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Introduction to Knowledge-based Systems
ดร.มารุต บูรณรัช 269618: หัวข้อพิเศษด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศขั้นสูง - เทคโนโลยีเว็บเชิงความหมาย (Special Topics in Advanced Information Technology – Semantic Web Technology) ภาควิชาวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์และเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร ภาคการศึกษาที่ 2 ปีการศึกษา 2557 These slides are taken with some adaptations from Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, 4th Edition by Joseph C. Giarratano & Gary D. Riley
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Outline Introduction to Expert Systems
History Components Functions and Applications Expert systems vs. Imperative programming Knowledge Representation and Logic Propositional logic Predicate logic Inference Methods
Introduction to Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence
AI = “Making computers think like people.” Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior – understanding language, learning reasoning, solving problems and so on. Barr and Feigenbaum, 1981 Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Areas of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
What is an expert system?
“An expert system is a computer system that emulates, or acts in all respects, with the decision-making capabilities of a human expert.” Professor Edward Feigenbaum Stanford University Expert Systems = knowledge-based systems = knowledge-based expert systems Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
More definitions “An expert system is a program that attempts to mimic human expertise by applying inference methods to a specific body of knowledge.” (Darlington, 2000) “An expert system is a system that employs human knowledge captured in a computer to solve problems that ordinarily require human expertise.” (Turban, 2001)
Expert system technology may include:
Special expert system languages – CLIPS Programs Hardware designed to facilitate the implementation of those systems (e.g., in medicine) Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Expert System Main Components
Knowledge base – obtainable from books, magazines, knowledgeable persons, etc; or expertise knowledge. Inference engine – draws conclusions from the knowledge base. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Basic Functions of Expert Systems
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Problem Domain vs. Knowledge Domain
In general, the first step in solving any problem is defining the problem area or domain to be solved. An expert’s knowledge is specific to one problem domain – medicine, finance, science, engineering, etc. The expert’s knowledge about solving specific problems is called the knowledge domain. The problem domain is always a superset of the knowledge domain. Expert system reasons from knowledge domain. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Problem Domain vs. Knowledge Domain (2)
Example: infections diseases diagnostic system does not have (or require) knowledge about other branches such as surgery. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Problem and Knowledge Domain Relationship
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Advantages of Expert Systems
Increased availability Reduced cost Reduced danger can be used in hazardous environment. Permanence last for ever, unlike human who may die, retire, quit. Multiple expertise several experts’ knowledge leads to Increased reliability Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Advantages of Expert Systems (2)
Explanation explain in detail how arrived at conclusions. Fast response e.g. emergency situations Steady, unemotional, and complete responses at all times: unlike human who may be inefficient because of stress or fatigue. Intelligent tutor provides direct instructions (student may run sample programs and explaining the system’s reasoning). Intelligent database access a database intelligently (e.g. data mining). Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Representing the Knowledge
The knowledge of an expert system can be represented in a number of ways, including IF-THEN rules: IF the light is red THEN stop Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Representing the Knowledge: Car Failure Diagnosis
IF the selection is 2 "Run-Stable State" AND the fuel is not burning well AND the engine running cycle is ok AND there is no blue gas AND the advance is bad THEN There is a Dirt in the injections/carburetor or The adjustment of ear and gasoline is not good, clear injections/carburetor and adjust the ear. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Knowledge Engineering
The process of building an expert system: The knowledge engineer establishes a dialog with the human expert to elicit knowledge. The knowledge engineer codes the knowledge explicitly in the knowledge base. The expert evaluates the expert system and gives a critique to the knowledge engineer. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Development of an Expert System
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
The Role of AI Expert system relies on inference – we accept a “reasonable solution.” Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Limitations of Expert Systems
Uncertainty Having limited knowledge (more than possible outcomes) Both human experts and expert systems must be able to deal with uncertainty. Limitation 1: most expert systems deals with shallow knowledge than with deep knowledge. Shallow knowledge – based on empirical and heuristic knowledge. Deep knowledge – based on basic structure, function, and behavior of objects. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Limitations of Expert Systems (2)
Limitation 2: typical expert systems cannot generalize through analogy to reason about new situations in the way people can. Solution: repeating the cycle of interviewing the expert. Limitation: A knowledge acquisition bottleneck results from the time-consuming and labor intensive task of building an expert system. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Early Expert Systems DENDRAL – used in chemical mass spectroscopy to identify chemical constituents MYCIN – medical diagnosis of illness DIPMETER – geological data analysis for oil PROSPECTOR – geological data analysis for minerals XCON/R1 – configuring computer systems Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Broad Classes of Expert Systems
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Problems with Algorithmic Solutions
Conventional computer programs generally solve problems having algorithmic solutions. Algorithmic languages include C, Java, and C#. Classic AI languages include LISP and PROLOG. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Considerations for Building Expert Systems
Can the problem be solved effectively by conventional programming? (expert systems are suited for ill-structured problems- problems with no efficient algorithmic solution) Is there a need and a desire for an expert system? Is there at least one human expert who is willing to cooperate? Can the expert explain the knowledge to the knowledge engineer in a way that can understand it. Is the problem-solving knowledge mainly heuristic and uncertain? Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Elements of an Expert System
User interface mechanism by which user and system communicate. Exploration facility explains reasoning of expert system to user. Working memory global database of facts used by rules. Inference engine makes inferences deciding which rules are satisfied and prioritizing. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Elements of an Expert System (2)
Agenda a prioritized list of rules created by the inference engine, whose patterns are satisfied by facts or objects in working memory. Knowledge acquisition facility automatic way for the user to enter knowledge in the system bypassing the explicit coding by knowledge engineer. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Structure of a Rule-Based Expert System
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Production Rules Knowledge base is also called production memory.
Production rules can be expressed in IF-THEN pseudocode format. In rule-based systems, the inference engine determines which rule antecedents are satisfied by the facts. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Inference engine operates on recognize-act cycle
While not done conflict resolution: act: match: check for halt: End-while Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Inference engine operates on recognize-act cycle (2)
Conflict resolution if there are activations then select the one with the highest priority. Else done. Act sequentially perform the actions. Update the working memory. Remove the fired activations. Match Update the agenda by checking if there are activation or remove activations if there LHS is no longer satisfied. Check for halt if an halt action is performed or break command given, then done. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
General Methods of Inferencing
Forward chaining reasoning from facts to the conclusions resulting from those facts – best for prognosis, monitoring, and control. Backward chaining reasoning in reverse from a hypothesis, a potential conclusion to be proved to the facts that support the hypothesis – best for diagnosis problems. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Production Systems Rule-based expert systems – most popular type today. Knowledge is represented as multiple rules that specify what should/not be concluded from different situations. Forward chaining – start w/facts and use rules do draw conclusions/take actions. Backward chaining – start w/hypothesis and look for rules that allow hypothesis to be proven true. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Post Production System
Basic idea – any mathematical / logical system is simply a set of rules specifying how to change one string of symbols into another string of symbols. Basic limitation – lack of control mechanism to guide the application of the rules. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Procedural Paradigms Algorithm – method of solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Procedural programs are also called sequential programs. The programmer specifies exactly how a problem solution must be coded. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Procedural Languages Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Imperative Programming
Focuses on the concept of modifiable store variables and assignments. During execution, program makes transition from the initial state to the final state by passing through series of intermediate states. Provide for top-down-design. Not efficient for directly implementing expert systems. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Nonprocedural Paradigms
Do not depend on the programmer giving exact details how the program is to be solved. Declarative programming goal is separated from the method to achieve it. Object-oriented programming – partly imperative and partly declarative uses objects and methods that act on those objects. Inheritance – (OOP) subclasses derived from parent classes. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Nonprocedural Languages
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
What are Expert Systems?
Can be considered declarative languages: Programmer does not specify how to achieve a goal at the algorithm level. Induction-based programming – the program learns by generalizing from a sample. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Knowledge Representation & Logic
What is the study of logic?
Logic is the study of making inferences given a set of facts, we attempt to reach a true conclusion. An example of informal logic is a courtroom setting where lawyers make a series of inferences hoping to convince a jury / judge. Formal logic (symbolic logic) is a more rigorous approach to proving a conclusion to be true / false. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Why is Logic Important We use logic in our everyday lives
“should I buy this car?”, “should I seek medical attention?”. People are not very good at reasoning because they often fail to separate word meanings with the reasoning process itself. Semantics refers to the meanings we give to symbols. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
The Goal of Expert Systems
We need to be able to separate the actual meanings of words with the reasoning process itself. We need to make inferences w/o relying on semantics. We need to reach valid conclusions based on facts only. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Knowledge vs. Expert Systems
Knowledge representation is key to the success of expert systems. Expert systems are designed for knowledge representation based on rules of logic called inferences. The process of reaching valid conclusions is referred to as logical reasoning. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
How is Knowledge Used? Knowledge has many meanings – data, facts, information. How do we use knowledge to reach conclusions or solve problems? Heuristics refers to using experience to solve problems – using precedents. Expert systems may have hundreds / thousands of micro-precedents to refer to. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
A Priori Knowledge “That which precedes” Independent of the senses
Universally true Cannot be denied without contradiction Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
A Posteriori Knowledge
“That which follows” Derived from the senses Not always reliable Deniable on the basis of new knowledge w/o the necessity of contradiction Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Knowledge in Rule-Based Systems
Knowledge is part of a hierarchy. Knowledge refers to rules that are activated by facts or other rules. Activated rules produce new facts or conclusions. Conclusions are the end-product of inferences when done according to formal rules. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Expert Systems vs. Humans
Expert systems infer – reaching conclusions as the end product of a chain of steps called inferencing when done according to formal rules. Humans reason Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Expert Systems vs. ANS Artificial Neural System (ANS) does not make inferences but searches for underlying patterns. Expert systems Draw inferences using facts Separate data from noise Transform data into information Transform information into knowledge Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Productions A number of knowledge-representation techniques have been devised: Rules Semantic nets Frames Scripts Logic Conceptual graphs Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Logic and Sets Knowledge can also be represented by symbols of logic.
Logic is the study of rules of exact reasoning – inferring conclusions from premises. Automated reasoning Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Forms of Logic Earliest form of logic was based on the syllogism – developed by Aristotle. Syllogisms – have two premises that provide evidence to support a conclusion. Example: Premise: All cats are climbers. Premise: Garfield is a cat. Conclusion: Garfield is a climber. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Venn Diagrams Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Syllogism Premise: All men are mortal Premise: Socrates is a man
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal Only the form is important. Premise: All X are Y Premise: Z is a X Conclusion: Z is a Y Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Categorical Syllogism
Syllogism: a valid deductive argument having two premises and a conclusion. major premise: All M are P minor premise: All S is M Conclusion: All S is P M middle term P major term S minor term Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Categorical Statements
Form Schema Meaning A All S is P universal affirmative E No S is P universal negative I Some S is P particular affirmative O Some S is not P particular negative Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Figure 1 2 3 4 Major Premise M P P M Minor Premise S M M S Mood
AAA-1 EAE-1 IAI-4 All M is P No M is P Some P is M All S is M All S is M All M is S All S is P No S is P Some S is P Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Syllogisms vs. Rules Syllogism: IF-THEN rule:
All basketball players are tall. Jason is a basketball player. => Jason is tall. IF-THEN rule: IF All basketball players are tall and Jason is a basketball player THEN Jason is tall. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Propositional Logic Concerned with the subset of declarative sentences that can be classified as true or false. We call these sentences “statements” or “propositions”. Paradoxes – statements that cannot be classified as true or false. Open sentences – statements that cannot be answered absolutely. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Propositional Logic (2)
Compound statements – formed by using logical connectives (e.g., AND, OR, NOT, conditional, and biconditional) on individual statements. Material implication p q states that if p is true, it must follow that q is true. Biconditional p q states that p implies q and q implies p. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Propositional Logic (3)
Syllogisms address only a small portion of the possible logical statements. Propositional logic offers another means of describing arguments.
Rule of Inference Modus ponens Modus tollens Direct reasoning ‘Assert’
Indirect reasoning ‘Deny’ Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Modus ponens If there is power, the computer will work There is power
The computer will work A B p, p ->q; q A B Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Direct Reasoning: Modus Ponens
Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Modus tollens p q conditional p -> q ~q converse q -> p
inverse ~p -> ~q ~ p contrapositive ~q -> ~p Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Limitations of Propositional Logic
If an argument is invalid, it should be interpreted as such – that the conclusion is necessarily incorrect. An argument may be invalid because it is poorly created. An argument may not be provable using propositional logic, but may be provable using predicate logic. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Predicate Logic Predicates with arguments on-top-of(A, B)
Variables and Quantifiers Universal (x)(Rational(x) Real(x)) Existential (x)(Prime(x)) Functions of Variables (x)(Satellite(x)) (y)(closest(y, earth)^on(y,x)) (x)(man(x) mortal(x)) ^ man(Socrates) => mortal(Socrates) Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Universal Quantifier The universal quantifier, represented by the symbol means “for every” or “for all”. (x) (x is a rectangle x has four sides) The existential quantifier, represented by the symbol means “there exists”. (x) (x – 3 = 5) Limitations of predicate logic – most quantifier. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
First Order Predicate Logic
Quantification not over predicate or function symbols No MOST quantifier, (counting required) Can not express things that are sometime true => Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Syllogism in Predicate Logic
Type Scheme Predicate Representation A All S is P (x)(S(x) -> P(x)) E No S is P (x)(S(x) -> ~P(x)) I Some S is P (x)(S(x) ^ P(x)) A Some S is not P (x)(S(x) ^ ~P(x)) Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Rule of Universal Instantiation
The Rule of Universal Instantiation states that an individual may be substituted for a universe. (x)p(x) => p(a) p: any proposition or propositional function a: an instance Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Formal Proof (x)(H(x)->M(x)) All men are mortal
H(s) Socrates is a man M(s) => Socrates is mortal (x)(H(x)->M(x)) premise H(s) H(s)->M(s) universal instantiation 4. M(s) 2,3 modus ponens Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Summary Expert systems or Knowledge-based systems
captured human knowledge in a computer apply inference methods to the knowledge solve problems that normally required human expertise Expert systems uses declarative language (rules) rather than procedural language (algorithms) Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition
Summary It is necessary to specify formal rules for expert systems to be able to reach valid conclusions from given facts. Propositional logic Rules of inference Determine true of false of statements (proposition) Predicate logic or First-order logic Formula that can contains variables that can be quantified Can allow for formal proof
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