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Integration Group Summary

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1 Integration Group Summary
Infrastructure Iouri Ivaniouchenkov, RAL Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

2 Layout What’s done: - preliminary layout of MICE in the experimental hall What’s in progress: - finishing 3D layout in ProE ; - verifying existing AutoCAD drawing for exp hall (from old archived drawings and taking measurements ) ; - adding more and more components of MICE to the layout ; - first thoughts concerning support/rail system What’s missing: - decision how we are going to modify / change absorbers during the experiment Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

3 Hydrogen system What’s done: - preliminary specs and layout
What’s in progress: - learning how the current (ISIS) and old hydrogen systems (NIMROD) are built; - defining specs and flow diagram for the system - specifying layout for the system’s main components What’s missing: - agreed specs and flow diagram Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

4 Cryogenic system What’s done: - preliminary specs and layout
- several quotations from potential suppliers received What’s in progress: - verifying specs and diagram for the system - defining layout for the system’s main components What’s missing: - agreed specs and flow diagram Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

5 Safety issues What’s done:
- close interaction with RAL / ISIS safety officers started - guiding principle defined ( double-fault safe system) - approval procedure defined and agreed - working group is set up What’s in progress: - learning the existing experience in hydrogen system design; - studying methods of hazard analysis (HAZOP etc.); What should be done: - a lot ! -> see Diagram of work from Mike’s presentation Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

6 To-do List Verify what absorber/s MICE needs
Work out a concept for such an absorber Check (by applying HAZOP ) that the concept is safe Define specs and flow diagram for hydrogen system Define specs for cryogenic system Define specs for the layout in the exp hall Start design of hydrogen and cryogenic systems Absorber and Focus Coil Working Group Meeting, March 14, 2003

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