient government. What characteristics of an advanced civilization did ancient Ghana possess?

3 What about Mansa Musa impressed the Egyptian official?
USED He was impressed with the amount of gold that Mansa Musa had and with his willingness to give it away. What about Mansa Musa impressed the Egyptian official?

4 What about Timbuktu impressed this writer?
He saw Timbuktu as a center of “learned men” who were supported by the king. Books were highly valued there. What about Timbuktu impressed this writer?

5 What are two things that impressed Ibn Battuta about Mali?
USED Ibn Battuta was impressed with the justice and security enjoyed by all the people of Mali. What are two things that impressed Ibn Battuta about Mali?

6 Why is this bronze statue described as a “wonder”?
The bronze statue was produced using molten metals and the wax displacement process. The statue was very detailed. Why is this bronze statue described as a “wonder”?

7 What sea routes was Kilwa connected to
What sea routes was Kilwa connected to? What geographical areas did these sea routes lead to? The sea routes connected Kilwa to the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. As a result, Kilwa was connected to sites in the Arabian peninsula, India, and the Far East, as well as other sites along the African coast.

8 Why was Cortes impressed when he arrived in Tenochtitlan in 1519?
Tenochtitlan was a bustling city, a market center where foods and all kinds of merchandise were bought and sold. This impressed Cortes a great deal. Why was Cortes impressed when he arrived in Tenochtitlan in 1519?

9 Incan engineers developed an extensive irrigation system
Incan engineers developed an extensive irrigation system. This made it possible to grow corn and other crops on land that otherwise would not have been productive. The irrigation system made it possible to feed the people of the extensive Incan empire. What engineering technique did de la Vega describe? Why was this a significant achievement?

10 How did the Incan government unite its empire in the Andes Mountains?
The map shows the roads that the Incas constructed to unite the people throughout the empire. Great engineering skills were involved in building roads, bridges, tunnels, and steps to cross rivers and mountains. The Incas built on e of the greatest road systems in the world.

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