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Presentation on theme: "NATURAL DISASTERS."— Presentation transcript:


2 What natural disasters do you know?
What are the meanings and reasons of causes natural disasters? What should we do to prevent happening of natural disasters?

3 THE EARTH содержание

4 е/- weather, leather, temperate, desert, head /^/-hurricane, flood
/a:/-disaster, a natural disaster, a terrible disaster. / :/-storm, rainstorm, snowstorm, raw. /i:/-heat, extreme heat. / /-earth, earthquake, thunder, thunderstorm /au/ drought //famine,shortage

5 DROUGHT содержание

6 Eruption of volcano содержание


8 HURRICANE содержание

9 Famine

10 FLOOD FLOOD содержание

11 Famine HURRICANE Eruption of volcano DROUGHT FOREST FIRE
natural disasters FLOOD

12 A drought is a long period of dry weather when there is little or no rain and crops die.

13 Floods are large amounts of water which cover places that are usually dry.

14 An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground.

15 An eruption of smog, ash & rock from the mountain.
There are 500 active volcanoes in the world now, many of them are under the water. содержание

16 A hurricane is a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain.

17 FOREST FIRE содержание

18 We should know much about climates of the world.
We should take care about the Earth. We should know much about the weather. Fortunately scientists can predict most natural disasters Emergency workers should know how to help people and animals during the disaster. We shouldn't destroy our environment because it may cause the changing of the climate.

19 A dust storm содержание

20 Sandstorm содержание

21 Thunderstorm содержание

22 Emergency workers.

23 Natural disasters are very dangerous
Natural disasters are very dangerous. They can damage the houses, destroy towns, kill animals and people. In all these disasters nature and people need help. Emergency workers are specially trained people who do their job during and after these types of disasters. Emergency workers such as doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers do their job in difficult situations. Sometimes the police and army help too. содержание

24 climatic changes, rising of temperatures as a result of the greenhouse effect
People’s activity natural disasters I think,… To my mind,… Besides,… Moreover,…

25 Attention THE EARTH is in danger


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