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The Years Between the Wars

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1 The Years Between the Wars
What the world looked like

2 Over View Uneasy Peace Plans to help The Hopeful Years
Great Depression Democratic States after the War Rise of Dictators Fascism in Italy A new era in Soviet Union Authoritarian States in the West Hitler and His views Rise of Nazism Victory of Nazism The Nazi State

3 Uneasy Peace Why? New border issues, these issues poisoned relations in Eastern Europe for years Angered Germans who vowed to revise the treaty Weak League of Nations Great idea on paper, had no military power and the US didn’t join the League French Demands Wanted the treaty followed to a T and Demanded the high payments! ($33 billion)

4 Uneasy Peace Trouble in Germany
Germany goes into finical crisis and cannot pay back the debt France decided to occupy the Ruhr Valley, an industrial and mining center of Germany France figured they could make the Germans work for them German’s go on strike, German government pays Germans to stay on strike and that actually inflates the German mark Eventually the German Mark will become worthless Inflation meant the people suffered more

5 Plans to help Dawes Plan Treaty of Locarno
Reduced reparation payments and coordinated Germany's payments with what the nation could afford granted an initial $200 million loan from the US for Germany so it could recovery Opened the door to have American investment in Europe Guaranteed Germany’s Western boarder Created a more cooperative vibe between France, Belgium and Germany

6 Hopeful Years With Germany recovering and the signing of the Treaty of Locarno Hope was for a new Era of Peace in Europe Germany joined the League of Nations in 1926 Kellogg-Braind pact 63 nations signed it “to renounce war as an instrument of national policy” Britain, France Italy, Germany and other small European countries had diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union

7 Great Depression Causes Impact of the Depression
Depression Very low economic activity and high unemployment Two main cause 1. downturn in the economies of nations during the second half the 1920s 2. US investors who put money into Germany start pulling their invests in 1928, after the crash even more $ is pulled out of Europe causing most of Europe to be pulled into the Depression 1932 Worst year of the depression GB 1 in every 4 worker was unemployed GR 40 % of the German labor force was unemployed Increased government activity in the economy Renewed interest in Marxist doctrines Led masses of people to follow political leaders who offered simple solution in return for dictatorships

8 Democratic States after the War
Germany France Weimar Republic was created in 1918 Paul Von Hindenburg was elected president in1925 Not a strong leader Faced serious economic issues Social issues because people lost their jobs, pay and live savings Depression hit and paved the way for fear and the rise of extremist groups Strongest power on the European continent Had so much to rebuild Causing finical issues Depression hits in 1932 During a 19 months period six different cabinets were formed as face faced political chaos Popular Front Communist, socialists and radicals come together to create France’s New Deal

9 Democratic States after the War
Great Britain United States During the war Britain lost many of industrial products to the US and Japan Decline in coal, steel and textiles 1921 2 million Brits were out of work Labour party failed to solve the nations economic issues and the party fell from power Conservatives take the credit for pulling Britain Used balanced budget and protective tariffs Besides Germany the US was the most affected by the great depression US production fell 50% 1933 12 million were unemployed FDR and New Deal created public work programs Built roads, post offices, schools airports, bridges etc. Created social reforms that saved the US form a Social revolution WWII is what finally ended the depression for the US

10 Rise of Dictators 1919 saw a hopeful Europe using democracy as the new government in the newly formed countries 1939 only Two countries France and Great Britain used democracy as a form of government The other European countries due politics, economics and post war life these countries had turned toward dictatorships The new form of a dictatorship wanted to create a modern totalitarian state Government aims to control ALL aspects of their citizens’ lives Control their citizens’ hearts, minds and used mass propaganda and modern communication to achieve these goals Single Party, Single leader

11 Italy and Fascism Mussolini created the first European Fascist movement in Italy. Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler Italy experience the same economic problems as other European countries Industrial and agricultural workers staged strikes 1920 Mussolini creates the black shirts An armed fascists sector that used violence to put down strikes The “blackshirts” get support from the middle- class and working-class

12 Mussolini and Italy 1922- Mussolini movement was growing quickly
Fear of communism and socialism drove the people of Italy to trust and back Mussolini and the Fascist movement Italians wanted the land that they had been promised and Mussolini promised to give it to the people 1922- Italian King to makes Mussolini his prime minister Using his new role Mussolini creates a Fascist dictatorship Using the secret police propaganda and fear Mussolini gets rid of all opposition and controls the people 1926 Mussolini is the only ruler in Italy

13 Soviet Union Lenin dies in 1924
Trotsky vs Stalin The power struggle divides the Bolshevik movement Stalin wins and becomes the sole leader of the Soviet Union Soviet Union constantly struggled to rebound and rebuild Drought, famine and disease kill millions The Economy struggles to come back as well Lenin “New Economic Plan” Stalin “Five-Year Plan”

14 Soviet Union Five Year Plan Staying in Power
Set economic goals Emphasized industrialization and production of capital goods Took a heavy toll on the Russian people Housing, wages and life in general is horrible for most Russians Collectivization a system in which the government took over ownership of private farms and had the peasants work them 1930’s millions of Russians die because of starvation because of this farming process People who resisted Stalin and his government were either murdered or sent to Siberia labor camps Fear tactic of Purges, spared no part of society Overturned social legislation passed in the early 1920s that protected citizens’ rights.

15 Japan Like all the world Japan was hit hard economically in the 1930s
Unique issues because it was an island It lacked ore, oil, rubber and other resources Needed markets beyond Japan for the goods it produced Japanese government decided to expand into Asia to get control of resources and to sell its good 1931- Japanese troops take Manchuria ( Northeast China) China tried to limit the spread of Japanese power But by 1937 China and Japan were fighting a full-scale war 1940 Japan moved farther south into Indochina US warns Japan that if they proceed farther that the US will stop selling Japan oil and scrap iron Japan didn’t retreat…

16 Eastern Europe Struggled just like the rest of Europe
These young countries were hopeful and tried democracies Democracies failed Lower class people were uneducated and lacked the understanding of the role they could play in government Czechoslovakia was the only country that was successful in having a democracy Large middle class Liberal traditions and strong industrial base

17 Spain Spanish military forces revolted against the democratic government in 1936 Leader Francisco Franco Foreign intervention complicated the civil war Italy and Germany aid the military rebels Arms, money and men Hitler tested new weapons here Spanish republican government was aided by forty thousand foreign volunteers and by trucks, planes, tanks and military advisers from the soviet union Civil War ends when rebel forces capture Madrid in 1939 Spanish military leader Francisco Franco became a dictator Favored large landowners, businesspeople and the Catholic Clergy

18 Nazi Germany Germany is in the worst state of all the countries that were involved in the war A republican form of government is put into place Germans are extremely mad and upset about the hand they have been dealt Allows for extremist groups to grow and spread By 1929 the Nazis party was the a national organization and by 1931 it was the largest political party in the Reichstag 1933 the Nazis pressured President Hindenburg to allow Hitler to become chancellor and create a new government Germany’s economic problems were a main cause of how Nazism came to power

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