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What the Big Blue can do for you!.

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1 What the Big Blue can do for you!

2 Welcome from the QSA Cardiff and Vale College is the lead training provider with a consortium called the Quality Skills Alliance (QSA), the QSA was formed in August The QSA consists of 27 Training Providers; all delivering Work Based Learning programmes across Wales.

3 Quality Skills Alliance (QSA)
Vision -The outstanding partnership committed to your success Mission- Working in collaboration to provide excellent learning and development opportunities for learners, employers, and communities Values - ETHOS

4 What this means to staff and members
Being part of the QSA gives you access to partial or fully funded training for your organisation Job security. Being part of the QSA means you are part of one of the largest work based learning providers in Wales, there is also an ability to grow Sharing resources. Ensures your learners receive the best support available i.e. Dyslexia support, Health and Safety expertise, sector leading practice sharing.

5 What this means to employers
We are one Employers have access to a “one stop shop”, the QSA delivers almost 50 different routes covering 11 sectors. Employers can access other training with a company also in the QSA, working to the same high standards. E.g. An organisation who currently have construction apprentices may want their administration staff to gain qualifications. The employer can approach their current training provider, who will be able to put them in contact with the correct person in the QSA who can help those apprentices gain their own framework

6 What this means to learners
The QSA are all here for the same purpose – the Learner Benefits to you as a QSA learner are Access to an NUS apprenticeship card Access to learning support centres until 9pm Support for Basic skills/Dyslexia/Disabilities/Welsh Guaranteed quality of provision from members of the QSA Access to a wider range of Work Based Learning programmes More opportunities to progress to a higher level of apprenticeship

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