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Long Lake / Spring Meadows Homeowners Association

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Presentation on theme: "Long Lake / Spring Meadows Homeowners Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Long Lake / Spring Meadows Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting September 29, PM Wass Elementary School

2 Agenda Introductions – Sandy Paci / Faris Qussar
Association Accomplishments – Faris Qussar Financial Review & Projected 2010/2011 Budget – Ken Risko Mailboxes – Sandy Paci Board Election – Volunteers for 2010/2011 – Faris Qussar Retention Pond – Faris Qussar / Mary Tsacoumangos Private Property Signs Near Pond – Board Actions / Status – Sandy Paci Document Revisions – Voting – Faris Qussar By-laws Building and Use Restrictions Open Questions Dues Raffle – Ken Risko Board Elections – 2010/2011 Results – Faris Qussar New Business - Sandy Paci Questions and comments – Sandy Paci / Faris Qussar Adjournment – Sandy Paci Keep Makower limited to 1 hour

3 Introductions PRESIDENT – Sandy Paci (5)
VICE PRESIDENT – Faris Qussar (2) TREASURER – Ken Risko (1) SECRETARY – Mary Tsacoumangos (2) CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Terry Belter (1), Tom Field (2), Matt Kukla (8), Greg Larson (2), Alex LaVoie-McGregor(1), Lisa Nalette (8), Roberta Masters (5), Barb Vleko (1) Years of service in parenthesis

4 Association Accomplishments 2009/2010
Financially sound association balance sheet Put liens on houses to protect the interest of the association Reduced cost of landscaping services by competitively bidding to three different companies Kept website updated - please register addresses to to be Earth friendly and reduce association mailing costs! Activities Road Rally – October 2009 Holiday Decorating Contest – December 2009 Newsletter Mailing – May 2010 Beautification Day – May 2010 Fourth of July Parade with Stoneridge Subdivision – July 2010 INTRODUCTIONS Self years VP- Sandy Paci – 4 years Treasurer Roberta Masters - 4 years Secretary Mary Tsacoumangas- 1 year Webmaster Matt Kukla – 7 years Roger Labataille 7 years Tom Field – 1 year Greg Larson -1 year Faris Qussar – 1 year Richard Kruszewski – 2 years Accomplishments Slide Same company- reduced cost Pond service changed mid-summer. Hired a company which uses both biological and chemical agents. Better control of algae. Held dues at current rate Documents revision- The continuation of what we promised to do at the last annual meeting Many hours spent. Association board is all volunteer- no hired hands except legal help Financially sound. Liens on members home that do not pay their dues. Activities: Holiday Contest, Halloween Parade, Garage Sale, Easter Egg hunt, Fourth of July parade, Ice cream social, Welcome Wagon, Beautification day, Communications- 2 newsletters

5 Association Accomplishments – 2009/2010 (Continued)
Resourced pond service after increased complaints from homeowners Maintained current dues in a declining economy Finalized Bylaws and Building and Use Restrictions and sent out for voting Kept Board as all-volunteer to eliminate management fees to the Association Upcoming Activities Road Rally – October 23, 2010 Halloween Parade – October 31, 2 p.m. Holiday Decorating Contest – December 2010 Garage Sale – May 2011

6 Treasurer’s Report – Budget (See Handout)

7 Treasurer’s Report – Balance Sheet (See Handout)

8 Treasurer’s Report – Balance Sheet Continued (See Handout)

9 Mail Box Update 2010 / 2011 Board will investigate replacement of mailboxes in Long Lake Meadows (Sections 1-4) Board will get competitive quotes from 2-3 companies – forward any potential contractors to board via Special Assessment required Projected timing will be 2011 project completion Look in your postal mailboxes for further information – Spring 2011 Website, will be updated as well to reflect project status

10 2010/2011 Board Volunteers Now is your chance to get involved!
Ballots will be passed out and we will have a “vote” at the end of this meeting for board members (turn in your ballots please) Board votes for President / Vice President / Treasurer / Secretary Need your help to keep all of our dues low – if we don’t have enough volunteers, we may need to get a management firm at higher costs to all of us

11 Retention Pond Why do we have it?
Retention pond developed by the original developers to drain water away from all of our basements “Agreement for Maintenance of Open Space / Lake Area” – standing document – didn’t need to be updated per Mark Makower, Legal Counselor to our Association Do we have to pay for it? Deeds against every property in Spring Meadows and all 4 sections of Long Lake Meadows reference the responsibility of all homeowners to pay their share independent of the inclusion of sections 3 and 4 in the association Can we give it back to the city? Given the current status of the City of Troy – they wouldn’t want it Can we add fountain or bubblers to the pond? Investigation of these ideas are very costly. Current board was approached by people living near the pond. No intent to move forward on this idea.

12 Private Property Signs
Pond is property of and accessible to the entire Homeowners Association Purchased “Private Property” signs to address a short term solution and minimize Association costs “Private Property” signs were put up to address complaints about non association visitors to the pond “Private Property” signs have been removed or will be removed shortly New board will need to get new signs that indicate “Private Property – Long Lake / Spring Meadows Homeowners Association Members Only” – wording not exact, but this will be the intent of the new signs – projected date of completion prior to year end based on weather conditions

13 Bylaws / Building and Use Restrictions Voting
Volunteer board consulted with an attorney who specializes in Homeowners Associations to develop the revisions to the documents Original documents were developed by builders when our homes were originally built in the late 80’s/early 90’s – outdated, unclear, and no logical sequence to these documents Bylaws and Building and Use Restrictions were revised based on the last two Annual Homeowners meetings in 2008 and 2009 Intent was to make the Association current with City and State regulations and to insure the protection of the Association as a whole (similar to updating your Will or Living Trust and Medical Directives) Board reviewed documents extensively to insure comments and suggestions made by homeowners who came forward would be incorporated into the revisions, if applicable Followed the Non Profit Act of 1982 and subsequent revisions to insure legality of documents moving forward

14 Examples and Benefits of Revising the Bylaws and Building and Use Restrictions
Clarifies the rules and regulations that we have all agreed to live by in the Association Consolidated three different sets of documents into one and made them easier to understand and follow Added protection for three empty lots (near farmhouse on Long Lake Road) so that future homes built will follow current architectural character of our Association

15 Additional Questions? Intent of this portion of the meeting is to clarify any questions and not to debate the content of the Bylaws and Building and Use Restrictions

16 Why YOUR Vote is Important
Documents have already been revised, mailed, and voting is underway regarding these updated documents Ballots are due October 31, 2010! If your vote is not received, it’s counted as a “NO” Updating these documents is crucial for maintaining our beautiful manicured subdivision and giving the board the tools to protect the interests of the homeowners Voting “YES” allows future boards to govern and maintain our current association

17 Drawing for $75 dues reimbursement
(homeowners in Sections 3 and 4 are exempt)

18 New Business

19 Board Election Final results

20 Long Lake / Spring Meadows Homeowners Association
Questions and comments can be sent to the Board via the web site: or via THANK YOU FOR COMING!

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