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Globalizing Air Pollution, Climate Forcing, and Heath Impacts

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1 Globalizing Air Pollution, Climate Forcing, and Heath Impacts
Jintai Lin 林金泰 Peking University ACM Group

2 ACM Group, Collaborators and Funding
ACM: D. Pan, R.-J. Ni, Y.-Y. Yan, J.-X. Wang … THU: Q. Zhang, K. He, Y. Zhao, D. Tong, F. Tong … N.A.: S. Davis, D. Streets, Z. Lu, D. Wuebbles, R Martin, A. van Donkelaar, M. Brauer … Europe: D. Guan … Funding: NSFC , , etc.

3 Globalizing Air Pollution
Atmospheric Pollution Climate Producer Consumer Ecosystem Trade Atmosphere: Move pollution from producer to consumer Trade : Move Pollution from consumer to producer Lin et al., 2014, PNAS

4 Goods Export Contributes ~ 30% of China’s Sulfate
% contribution of China’s export-related pollution to total pollution anywhere in the world Lin et al., 2014, PNAS

5 China’s Inter-regional Pollution Transport Via Trade
Zhao et al., ACP, 2015 Cui et al., ACP, 2016

6 Trade Transfers Emissions from Rich to Poorer Regions
Consumption-based minus Production-based Emissions in 2007 Lin et al., 2016, Nature Geoscience

7 Trade Redistributes Emissions
Lin et al., 2016, Nature Geoscience

8 Trade Transfers RF from Rich to Poorer Regions
Consumption-based minus production-based TOA direct RF in 2007 Lin et al., 2016, Nature Geoscience

9 Trade Transfers RF from Rich to Poorer Regions
Poster: Jingxu Wang Day 2, B.13 Developed regions: RFc is higher than RFp by 50–100% Developing regions: RFc is smaller than RFp What is a region’s contribution to climate change ??? Lin et al., 2016, Nature Geoscience

10 Transport and Trade are Related to Large Deaths
Zhang et al., 2017, Nature

11 Summary: Globalizing Air Pollution
We hire postdocs Atmospheric Producer Consumer Trade In recognition of dual routes of pollution transport : Domestic economic and environmental strategy ? International collaboration to reduce pollution transfer ? Roles of individual consumers and producers ?

12 References
Lin, J.-T. #*, Pan, D. # , Davis, S. J., Zhang, Q. *, He, K. *, Wang, C., Streets, D. G., Wuebbles, D. J., and Guan, D.: China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, , doi: /pnas , 2014, Guan, D.-B., Lin, J.-T. *, Davis, S. J., Pan, D., He, K.-B., Wang, C., Wuebbles, D. J., Streets, D. G., and Zhang, Q.: Reply to Lopez et al.: Consumption- based accounting helps mitigate global air pollution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, E2631, doi: /pnas , 2014, Jiang, X., Zhang, Q., Zhao, H., Geng, G., Peng, L., Guan, D., Kan, H., Huo, H., Lin, J.-T., Brauer, M., Martin, R. V., and He, K.: Revealing the hidden health costs embodied in Chinese exports, Environmental Science & Technology, 49, , doi: /es506121s, 2015, Zhao, H. Y., Zhang, Q., Davis, S. J., Guan, D., Liu, Z., Huo, H., Lin, J.-T., Liu, W. D., and He, K. B.: Assessment of China's virtual air pollution transport embodied in trade by using a consumption-based emission inventory, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, , doi: /acp , 2015, Lin, J.-T. #*, Tong, D. #, Davis, S., Ni, R.-J., Tan, X., Pan, D., Zhao, H., Lu, Z., Streets, D., Feng, T., Zhang, Q. *, Yan, Y.-Y., Hu, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., Jiang, X., Geng, G., He, K., Huang, Y. *, and Guan, D.: Global climate forcing of aerosols embodied in international trade, Nature Geoscience, 9, , doi: /NGEO2798, 2016 , Zhao, H., Zhang, Q., Huo, H., Lin, J.-T., Liu, Z., Wang, H., Guan, D., and He, K.: Environment-economy tradeoff for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei's product exports, Applied Energy, 184, , doi: /j.apenergy , 2016, Cui, Y.-Z., Lin, J.-T. *, Song, C., Liu, M.-Y., Yan, Y.-Y., Xu, Y., and Huang, B. *: Rapid growth in nitrogen dioxide pollution over Western China, 2005– 2013, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, , doi: /acp , 2016, Zhao, H., Li, X., Zhang, Q., Jiang, X., Lin, J.-T., Peters, G. G., Li, M., Geng, G., Zheng, B., Huo, H., Zhang, L., Davis, S. J., and He, K.: Effects of atmospheric transport and trade on air pollution mortality in China, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 2017, 1-23, doi: /acp , 2017 , Zhang, Q. #*, Jiang, X. #, Tong, D. #, Davis, S. J. *, Zhao, H., Geng, G., Feng, T., Zheng, B., Lu, Z., Streets, D. G., Ni, R.-J., Brauer, M., van Donkelaar, A., Martin, R. V., Huo, H., Liu, Z., Pan, D., Kan, H., Yan, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-T. * , He, K. *, and Guan, D.: Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade, Nature, 543, , doi: /nature21712, 2017,

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