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The SpongeBob SquarePants Factory

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1 The SpongeBob SquarePants Factory
A World Geography or U.S. History Lesson

2 Essential Questions: What was the Industrial Revolution? What is industrialization? How does industrialization benefit me?

3 THE athletic shoe Q & A: How many shoes like this one exist? Is it unique or are there others? Where do you think this shoe was made?   How do you think this shoe was made? Sneaker Image: Child, S. (n.d.). Sneaker. The Noun Project. Retrieved from

4 Create a definition of the word “industrialization”
What does it mean? How does it relate to our discussion about the athletic shoe? Sneaker Image: Child, S. (n.d.). Sneaker. The Noun Project. Retrieved from

5 Scenario: Retro is popular again, especially in cartoon characters like SpongeBob SquarePants. There is a craze for SpongeBob internationally. Many factories have started producing SpongeBob SquarePants products. One company is called The SpongeBob SquarePants Poster Factory. To keep production constant to meet the demand, there are several assembly lines within this factory. To cash in on this craze, there are independent laborers and artists who are also making posters independently of the factory. Isn’t it great! SpongeBob image: RTFEDD's Bucket. (n.d.). Spongebob. Photobucket. Retrieved from 

6 Yellow: Head, arms, and parts of leg Green: All spots on head
Assembly Line Workers: Using the crayon that you have been given, color ONLY the parts of SpongeBob listed. Sit in the order of the colors listed below. Pass the poster on to the next factory worker. The picture should look like the one below. Yellow: Head, arms, and parts of leg Green: All spots on head Brown: Pants and inside of mouth Black: Belt, shoes, stripe on socks Red: Tie, stripe on socks, tongue, and outline cheekbone Blue: Stripe on socks, side of shirt, and rest of eye SpongeBob Image: RTFEDD's Bucket. (n.d.). Spongebob. Photobucket. Retrieved from 

7 Independent Laborers:
You have decided to strike out on your own to make money. You can color either of the following pictures any way you wish. Remember: Quality over quantity!

8 Pair Share Q & A: What are the benefits of mass producing a large number of pictures that all look the same? How does this benefit customers? What is the benefit of having independent laborers use their creativity so they will not make the exact same product? What are the disadvantages of mass producing a product? What are the disadvantages of creating a few products that are not exactly the same? Which do you think might be cheaper to produce?  

9 H Chart Directions With your partner, fill in both legs of the H Chart first. Then decide upon the middle information from what you have learned. H Benefits of Industrialization Disadvantages of Industrialization What’s the impact of Industrialization?

10 Tweet Up What is the most important thing you learned about industrialization? Create a Tweet of 140 characters about what is most important to know. Create a #hashtag that explains your Tweet or is a title for your Tweet.

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