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Orientation to BSW Field practicum Session 4

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation to BSW Field practicum Session 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation to BSW Field practicum Session 4

2 AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Ethical Practice in Field
Small group activity – ethical dilemmas Q & A Session Wrap up and evaluation BSW FIELD PREPARATION SESSION 4

3 What Are Ethics? Moral principles that govern a person’s or groups behaviour The branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles BSW Field Preparation 4

4 Why do social workers need a code of ethics?
BSW Field Preparation Session 4

5 BSW Field Preparation Session 4

6 What do you think this exercise has to do with social work ethics?
Bsw field preparation session 4

7 BSW Field Preparation session 4

8 BSW field preparation session 4

9 Cheryl - community and faith based
Joan to talk about her experiences with student interviews internal to EH and CYFS Cheryl - community and faith based Sheri – rights based BSW Field Preparation session 4

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11 BSW Field preparation session 4

12 Why do Conflicts arise? Social workers face many challenges and dilemmas and therefore must make ethically informed decisions. Some of the problem areas include: Social workers are often in the middle of conflicting interests and have divided loyalties – service users and employers Social workers function as both helpers and controllers Resources in society are limited The conflict between the duty to protect the interests of people with who they work and societal demands for efficiency and utility Bsw field preparation session 4

13 BSW Field preparation session 4

14 BSW Field preparation session 4

15 But what about when your own personal values collide with the professional values?



18 Small Group Activity Each group will be provided with a case study.
Review the case study and identify potential ethical dilemmas and any ideas or suggestions for how to resolve. Discussion concerning ethical considerations for students in relation to the field practicum experience: Social media Office politics and gossip Need to talk about social media and the implications for students and field BSW field preparation session 4

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