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SUSE® Cloud The Open Source Private Cloud Solution for the Enterprise

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1 SUSE® Cloud The Open Source Private Cloud Solution for the Enterprise
Name Title

2 Agenda Why Private Cloud? SUSE Cloud Strategy SUSE Cloud Overview
SUSE Cloud Features and Functionality SUSE Cloud Pricing SUSE Cloud Roadmap Appendix

3 Why Private Cloud?

4 Data Center Challenges
Cost pressures Slow Service Delivery Lack of Flexibility Lack of Transparency Too Little Automation

5 Promise of Enterprise Private Cloud Computing
Lower Costs Reduce upfront capital expense Automate to reduce ongoing administration costs Increased Agility Dynamic configuration of IT resources Respond quickly to business demands Self-service provisioning Greater Control and Security Data remains inside the firewall Standard enterprise security

6 SUSE Cloud Strategy

7 Computing Strategy Public Cloud: Private Cloud: Hybrid Cloud:
Broadly deploy SUSE Linux Enterprise Server through SUSE Cloud Service Provider Program Private Cloud: Deliver cloud infrastructure solution powered by OpenStack Hybrid Cloud: Tightly integrate SUSE Studio and SUSE Manager with SUSE Cloud to deliver a platform and tools that enable enterprise hybrid clouds

8 Why OpenStack? Customer demand for an OpenStack solution
Has the greatest industry support and most vibrant community among open source cloud software projects – Essex Release had contributions from 200 developers and 55 companies In the long-run the vibrancy of the community will lead to more rapid innovation than competing projects The formation of the OpenStack Foundation helps to ensure: – Long-term viability of the project – Project's development goals benefit industry and not one vendor

9 SUSE Participation in the OpenStack Project
Committed to joining the OpenStack Foundation as a platinum member, which means we will offer: – Financial support – Engineering support – Legal support (helping to draft the bylaws) Early technical contributions focused on making OpenStack ready for production – Hardening and securing the Essex release – Making deployment and ongoing maintenance easier – Improved Xen Hypervisor support Starting with the Folsom release, SUSE plans to contribute more features and functionality

10 SUSE Cloud Overview

11 Pool of Virtualized Servers (Compute and Storage Nodes)
What is SUSE Cloud? SUSE Cloud is an open source software solution based on the OpenStack project that provides the fundamental capabilities for enterprises to deploy an Infrastructure-as-a-Service Private Cloud End Users APIs Self Service Portal Automated Configuration Optimized Deployment APIs Image Repository Pool of Virtualized Servers (Compute and Storage Nodes)

12 Value Proposition SUSE Cloud provides an automated, flexible private cloud platform that enables enterprises to: – Deploy a secure, compliant and fully supported cloud environment – Seamlessly manage and provision workloads – Improve resource utilization – Speed the delivery of services SUSE Cloud will also: – Decrease future operating and capital costs – Boost the agility of the business – Improve service quality

13 Benefits Automate time-consuming provisioning and retirement processes
Enables the standardization of existing services Improves server utilization rates Reduces VM Sprawl Increases line of business awareness of true cost of computing Reduces manual operating errors and frees IT staff to manage the overall infrastructure and not workloads Allows infrastructure to scale without scaling IT staff Allows enterprises to respond faster to customer demands and capture market opportunities Avoid lock-in at the cloud infrastructure layer

14 Why SUSE Cloud? Enterprise Ready
20 year history of commercializing and supporting open source projects in the enterprise Backed by the excellence of SUSE engineering and award- winning support organization Packaged for enterprise deployments and integrated with SUSE maintenance and lifecycle management Enables enterprises to leverage existing infrastructure, while optimizing current licensing costs Runs on standard hardware SUSE application and hardware certifications Early integration with SUSE Studio and SUSE Manager Makes it easy to build and manage cloud applications for multiple cloud environments – Hybrid Cloud

15 SUSE Cloud Features and Functionality

16 The SUSE Cloud Stack The OpenStack solution consists of a number of sub-projects that are referred to as the OpenStack Core. RackSpace, the original sponsor of OpenStack, defined areas that are not part of OpenStack but are areas of potential enhancements. OpenStack Core: Nova – Creates, controls, and manages virtual machines (similar to EC2) Swift – Cloud object storage (similar to Amazon S3) Glance – Cloud image repository (similar to SUSE Gallery) Dashboard – Web based UI for both administration and end user tasks Keystone – Identity management module There are three areas where SUSE is enhancing OpenStack: 1 – SUSE engineering is in the process of integrating OpenStack components with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Just as we do with Linux, our OpenStack product will benefit from increase levels of integration, QA and security analysis. It is our intent to provide a product that is stable, secure, and easy to install. Note that any improvements or fixes (security or functional) that we make to the code will be contributed back upstream. 2 – Integration with SUSE Manager for monitoring of both physical and virtual SLES images. 3 – Integration with SUSE Studio to facilitate the creation of new or migration of existing workloads to the private cloud. Customers also benefit from the certified ISV applications available on SLES.

17 Key Cloud Features Self-Service Portal Image Repository
Centralized Resource Tracking Rules Based Scheduler Identity and Authentication System Object and Block Storage including Technology Preview of RBD/Rados as an Option

18 The Most Enterprise Ready, Open Source, Private Cloud Solution
Automated install process using Crowbar enables: – Rapid setup and configuration of cloud environment – Easy expansion of cloud environment Multi-Hypervisor support (KVM and Xen) Application and hardware certifications Integrated into existing SUSE product lifecycle processes 24x7, worldwide technical support Architected for unlimited growth Open APIs for integration with third-party software

19 SUSE Cloud Structure Control Node Compute / Storage Node Admin Server
SLES Database Message queue Self-Service Portal Image Repository Centralized Tracking Scheduler Identity and Authentication Storage Cloud Control Compute / Storage Node Admin Server SLES Chef server Crowbar Software mirror TFTP PXE Server SLES Xen or KVM Cloud Compute Storage proxy Crowbar + PXE Boot Customer Center

20 Lifecycle Management Portal
API Web Interface SUSE Studio “Systems Engine” Management Provisioning Monitoring SUSE Manager Workflow Engine Goal: Comprehensive solution for managing the whole lifecycle of Operating Systems and core applications anywhere in the Datacenter or Private or Public Cloud Build with Studio, run in any cloud, including a SUSE private cloud offering, manage and orchestrate with SUSE Manager SUSE Manager engine with API to the Linux Systems Management Engine SUSE Manager UI extends into Portal for your IT organization Workflow engine Private Cloud Datacenter Public Clouds

21 SUSE Cloud Pricing

22 One-year Subscription Prices
SUSE Cloud Administration Server: $10,000 Also includes first SUSE Cloud Control Node Includes SUSE Linux Enterprise Server entitlement Priority support Additional SUSE Cloud Control Nodes: $2,500/control node Used for expansion – customers needs to have SUSE Cloud admin server Priority Support SUSE Cloud Compute/Storage Node: $800/socket-pair Required for every node in the cloud Does not include SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription or entitlement In future will be required to support other hypervisors Customer needs to purchase unlimited VM SKU for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server – can be basic Note: This structure is similar to SUSE Manager SUSE Confidential

23 SUSE Cloud Roadmap

24 Roadmap Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 β 1.0 2.0 SUSE Cloud OpenStack Essex Nova Glance Dashboard Keystone Swift Crowbar Integration Tech Preview RBD/Rados Quantum KVM, Xen SUSE Cloud 1.0 Themes Hardened solution Easy operation Easy installation SUSE Studio/Manager Build, install, manage, and monitor virtual servers SUSE Cloud 2.0 OpenStack Folsom Nova Glance Dashboard Keystone Swift Quantum Themes SUSE Studio/SUSE Manager integration Monitoring Resilient Control Node Stable upgrade KVM, Xen, ESX SUSE intends to provide two releases of our cloud offering in 2012 The first release is based on OpenStack Essex and is in beta test currently, with general availability planned for mid-summer. The focus areas for this release are integration with SUSE Linux Enterprise as the base OS, as well as security testing, installation automation, and integration with the SUSE maintenance and support process. SUSE Studio integration will include the ability to create and launch SLES images directly from Studio into the cloud.. The second release at the end of the year, will be based on OpenStack Folsom. The focus areas for this release will be a robust upgrade process, improved resilience for the control node and additional hypervisor support. Folsom will include a number of new capabilities including a project called Quantum which provides enhanced virtual networking features.

25 Appendix







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