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Feedback on PIN Meeting 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback on PIN Meeting 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback on PIN Meeting 2014
Help us to improve! Evaluation of the Questionnaire

2 What % of your working time do you spend in PR:
0 - 20% % 80 – 100%

3 How experienced in PR do you consider to be?
little medium highly

4 What was your motivation to come to the PIN Meeting?
Meeting the PIN’ies Learning something Seeing CERN Getting updated Seeing TCV others

5 Do you consider the overall meeting as being useful? Why?

6 What did you like the best?

7 What will you take back?

8 What would you change?

9 Is there anything you missed?

10 The Host Organization:
Very good, thank you ABSOLUTELY fantastic! Perfect Thanks and compliments Excellent! EPFL campus is a very nice location, and the organization was perfect

11 Breakout session template presentation:
Big work done, useful interaction with PINies GREAT location and motivating group A bit to short +: preparatory presentation, time to familiarize ourselves with it, -: time too short In our group the starting point was too far from final and we didn’t have time to re-think the structure together. Useful idea anyway Unfortunately not enough time to discuss all! Good sharing of views; serious discussion! Exchange of air in Rolex centre Seemed a little bit lost – needs more focus & a clear message

12 Status report EFDA/PIN:
Institutional communication Clear structured as always complete Very clear

13 Status report Fusion for Energy:
Sorry, I am a bit confused Not sure, what it means for us Institutional communication Hard to understand the role of F4E Too general Too F4E marketing oriented

14 Creating a MOOC: Would be nice to try Interesting idea
Very preliminary Very interesting

15 Reporting form Ecsite:
Crowdfunding and co-creation have sparkled a couple of ideas Very good idea Seems to be interesting to look in other areas New ideas! Useful info, just a bit too long Good Already too tired, sorry

16 Science on the street: Very insiring *** Very creative!
Really interesting Great input, lots of enthusiasm! Very interesting and refreshing! Enthusiast Good communicator, much enthusiasm, interesting experience

17 Communication in EPFL:
The difference between ‘amateur’ (me) and Communication Representative Very good Very professional Quite good Too long Interesting sight into how communications work at EPFL Low voice, low enthusiasm

18 Inertial fusion research:
Very enthusiastic. Maybe a bit technical Too much physics?! Very interesting, new things learned Comparison to magnetic fusion in relation to facilities development and (? Couldn’t read) perfect Entusiasm great, but too much for a non scientist. Very enthusiastic and lively

19 Comments, suggestions PIN meeting and PI network:
Fusion Presentation Kit is a great tool. We should share more information with each other. The meeting proved how important the host is for the overall success of the meeting The number of participants is decreasing, why? I am happy with the network and meeting as they are now. People who don’t normally (or never) show up for the monthly videoconferences should be encouraged to participate, otherwise their participation is very limited.

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