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Jackson, Reformers, and Manifest Destiny

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1 Jackson, Reformers, and Manifest Destiny



4 Second Great Awakening

5 Reformers

6 John Quincy Adams

7 Andrew Jackson

8 Manifest Destiny

9 US Territorial Gains

10 Second Great Awakening
Andrew Jackson Manifest Destiny Reformers John Quincy Adams U.S. Territorial Gains $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

11 The belief that a man can have more than one wife, which led to religious persecution of the Mormons, and forced them to move west several times. Incorrect Correct

12 What is polygamy? Back to Question Main Board

13 Area of the country were most new religious movements began or are connected with.
Incorrect Correct

14 What is New York? Back to Question Main Board

15 To create the perfect society here on Earth.
Incorrect Correct

16 What is an Utopian Society?
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17 This religious group did not believe in marriage or having children, but believed that all people were created equal. Incorrect Correct

18 Who are the Shakers? Back to Question Main Board

19 Protestant preacher during the Second Great Awakening who preached that destiny lies in people’s own hands and that we should do God’s work here on Earth. Incorrect Correct

20 Who is Charles Grandison Finney?
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21 The reformer who led to massive changed in the Educational system in America, including mandatory attendance, training for teachers, and public funding of schools. Incorrect Correct

22 Who is Horace Mann? Back to Question Main Board

23 Movement, led by women and preachers, that tried to limit or ban the use of alcohol in the United States. Incorrect Correct

24 What is the Temperance Movement?
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25 The reformer who investigated poor living conditions at prisons and the establishment of mental institutions for the mentally ill. Incorrect Correct

26 Who is Dorothea Dix? Back to Question Main Board

27 Location of the First Women’s Rights Convention in 1848 which called for social equality and women's suffrage. Incorrect Correct

28 What is Seneca Falls, NY? Back to Question Main Board

29 The author of the Declaration of Sentiments, which was modeled after the Declaration of Independence. Incorrect Correct

30 Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
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31 The region of the country that would most likely support John Quincy Adams and the National Republican Party. Incorrect Correct

32 What is the Northeast? Back to Question Main Board

33 A tax on imported goods to help encourage people to buy American made products and helped out Northern industries. Incorrect Correct

34 What is a protective tariff?
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35 A political scandal that arose when the Speaker of the House, Henry Clay, allegedly met with John Quincy Adams before the House election to break a deadlock. Adams was elected president against the popular vote and Clay was named Secretary of State. Incorrect Correct

36 What is the Corrupt Bargain?
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37 The political party formed in opposition to the Jacksonian Democrats and were supporters of John Q. Adams. Incorrect Correct

38 What are the National Republicans?
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39 The policy of promoting industry in the United States by the adoption of a high protective tariff and the development of internal improvements by the federal government (as advocated by Henry Clay from 1816 to 1828). Incorrect Correct

40 What is the American System?
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41 Political movement toward greater democracy for the common man symbolized by American politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Incorrect Correct

42 What is Jacksonian Democracy?
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43 The forced relocation and movement of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act. Incorrect Correct

44 What is the Trail of Tears?
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45 A federal law that permitted the president to give public lands in the West to Indians residing in eastern states, in exchange for their removal west of the Mississippi River. Incorrect Correct

46 What is the Indian Removal Act?
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47 A practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party. Incorrect Correct

48 What is the Spoil System?
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49 The U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1832 that stated the Cherokee Indians constituted a nation holding distinct self-governing powers, which Andrew Jackson disregarded. Incorrect Correct

50 What is Worcester v. Georgia?
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51 The God given right of the United States to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
Incorrect Correct

52 What is Manifest Destiny?
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53 Negative reasons that force people to make changes or move.
Incorrect Correct

54 What are push factors? Back to Question Main Board

55 The 2,000 mile long trail from Independence Missouri that most pioneers traveled along from Incorrect Correct

56 What is the Oregon Trail?
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57 The President credited with helping America achieve Manifest Destiny.
Incorrect Correct

58 Who is James K. Polk? Back to Question Main Board

59 The name of the lithograph (picture) produced by John Gast to promote the idea of Manifest Destiny.
Incorrect Correct

60 What is American Progress?
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61 Territory bought from France in 1803 and gave us full control over the Mississippi River.
Incorrect Correct

62 What is the Louisiana Purchase?
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63 This territory was its own country and the United States peacefully annexed it in 1846.
Incorrect Correct

64 What is Texas? Back to Question Main Board

65 The treaty that ended the Mexican-American War and gave the United States control over the Mexican Cession. Incorrect Correct

66 What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
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67 The line, established in the Oregon Treaty, that split the Oregon Territory between the United States and Great Britain. Incorrect Correct

68 What is the 49th Parallel? Back to Question Main Board

69 The treaty between the United States and Spain that gave the US control over Florida.
Incorrect Correct

70 What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
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71 Andrew Jackson

72 Final Jeopardy! Andrew Jackson’s Vice-President who opposed Jackson’s support of the Tariff of 1828 and caused the Nullification Crisis where he threatened to have South Carolina secede from the Union.

73 Final Jeopardy! Who is John C. Calhoun

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