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Outcome of Elections. Introduction to Technical Expert Panels Presented by Kara Gainer, JD and Jordan Wildermuth, MSW.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcome of Elections. Introduction to Technical Expert Panels Presented by Kara Gainer, JD and Jordan Wildermuth, MSW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Technical Expert Panels Presented by Kara Gainer, JD and Jordan Wildermuth, MSW

2 Outcome of Elections

3 Political Outlook White House – Donald J. Trump elected 45th President in major upset Senate – Republicans retain majority of at least 51-48, but will likely add 1 more (LA – likely R - will be determined on runoff on 12/10) House – Republicans retain majority of ; Democrats underwhelmed expectations by picking up only 9 seats

4 ARN Health Policy Priorities

5 2017 Legislative & Health Policy Agenda
Support the Better Care, Lower Cost Act Support the Put a Registered Nurse in the Nursing Home Act Support and promote appropriate quality measures and outcomes across the post-acute care continuum Support the Enhancing Stature and Visibility of Medical Rehabilitation Research at the NIH

6 Strategic Plan Health Policy will be interwoven within the three goal areas Transitions of Care Rehabilitation Nursing Practice Resourcing the Vision

7 Technical Expert Panels

8 What is a Technical Expert Panel (TEP)?
CMS provides several opportunities for stakeholder input, one of which is the convening of TEPs. A TEP is a group of stakeholders and experts who provide technical input to the CMS measure contractor on the development, selection, and maintenance of measures for which CMS contractors are responsible.

9 Assembling the Panel Convening a TEP provides an opportunity for CMS contractors to receive input from multiple stakeholders early in the process.  Each TEP is comprised of individuals with expertise in relevant fields, including clinicians, statisticians, quality improvement experts, methodologists, and pertinent measure developers, as well as consumers and patients Approximately 9-15 TEP members are chosen to provide input to the measure contractor based on their personal experience and training. 

10 Meeting Objectives Each TEP has different project objectives, such as providing input on the selection, development, and maintenance of measures. Generally, TEP members inform the direction and development of measures and provide input on potential revisions to the measure throughout the development process.

11 Format of the TEP TEPs are formed to provide expertise on a particular topic and are advisory to the CMS contractor. The TEP meets most frequently via webinar and/or teleconference (occasionally some TEPs meet in-person) and provides feedback to the CMS contractor. TEP member feedback is guided by a series of open-ended questions about the proposed measure construct followed by an open discussion regarding each question.

12 Selection Process To serve on a TEP, nominees must generally submit the following information: A completed and signed TEP nomination form; Letter of interest (not to exceed two pages) highlighting experience/knowledge relevant to the described measure; and Curriculum vitae and/or list of relevant experience. Self-nominations are welcome. ARN will help the selected member prepare a nomination package, including drafting a letter supporting the nominee’s participation in the TEP.

13 Benefits of Serving on TEP
The TEP selection process is competitive. Membership demonstrates both expertise in your field and a commitment to your profession. Participation requires a small time commitment; however, serving on a TEP is professionally beneficial and may lead to enhancing your professional profile. TEP members are recognized by ARN for their contributions to increasing awareness of rehabilitation nursing and the role of rehabilitation nurses in the delivery of care.

14 If Selected to Serve on TEP
ARN wants to support you during your participation on a TEP. If you are selected to serve on a TEP, the CMS contractor will send you materials to review in advance of the first meeting. In advance of your first meeting, ARN will: Circulate ARN’s position statements/comment letters to you; and Schedule a call with you to review the contractor’s materials and discuss the topic at hand.

15 If serving on a TEP in 2017 is of interest to you…
Contact Jordan Wildermuth by December 1, 2016 to express your interest By December 31, 2016: Send Jordan your updated CV or Resume and a brief summary that outlines your background, experience, and expertise. Specifically, settings, titles, etc.

16 What to Expect in 2017 If your experience/training aligns with a TEP convened in 2017, Jordan will contact you about submitting a nomination package As previously discussed, the nomination package will generally consist of your current CV/resume, a letter of interest not to exceed 2 pages, a signed conflict of interest/disclosure form, and a letter from the ARN president, supporting your nomination.

17 Input from Michelle Camicia, Former TEP Member

18 Questions?

19 Contact Information Jordan Wildermuth, ARN’s Health Policy & Advocacy Manager @J_Wildermuth Kara Gainer, District Policy Group at Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP @karagainer

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