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Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™

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2 Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™
Our higher security encryption boards are our QuikSync™ series. The QuikSync™ series is unique in that the complexity of the encryption and consequently the recovered audio quality is highly adjustable by the programmer.

3 Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™
QuikSync™ boards have the following features on a per channel basis: Fixed – The inversion frequency is programmable and fixed. HOP PTT – The mix frequency is changed with every PTT. Fixed Setup – Allows for auto-de-encrypt of inversion. Hop Fast – Our highest level security.

4 Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™
There are far too many features to list here for our Fast Frequency Hopping Encryption, so, here are a few highlights: 64 bit code keys (results in 18 Quintillion possible keys.) Audible alert on PTT if transmission is encrypted or not. Frequency hops up to 100 times per second. Re-key over the air (OTAR)

5 Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™
There are far too many features to list here for our Fast Frequency Hopping Encryption, so, here are a few highlights: Full MDC-1200 Encode and Decode features built-in. Full GE Star Encode and Decode features built-in. All Features programmable per channel.

6 Cimarron Technologies - Encryption Boards - QuikSync™
QS-5000 – Universal Wire in Board VQS-500 – Vertex Standard Plug-in Board


8 Richard Galvan Sales & Marketing Manager Office: 760-738-3282
Cell: IM: richgee (AOL/Hotmail/Yahoo/MSN)

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