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River Valley Civilizations

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1 River Valley Civilizations
Review Trivia


3 Round 1 – Ancient Egypt QUESTION 1:
Ancient Egypt developed around which river? (yes, I’m starting you out easy…they won’t all be this easy!) ANSWER: The Nile

4 Round 1 – Ancient Egypt QUESTION 2:
Identify 2 pieces of “evidence” that Egyptians believed in an afterlife ANSWER: Pyramids/tombs filled with items; Book of the Dead, Weighing of the Heart

5 Round 1 – Ancient Egypt QUESTION 3:
This event is known as the “Judgment Day” of Egyptian culture ANSWER: Weighing of the heart

6 Round 1 – Ancient Egypt QUESTION 4:
What is the name of the collection of hymns and prayers that were intended to guide Egyptians through the afterlife? ANSWER: Book of the Dead

7 Round 1 – Ancient Egypt QUESTION 5:
What body of water does the Nile River empty into? ANSWER: Mediterranean Sea


9 Round 2 – Ancient Mesopotamia
QUESTION 1: This was the primary purpose/function of Mesopotamian ziggurats ANSWER: Temple/Worship/Sacrifice

10 Round 2 – Ancient Mesopotamia
QUESTION 2: What is the nickname often give to the region that was once home to ancient Mesopotamia and what does it mean? ANSWER: The Fertile Crescent; Area of fertile soil

11 Round 2 – Ancient Mesopotamia
QUESTION 3: This man, the king of Babylon, created the first ever written code of laws ANSWER: Hammurabi

12 Round 2 – Ancient Mesopotamia
QUESTION 4: Mesopotamia’s twin rivers empty into this body of water ANSWER: Persian Gulf

13 Round 2 – Ancient Mesopotamia
QUESTION 5: Ancient Mesopotamia was MOSTLY comprised of which 3 modern countries? ANSWER: Iraq, Syria and Turkey


15 Round 3 – Hinduism & Buddhism
QUESTION 1: This is the principle that dictates how Hindus should live their lives- provides them with the duties of their caste, moral obligations, etc. ANSWER: Dharma

16 Round 3 – Hinduism & Buddhism
QUESTION 2: According to Siddhartha Gautama, what is the cause of human suffering? ANSWER: Selfish Desire

17 Round 3 – Hinduism & Buddhism
QUESTION 3: According to Ancient Hindus, the only way to change your caste, would be to…? ANSWER: Be reincarnated into a higher caste (by doing your dharma and having good karma)

18 Round 3 – Hinduism & Buddhism
QUESTION 4: Identify one major similarity between Hinduism and Buddhism AND one major difference ANSWER: Similarities: reincarnation, dharma, karma, end of reincarnation (moksha/nirvana) Differences: Belief in the caste system, Buddhist don’t believe in Hindu gods

19 Round 3 – Hinduism & Buddhism
QUESTION 5: Hindus believe in a world soul/divine essence that is found in every living thing and can be worshiped in many ways. What is this called? ANSWER: Brahman


21 Round 4 – Ancient India QUESTION 1:
Indian civilization developed along these two rivers ANSWER: Indus and Ganges Rivers

22 Round 4 – Ancient India QUESTION 2:
Chandragupta Maurya is known for doing this for this accomplishment in India ANSWER: Politically unifying it under one rule

23 Round 4 – Ancient India QUESTION 3:
This man converted to Buddhism and was instrumental in spreading it throughout India and into other parts of Asia ANSWER: Asoka

24 Round 4 – Ancient India QUESTION 4:
What were Asoka’s Rock Edicts and what were their purpose? ANSWER: Laws carved on rocks & pillars; Spread Buddhist values of concern for all people

25 Round 4 – Ancient India QUESTION 5:
Identify 3 achievements in math during India’s “Golden Age” ANSWER: Algebra, Infinity & Zero, Value of Pi, Arabic Numerals


27 Round 5 – Ancient China QUESTION 1:
Chinese civilization developed along these two rivers ANSWER: Huang He (Yellow) and Chiang Jiang (Yangtze)

28 Round 5 – Ancient China QUESTION 2:
This is the idea that a dynasty’s right to rule is handed down from the gods ANSWER: Mandate of Heaven

29 Round 5 – Ancient China QUESTION 4:
This explains the rise, height and fall of the Chinese dynasties ANSWER: Dynastic Cycle


31 Round 6 – Miscellaneous QUESTION 1:
Mandarins, or Chinese civil servants, must pass exams based on the teachings of this philosophy ANSWER: Confucianism

32 Round 6 – Miscellaneous QUESTION 4: Significance of the Hebrew people
ANSWER: First Monotheistic Religion

33 Round 6 – Miscellaneous QUESTION 5:
List the River Valley Civilizations from WEST to EAST ANSWER: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley (India), Huang He Valley (China)

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