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Imagine you are one of these women…

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine you are one of these women…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagine you are one of these women…
What do you see? How do you feel? What are you thinking?

2 What is Famine? Famine = extreme scarcity/lack of food
AF1 - draw a complete and accurate graph AF4 – explain the causes of famine AF5 – evaluate the solutions to famine in Somalia Famine = extreme scarcity/lack of food

3 malnourished = lacking the nutrients/food needed to survive.
COPY: Famine can be measured by the % of people that are undernourished/ malnourished = lacking the nutrients/food needed to survive. Country Income ($ per person) Life expectancy (Years) Being Obese (%) Undernourished UK $38 514 81 years 18% 0% USA $49 965 79 27% Brazil $1 508 65 7% 15% China $6 091 73 1% 9% Kenya $862 57 2% 42% Bangladesh $747 69 52% Somalia $284 54 60% Draw a scatter graph to show the pattern between income per person and malnutrition. = Obese = Undernourished AF1 - draw a complete and accurate graph

4 How do you draw a SCATTER GRAPH?
Scatter diagrams are used to represent and compare two sets of data. By looking at a scatter diagram, we can see whether there is any connection (correlation) between the two sets of data. Hand out Draw and label the axis. The independent variable on the X-axis and the dependent variable on the Y-axis (affected by the independent) Plot the data – one point for each set of data. MAKE SURE YOUR GRAPH IS COMPLETE

5 2. Describe the pattern in the graph
PATTERN – one sentence DATA – prove the pattern using evidence in one sentence ANOMALY? – are there any points that don’t fit the overall pattern? EXTENSION – explain the pattern using ‘because’

6 Causes and consequences of a Famine…
AF4 – explain the causes of famine Around the room, causes and consequences of Somalia’s famine are displayed. Sort the information into a CAUSE and CONSEQUENCE table. Choose 2 causes of Somalia’s famine – explain how it led to a famine. GOOD EXPLANATIONS USE CONNECTIVES e.g. because, EVEN BETTER EXPLANATIONS ARE DEVELOPED USING CONNECTIVES such as ‘this means that’ or ‘so’… CAUSE CONSEQUENCE

7 Solutions to Somalia’s Famine…
AF5 – evaluate the solutions The following are possible solutions to Somalia’s famine crisis. 1. Rank the solutions in order of effectiveness: Refugee/relief camps in neighbouring countries e.g. Kenya Dropping food from UN airplanes UN World Food Programme – emergency food aid Give support to build Africa’s own food production capabilities Respond to climate change Raise money for the country 2. Which solution do you think will be most effective? Why? 3. Why have you rejected the others? Choose 2 and explain.


Since 1991, Somalia hasn’t had a government in control of the country. This has led to political insecurity. Since 1991, fighting between the transitional government, war clans and the al-Shabaab islamist militia have left Somalia in a state of insecurity. They are fighting for power and over the scarce resources. Due to this fighting, they have been unable to effectively provide services, food or support for the people in the country.

10 Extreme weather event caused by a lack of rain.
GLOBAL WARMING Extreme weather event caused by a lack of rain. It is predicted to reduce the amount of crops leaving up to 5 billion short of food.

11 Population Growth Rapid population growth (from birth rate and in-migration) result in more mouths to feed

12 Terrorist group – Al Shabab
Al Shabab, an islamist terrorist group with connections to al Qaeda, has been competing to get power to install Islamic law across the country. They are controlling the southern region of Somalia. 2 million people in this area cannot get food aid because Al Shabab’s leadership does not trust aid workers – thought of as spies. They think it is better to starve than accept help from the West.

13 MALNUTRITION Not having the correct nutrients can cause diseases such as kwashiorkor, marasmus and rickets.

14 Loss of Jobs and Income Crops cannot grow and animals cannot survive without rainfall. This can lead to farmers loosing their jobs and therefore their income.

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