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Fifth Grade Parent Orientation

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1 Fifth Grade Parent Orientation
Fifth Grade is MONSTROUSLY Awesome! Sue Creech Elementary School

2 Meet the Fifth Grade Team
Reading/Writing Math Science Social Studies Ms. Box Mrs. Tillotson Mrs. Tillotson Ms. Box Miss Gillespie Miss Ballew Mrs. Gardner Miss Gillespie Miss Pastor Mrs. Gardner Mrs. Searle Mrs. Searle

3 Fifth Grade Schedule Extended Learning Time Specials
9:35-10:20 Specials 8:40-9:30 For lunch times and class times, see your child’s schedule in their binder.

4 Communication Students write homework in their planners. Please check your child’s planner for homework assignments. Graded papers and PTA/School letters go home on Tuesday. Weekly updates are sent on Friday. 5th grade Conference Period/Planning Time is from 8:40-9:30. We will schedule conferences in the fall, but you may contact your child’s teacher at anytime. Follow Creech on Twitter at #CREECHPRIDE

5 Creech Comets B.A.R.K. Students are expected to follow B.A.R.K. guidelines. Students receive B.A.R.K. Bucks for positive behaviors. Consequences are received following the 5th grade behavior continuum.

6 B.A.R.K. Bucks Menu and Behavior Continuum
Hat or Shoes Off - 10 bark bucks  2nd Chance Pass- 15 bark bucks  Skip the Track - 20 bark bucks (1 day)  Teacher Chair – 25 bark bucks  Extra Tech time or listen to music while working - 30 bark bucks  Choose a Spot – 40 bark bucks **Students can redeem Bark Bucks in their homeroom from 8:00-8:20

7 Birthday Treats and Invitations
Treats served last 10 minutes of the instructional day. Time does not permit cutting and serving. Please bring individual servings. One treat per classmate in homeroom Must be delivered to front office no later than 10AM Treats must be store bought and must contain a list of ingredients. Invitations are not to be passed out at school

8 Homework and Classwork Policies
Homework Grading Policy First day late = 10 point deduction Second day late = 20 point deduction Third day late = 30 point deduction After 3 days a zero will be entered in the gradebook. Classwork Grading Policy 1 Day late = 10 points off 2 Days late = 20 points off 3 Days late = 30 points off After 3 days late, the student will be asked to stay after school for ZAP Lab.

9 Grading Categories Fifth grade’s grading scale is different than the scale used in other elementary grade levels. For example, the 4th grade grading scale was Minor – 90% Other – 10% The 5th grade grading scale is Major – 45% Minor – 45% Other – 10%

10 Reteach/Retesting Policy
Students will be allowed to retest on MAJOR category assessments after a minimum of 1 additional learning opportunity. The highest grade recorded on a retest will be a 70%.

11 STAAR Testing Dates Reading 1st Administration - April 11
Student Success Initiative Math 1st Administration – April 10 Science May 16

12 Fifth Grade Curriculum
Parents Tab Curriculum Search Elementary , Curriculum search

13 Writing Topics to be covered this year: Narrative Writing Poetry
Literary Essay Expository Writing Argument Essay Lens of History Research Memoir

14 Writing We write! Daily Quick Writes
Notes from mini lessons and weekly grammar focus Composition following the genre we study Enact the writing process

15 Reading Topics to be covered this year: Narrative Text Poetry Myths
Drama Expository Text Literary Nonfiction Persuasive Text

16 Reading As our students read independently, we expect them to:
“Stop and jot” Predictions Wonderings Unfamiliar vocabulary Inferences Connections

17 Reading During read alouds, we: “Think Aloud”
Model and use strategies taught in mini lessons

18 Social Studies Topics to be covered this year:
Colonization of the U.S. The American Revolution U.S. Government Bill of Rights A Growing and Changing Nation (Westward Expansion and Industrialization) The Civil War The Making of Modern America (1920’s, Great Depression, World War I and World War II) Junior Achievement

19 Social Studies Interactive Student Notebook or ISN
These notebooks should be with your child each day. This is a valuable study tool that contains their daily work, homework and notes.

20 Topics to be covered this year:
Physical Properties of Matter Forms of Energy Earth’s Surface and Resources Earth and Space Organisms and Environments

21 Science Notebooks will be used daily
Notebooks include definitions, diagrams, explanations

22 5th grade conducts hands on labs
Scientific Process STEM Labs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Hands On Science

23 Math Topics Covered This Year Place value through thousandths
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions Multiplication of whole numbers, decimals, and unit fractions Division of whole numbers (2-digit divisors), decimals, and unit fractions Algebraic relationships Geometry Data analysis (dot plots, scatter plots, stem-and-leaf graphs) Personal financial literacy

24 Math Math Journals Used Daily
Examples, steps, diagrams, problem solving examples Can be taken home and brought back to school Multi-step problem solving using KISD Problem Solving Model Math Textbook Textbook available online

25 Math Manipulatives and models used regularly to promote better conceptual understanding

26 Thank you! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

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