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Business Project: Consultancy

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1 Business Project: Consultancy
An Option rather than the Research Project (all individual) or Services Marketing Unit (taught unit)

2 Why do this rather than the ‘Research Project’ or ‘Services Marketing
You don’t mind that 30% of your Marks will be jointly earned – The Client Report You are happy that 30% of your marks will come from an individual presentation You prefer fewer words to write – 40% of the marks come from a final written Reflective submission (3,000 words) 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue

3 What is BPC? Working with a client to achieve specific research objectives Scoping, planning, and completing a project Working with others – 30% of your marks are a from the Group Report Conducting research: primary and secondary Drawing conclusions and making recommendations Presenting and report writing Reflecting on the process (start on day one. Keep a diary)

4 Sample Client Projects
Local Creative Recruitment Agency wants to: understand the Competition; get their fees to be profitable but competitive; assess the effectiveness of their online activities Local Bar/Club wishes to increase the use of a space above the bar. 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue

5 How will I be assessed? No exam!!
You need to deliver a real project for a real client Five key tasks: Produce a project plan (1,000 words – not marked) Write a report for the client (30% - group mark) Present your report to the client (not marked) Present an academic summary (30% - individual mark) Write a reflective essay (3,000 words – 40% - individual mark)

6 Key Dates Item Assessment Name Hand-in date
Individual/Group Submission Weighting 1 Project objectives and plan October 2016 Group (hand in direct to tutor) Approx words Required (Not marked) 2 Client Report February 2017 One person only from each group (submit electronically to Turnitin via Moodle) and in hard copy No max word count 30% (Group Grade) 3 Client Presentation All presentations to be completed in Feb 2017 This is a group presentation. All members of the group must contribute to the outcome 4 Academic Presentation All presentations to be completed in March Confirmation of dates to be discussed with individual group tutors Presentation to be part of a group framework, but will be graded individually. Handouts to be provided to tutor during session 30% (Individual Grade) 5 Reflective Essay Monday 18th April 2017 Individual (submit electronically to Turnitin via Moodle) and in hard copy Max 3000 words 40% (Individual Grade)

7 Key texts Biggs, D. (2010). Management Consulting: A Guide for Students Wickham, L. and Wilcock, J. (2012). Management Consulting (e-book)

8 Groups Groups of 6 max Can be self-selected 9

9 What can BPC do for me? My CV!!
We did some research and presented a report to the manager I led and managed a team of students in a project to investigate a decline in profits of an SME. As a direct result, wastage and duplication was reduced by 20% and the board of directors refocused the business to address key priorities. The company has adopted my recommendations in full, which has led to an increase in profits of 15% in the first quarter 10

10 More information needed?
Ask Cathy Bakewell 9/12/2018 Event Name and Venue

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