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Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) Northern Territory

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1 Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) Northern Territory
Cross Sector Orientation Workshop Thursday 25 May 2017

2 Children and young people in the Northern Territory are safe and well
Role of the OCC Our Core Business Enquiries and complaints Investigate issues affecting vulnerable children Monitor reform and legislative issues Influence legislation, policies and programs Promote awareness Underpinning our core business is our Vision - Children and young people in the Northern Territory are safe and well

3 Best Interest = Rights Focussed
Promote systems that are focussed on the best interests of our children... Child rights are the foundation of children’s best interests. Best interest/rights-based focus ensures more effective decision making.

4 Public Health Approach
Early investment in the health, education and wellbeing to address issues at an early age to prevent social and health problems developing later on. Public health approach to address the needs of our children, vulnerable or not.

5 NT Child Protection Context
In the total notifications received were 20,465 20% increase in the number of notifications (17,032 to 20,465) with 78% Aboriginal children; Police remain the highest notifiers - 16% increase from (7,010 to 8,108); Neglect notifications account for 43% of the total substantiated notifications (increase from 40% in ); ( Children’s Commissioner NT Annual Report)

6 NT Out of Home Care Context
As at 30 June 2016 there were 1,020 children in OoHC NT has the highest placement rate nationally (16.0 per 1,000 children, compared to 8.1 nationally); 2% increase in children in OoHC placements (997 to 1,020 children) – 89% (908) are Aboriginal children – 35% placed with Aboriginal carers; Placement rate for Aboriginal children in the NT is low (33.4 per 1,000 children, compared to 52.5 per 1,000 nationally); 11% of children in care have a recorded disability ; ( Children’s Commissioner NT Annual Report)

7 System Aspects Requiring Focus and Reform
The following key principles and issues were highlighted following ongoing OCC observations. Talk about the Committee not reviewing a particular case in isolation.

8 Differential Response System
Lower-risk families referred to appropriate generalist support services - as opposed to being subjected to statutory intervention.

9 Over-Representation of Aboriginal Children and Young People
Program considerations: Family Decision Making Aboriginal Specialist Advice and Interpreters Support and Training Leaving Care/Detention Support

10 Thank you Nicole Butler Assistant Commissioner Office of the Children's Commissioner Northern Territory Government p...(08) e...

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