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Poolside Alarm Jay Bombien – BSEE Darren Pallesen- BSEE

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Presentation on theme: "Poolside Alarm Jay Bombien – BSEE Darren Pallesen- BSEE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poolside Alarm Jay Bombien – BSEE Darren Pallesen- BSEE
Lead Report Manager Darren Pallesen- BSEE Lead Project Integrator Louis Chatfield- BSEE Lead Presentation Manager Peter Brunner- BSEE Lead System Designer Milja Cumbo- BSEE Lead Manufacturing Mgr

2 Major Functions and Features
Monitor a pool for potential hazardous situations Loud audible alarms when a child falls in unnoticeably Features: Outdoor unit will display water temp, air temp, and low battery indicator Solar cells on poolside unit to keep outdoor battery charged User Control On/Off

3 Poolside Alarm The device will monitor a pool for potential hazardous situations. (i.e. child falling in) Indoor unit will display water temp, air temp, and low battery indicator. Wireless home receiver and display unit with loud audible signal. Solar cells on poolside unit to keep outdoor battery charged.

4 Similar Existing Product
Poolside Alarm Similar Existing Product

5 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Louis Peter Jay Darren Milja Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Air / Water Sensor Alarm RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

6 Standard Requirements
System Standard Requirements: Market: Est. Total Market Size $1,000,000 Est. Annual Vol ,000 Min. List Price $250 Manufacturing: Min. Total Parts Count Max. Unique Parts Count Max. Parts & Materials Cost $175 Max. MFG Assembly / Test Cost $50 Life Cycle: Est. Max. Production Lifetime years Product Life Reliability in MTBF years Full Warranty Period days

7 Standard Requirements
Power Sources Indoor: Source(1): 120Vac 108V to 138V Frequency Range: Hz AC Power Dissipation: mW Plugs: Type B (Flat blades with round grounding pin) 2.1 mm male-to-female DC Plug Source(2): 3AA 3.9V to 4.8V Battery Power: mAh Outdoor: Source(1): Solar Cell V to 16.2V Source(2): 8AA V to 12.6V Battery Power mAh Max. Total Power W

8 Performance Requirements
Mechanical: Max. Product Vol ,000 Max. Shipping Container Vol ,000 Max. Product Mass kg Max. # of boards Max. Total PCB Area cm2 Max. Shock Force Indoor G’s Outdoor G’s Max. Shock Repetitions / Year Environmental: Operating Ambient Temp. Range °C to 50° Operating Ambient Humidity Range %Rh to 100%Rh Operating Altitude Range to 1.5 ATM Storage Ambient Temp. Range °C to 80°C Storage Ambient Humidity Range %Rh to 100%Rh Storage / Shipping Altitude Range m to 3000m Max Storage Duration 3 years

9 Safety Standards UL 464 - Audible Signal Appliances
Electrically and electronically operated bells, buzzers, horns, and similar audible signal appliances intended for indoor or outdoor locations. UL Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Flat-plate photovoltaic modules used as either freestanding or attached to buildings PS , Provisional Specification for Pool Alarms Alarms sound at poolside and in adjacent buildings when a minimum weight of 18 lbs hits the water. Alarms sound at poolside and in adjacent buildings that a minimum sound of 80dB at 100ft is possible IEC Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices

10 Key Risk Areas Developing and implementing a wave sensor could be very complicated Not much market on workable child safety poolside devices Difficulty to present prototype. Sensor Interfacing Power Supply interfacing with step-down transformer Outdoor product requiring waterproofing Needs to be near foolproof, should not go off with falling branches, excessive wind, etc.

11 EMC Standard Summary Table
US/FCC: 47 CFR 15 - Radio Frequency Devices 47 CFR 18 - Industrial Scientific and Medical Equipment EMC Part 3: Limits - Section 3: low-voltage supplies <16A EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 2: ESD immunity tests EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 3: Radiated radiofrequency immunity EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 6: Conducted radiofrequency immunity EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations CISPR: 11 Limits and methods of measurement for Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment 16 Specifications for Radio Interference Measuring Apparatus and Measurement Methods 22 Limits and Methods of Measurements of Radio Interference of Information Equipment

12 Design Plan Summary Total Manpower Total Material Cost
Estimated: 1750 hrs Available: 975 hrs Total Material Cost Estimated: $337 Available: $350 Percentage of total manpower System Design Tasks: 15% Detailed Design Tasks: 35% Verification Tasks: 15% Documentation Tasks: 35%

13 Prototype Summary Slide
Total # of bds 8 bds – 1 for Each Block Total PCB area (cm2) B1(40), B2(65), B3(40), B4(50), B5(50), B6(40), B7(50), B8(90) Total = 425 Technology: Perfboard, PCB, Breadboard Soldering & Wirewrap

14 Gantt Chart

15 Outdoor Power Supply Peter Brunner

16 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Peter Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

17 Functional Purpose To receive Infra red rays from the sun
to charge the solar panels To recharge the battery through a regulator when it loses 10% of its power. To output the required regulated voltage for the other block power inputs

18 Performance Requirements
Electrical Interfaces: Signal Type: Power. Power Consumption: 2W Signal Direction: Input / Output. Battery Type: 8AA Output Voltage: Nominal: 3.3 Range: 3-3.6 Nominal: 12 Range: Nominal: 9 Range: Output Current max. : 1 A Input Voltage: Nominal: Range: 13.3 – 16.4 Input Current max: 120 mA Safety Standard: UL Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels EMC Standard: EMC : Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supplies <16A

19 Standard Requirements
Mechanical Block cost <$65 Parts count <15 Unique parts count <6 PCB Area cm2 Environment: Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Operating humidity 0 to 100% Life Cycle Reliability MTBF years R(1 warranty) % Disposal Throw away Percent Allocations % of cost 10% of parts 9% of PCB area

20 Block Assignment Sun Charging Circuit Battery Switching Regulator
15.4V 12V Charging Circuit Battery Switching Regulator 3.3V 9V Other Blocks

21 Electrical Interfaces

22 Parts Count Reliability
Total Fits = , Total MTBF (yrs) = 237.3 R(30 day warranty) = e^(-0.8/237.3) * 100% = 99.7% Dominant Failure part is the Flexible Solar Panel. Not much can be done to improve this part for higher reliability.

23 Prototype Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB
Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Outdoor Power Supply 200 40 Perfboard Solder Switching regulators 6 AA Battery Clip

24 Indoor Power Supply Jay Bombien

25 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Jay Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

26 Block Description and Purpose:
Indoor Power Supply Block Description and Purpose: Electrical device that will transform the standard wall electricity (AC) to lower voltages (DC). The DC voltage will power the indoor control panel, RF transceiver, and the alarm. Will charge the battery unit used as the backup power system.

27 Standard Requirements
Indoor Power Supply Standard Requirements Block cost <$25 Parts count <18 Unique parts count <8 PCB Area cm2 Power consumption 3 W Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Reliability MTBF years Operating humidity 0 to 100% Disposal Throw away Percent Allocation: Cost: 10.0% Parts: 11.25% PCB: %

28 Performance Requirements
Indoor Power Supply Performance Requirements * Electrical Interfaces: Signal Type: Power Signal Direction: Input / Output. Output Voltage: Nominal: 3.3 VDC (Range: 3.0 – 3.6 VDC) V-Ripple max. : mV Output Current max. : 1 A Input Voltage: Nominal: 120 VAC (Range: VAC) Input Current max: A Safety Standard: IEC : Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices EMC Standard: EMC Standard: EMC : Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage supplies <16A

29 Indoor Power Supply Alarm AC/DC Converter Block DC Regulator Circuit
Battery Charger Circuit Converter/Charger Switch Alarm Battery DC Regulator Circuit Indoor MPU and Display

30 Signal Input/Output Summary
Indoor Power Supply Signal Input/Output Summary

31 Indoor Power Supply Prototyping Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2)
Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Indoor Power Supply 90 65 Perfboard Solder None 2.1mm male/female

32 Block Parts Count Reliability
Indoor Power Supply Block Parts Count Reliability Total FITs: Total MTBF (years): 7.8 The MOS Digital ICs are most unreliable R = 90.25%

33 Indoor MPU and Display Darren Pallesen

34 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Darren Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

35 Indoor MPU and Display Block Description
Allows user to turn the unit on/off. Also allows user to deactivate both alarms from inside. Receives signals from the transceiver (alarm activated, alarm deactivated from outside, outdoor unit power off, and low battery). Transfers signals to alarm (activate/deactivate). Sends signals to the indoor display unit for user visibility (power on, low battery, alarm activated).

36 Indoor MPU and Display Performance Requirements
User Indicators and Displays: Indicator Parameters: Power On, Outdoor Unit Power Off, Low Battery, Alarm Activated. Indicator Color and Type: Amber LED, Green LED, Green LED, Red LEDs. Indicator Viewing Environment: Indoor Lighting, Complete Darkness. Electrical Interfaces: Power Consumption: 1 W Signal Types: DC Power, Digital. Signal Directions: Input, Bi-Directional, Output. Input Nominal Voltage: 3.3 VDC Range: 3.0 VDC – 3.3 VDC Input Current Max: 24 mA Output Nominal Voltage: 3.3 VDC Range: 3.0 VDC – 3.3 VDC Output Current Max: 24 mA EMC Standard: EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 2: ESD immunity tests

37 Indoor MPU and Display Standard Requirements
Mechanical: Block Cost < $25 Parts Count < 16 Unique Parts Count < 5 PCB Area cm2 Environmental: Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Operating humidity 0 to 100% Life Cycle: MTBF(years) years R(warranty) % Disposal Throw away Percent Allocation: Block Cost 10% of Total Parts Count 10% of Total PCB Area 9% of Total

38 Indoor MPU and Display Block Detail
Alarm Turn-Off User Control Power Supply Power On / Off 3.3V Alarm Activated MPU RF Transceiver Alarm Turn-Off Alarm On / Off Low Battery Alarm Outdoor Unit Power Off Alarm Turn-Off Outdoor Unit Off Digital Signals Low Battery Alarm Activated Power On Analog Signals Display (LED Indicators)

39 Indoor MPU and Display Electrical Interfaces
Power Signals Type Direction Voltage Voltage Range Freq Freq Range % V-Reg V-Ripple Current Nominal Min Max Outdoor Supply DC Power Input 3.3V 3.0V 3.6V DC N/A +/-9% 0.1V 260mA Digital Signals Type Dir Output Input Tech Freq Logic Input Characteristics Output Characteristics Str. Nom. Voltage Vih Min Iih Max ViL Max IiL Max Voh Min Ioh Max VoL Max IoL Max Sensors from RF Digital Bidir Tri Std CMOS 2.0Mhz 3V 2.0V 5uA 0.8V -5uA 2.4V -24mA 0.5V 24.0mA MPU to Display N/A 3.0V MPU to Siren User Input

40 Indoor MPU and Display Parts Count Reliability Estimation
Component Description Qty Base l FITs Max Rated Temp Co (Tr) Max Oper Temp Co (Ta) Max Rated Voltage (Vr) Max Oper Voltage (Va) pT pV pE pQ Total l M4A3 64/32-10 JC CPLD 1 31 150 70 4.5 3.6 1.999 7.389 1.000 1.250 TTL Clock 13.3 40 15 3.394 0.186 Capacitor 2 1.2 125 100 1.201 0.140 LED 6 25 4 2.1 0.884 0.409 Resistor 10 200 0.138  Total 16 Total 621.57 MTBF(years) = R(30 day warranty) = e^-(0.8 / ) = = 99.57% The dominant part for unreliability is the CPLD chip. Not much can be done to improve the reliability of this part because of the amount of gates in the IC.

41 Indoor MPU and Display Block Prototyping Plan Template
Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Component Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Indoor MPU and Display 75 40 PCB, Perfboard Solder ICs, Lattice Chip 2.1mm male/female connector

42 Wave Sensor Jay Bombien

43 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Jay Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

44 Block Description and Purpose:
Wave Sensor Block Description and Purpose: Sensing unit that will detect the presence of wave motion in the pool. This signal will be passed through an A/D converter and then on to the RF transceiver.

45 Standard Requirements
Wave Sensor Standard Requirements Block cost <$20 Parts count <12 Unique parts count <2 PCB Area cm2 Power consumption <2.25 W Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Reliability MTBF years Operating humidity 0 to 100% Disposal Throw away Percent Allocation: Cost: 8.0% Parts: 7.5% PCB: %

46 Performance Requirements
Wave Sensor Performance Requirements * Electrical Interface: Signal Type: Power. Signal Direction: Input Input Nominal Voltage: 9 VDC (Range: 8.1 – 9.9 VDC) Input Current max: 0.5 A * Data Interface: Signal Type: Digital Signal Direction: Output Input Nominal Voltage: 1.4 VDC (Range: 0.8 – 2.0 VDC) Input Current max: 5 uA EMC Standard: EMC Part 3: Limits - Section 3: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supplies <16A EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations

47 Wave Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Outdoor Power Supply
Oscillator Circuit Voltage Comparator RF Transceiver Wave Sensing Unit Data Lines Power Lines

48 Signal Input/Output Summary
Wave Sensor Signal Input/Output Summary

49 Wave Sensor Prototyping Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB
Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Water Sensor 50 30 Perfboard Solder None

50 Block Parts Count Reliability
Wave Sensor Block Parts Count Reliability Total FITs: Total MTBF (years): 9.9 The MOS Digital ICs are most unreliable R = 92.24%

51 Air & Water Temp Sensor Peter Brunner

52 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Peter Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

53 Function To measure the current pool water and outdoor air temperature
To convert the temperature into a positive digital voltage to be sent to the MPU with an accuracy of ±3C (max) over a range of 5C to 55C

54 Performance Requirements
Voltage Power Consumption: <5 W Supply = 3.3V ± 10% Output = 3.3 V high, 0V low A/D converter: 8-bit. Input = 0 – Vac Current Output < 25 mA Accuracy ±3C over full range .195C / bit EMC Standard: EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques for ESD immunity tests

55 Standard Requirements
Mechanical Block cost <$35 Parts count <25 Unique parts count <8 PCB Area cm2 Environment: Operating temperature range Water 5 to 55 C Air 5 to 55C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Operating humidity 0 to 100% Life Cycle Reliability MTBF years R(1 Warranty) % Disposal Throw away Percent Allocations % of cost 16% of parts 12% of PCB area

56 Block Assignment 3.3 V Power Supply Temp Sensors Low-Pass Filter
(Passive) Amplifier A/D converter 8-Bit Data Lines Power Lines RF Transceiver

57 Electrical Interfaces

58 Parts Count Reliability
Total Fits = 282.7, Total MTBF (yrs) = 403.5 R(30 day warranty) = e^(-0.8/403.5) * 100% = 99.8% Dominant Failure part are the CMOS A/D converters. Not much can be done to improve these.

59 Prototype Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB
Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Air / Water Temp Sensor 100 50 Perfboard Solder Wire wrap None

60 Motion Sensor Louis Chatfield

61 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Louis Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

62 Function This block utilizes a passive motion IR motions signal which is when tripped by a person near a pool. IR sensor detects body heat from a human sends a signal The motion sensor sends a digital signal to the Outdoor MPU. Once the Outdoor MPU receives this signal, it triggers the indoor and outdoor alarms.

63 Performance Requirements
Power Inputs DC Power 10 – 13 VDC Current Draw <= 17 mA Coverage Wide Angle 40 ft x 40 ft (12m x 12m) Actual Beam Coverage: 40 ft x 20 ft (12m x 6m) Electrical Interfaces Digital input from motion sensor Digital signal is conveyed the outdoor MPU Safety Standards: UL 508C – Power Conversion Equipment UL 2017 – General Purpose Signaling Devices and Systems IEC – Electro Static Discharge

64 Standard Requirements
Mechanical Block cost <$30 % Cost Allocation 20% Parts count <25 Unique parts count <5 PCB Area cm2 Environment: Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Operating humidity 0 to 100% Life Cycle Reliability MTBF years Disposal Throw away


66 Signal Input/Output Summary
PWR Signal Type Direction Nom Vol. Voltage Range Min Max Freq Freq Range Min Max %V-reg Max V-ripple Curr. Motion Sensor DC / DIG Output 3.3 3 3.6 DC N/A .05 .1 V 17 mA

67 Parts Count Reliability Estimation

68 Prototyping Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB
Substrate Type Component Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Motion Sensor (IR) Block 6 155 60 Breadboard/ Perfboard Spring Loaded Connection/ Solder IC socket N/A

69 RF Transceiver Milja Cumbo

70 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Milja Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

71 RF Transceiver Block Purpose and Description
To process and control data from sensors, power supplies, and switches To transmit and receive data between outdoor and indoor units Block Description Read input digital signals from sensors into the Outside Controler Send processed data to the Outdoor Transceiver Control push button switch with debounce component and ESD protection Send processed digital signal to the Transceiver Send/Receive wireless signal to/from the Transceiver Send/Receive the data signal to/from the Indoor Controler

72 RF Transceiver Product Performance Requirements
Electrical Interfaces: Different Signal types: Digital, DC Power Supply. Different Signal Directions: Input, Output, Bi Directional Input Current max: 24 mA Output Nominal Voltage: 3.3 VDC Output Current max: 24 mA

73 RF Transceiver Product Safety Requirements
UL Audible Signal Appliances Electrically and electronically operated bells, buzzers, horns, and similar audible signal appliances intended for indoor or outdoor locations.

74 RF Transceiver Product Standard Requirements
Block cost <$40 Parts count <20 Unique parts count <5 PCB Area cm2 Power consumption <5W Operating temperature range 5 0C to 55 0C Storage temperature range C to 65 0C Reliability MTBF yrs. Operating humidity 0 to 100 % Disposal Discard

75 EMC Standards Summary US/FCC: 47 CFR 15 - Radio Frequency Devices CFR 18 - Industrial Scientific and Medical Equipment EMC Part 3: Limits - Section 3: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supplies <16A EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 2: ESD immunity tests EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 3: Radiated radiofrequency immunity tests EMC Part 4: Test/measurement techniques - Section 6: Conducted Radiofrequency immunity tests CISPR: 11 Limits and methods of measurement for Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment 16 Specifications for Radio Interference Measuring Apparatus and Measurement Methods Limits and Methods of Measurements of Radio Interference of Information Technology Equipment

76 RF Transceiver Block Diagram
digital signals digital signals Alarm Activated Alarm Deactivated Low Battery Power ON/OFF Alarm Deactivated From Inside Water Sensor Motion Sensor Outside Controller AirTemp.Sensor WaterTemp Sensor Power ON/OFF Low Battery Outdoor Transceiver Indoor Transceiver Outdoor Antenna Indoor Antenna

77 RF Transceiver Input/Output
Digital Signals Type Direction In Out Tech Freq.Nom Logic V Water Sensor Digital Input Std CMOS 2.0 MHz 3V Motion Sensor Air Temp. Water Temp. Power ON/OFF BiDir Low Battery Sensors to Indoor MPU Output Alarm Activated Alarm Deactivated

78 RF Transceiver Input/Output contd.

79 RF Transceiver Input/Output contd.
Type Dir V- Nom Voltage Range Frequency %V- Reg Ripple Current min max DC Power Indoor Input 3.3V 3.0 V 3.6 V N/A +/-9V 100 mV 100 mA Outdoor 100mA

80 RF Transceiver Parts Count Reliability
Component Description Qty Base l FITs Max Rated Temp Co (Tr) Max Oper Temp Co (Ta) Max Rated Voltage (Vr) Max Oper Voltage (Va) pT pV pE pQ Total l Metal Film Resistor Indoor 1 0.2 105 65 250 10 4.678 0.141 1.000 1.250 Metal Film Resistor Outdoor 3 2.555 0.223 5.000 Electrolytic Capacitor 1.2 150 M4A3 64/32-10JC CPLD 31 70 4.5 3.6 1.999 7.389 Inductor 125 100 15 0.161 MOS Dig IC < 1000 gates Indoor 13.3 85 MOS Dig IC < 1000 gates Outdoor 7.973 3.000 Switch 20 12 0.148 Total 21 The most unreliable part is Mos Dig IC <1000 gates( ). The number of the gates cannot change.

81 RF Transceiver Block Prototyping Plan
Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed components Types of connectors RF transceiver 80 50 PCB, Perfboard Solder ICs, Lattice Chip PCB mount, male/ female connector

82 Alarms Louis Chatfield

83 Poolside Alarm Block Assignment
Louis Outdoor Indoor Power Supply Power Supply Alarm Air / Water Sensor RF Transceiver Wave Sensor Indoor MPU and Display Motion Sensor Data Lines Power Lines Alarm

84 Functionality Purpose: To sound an alarm. Description:
Siren/horn produces a high decibel audible sound (at least 100 dB) Siren/horn needs to notify the surrounding area there is a possibility of a child jumping into an unsupervised pool.

85 Performance Requirements
Power Inputs DC Power 2.55 – 3.3 VDC Current Draw <= 0.7 A Output Max 101 dB at 10 feet Electrical Interfaces Digital output is sent from Indoor MPU Digital signal is amplified via audio amplifier, which is sent to the siren/horn Safety Standard: UL Audible Signal Appliances UL 1492 – Audio-Video Products and Accessories IEC Electro Static Discharge Immunity

86 Standard Requirements
Mechanical Block cost <$10 % Cost Allocation ~7% Parts count <10 Unique parts count <3 PCB Area cm2 Environment: Operating temperature range 5 to 55 C Storage temperature range -20C to 65C Operating humidity 0 to 100% Life Cycle Reliability MTBF years Disposal Throw away


88 Signal Input/Output Summary
PWR Signal Type Direction Nom Vol. Voltage Range Min Max Freq Freq Range Min Max %V-reg Max V-ripple Current Alarm DC Input 9 8.2 9.8 N/A .05 .25 0.5A

89 Count Reliability Estimation

90 Prototyping Plan Block Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB
Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Alarm 165 40 Breadboard/Perfboard Spring Loaded Connection/ Solder IC Socket N/A

91 Project Reliability Rollup

92 Reliability Assessment
F(w) = 0.04 = 4% failures within the warranty period of 30 days. R(w) = 0.96 = 96% reliability within the warranty period. To get a reliability of R(w) = 99%, we found that we had to reduce our warranty to t = 0.02 or 7 days. Our group decided to stick with the 30 day warranty so that consumers would have more confidence in our product.

93 Reliability Summary Most Unreliable Parts Improvements
CPLD NPN Phototransistor LM 555 IC Relay LM 3909 IC Electrolytic Outdoor Capacitor Mos Dig IC < 1000 Gates – Outdoor Photovoltaic Cells Improvements Can research and maybe choose better qualified parts for low reliability components Could buy higher efficient components, but would be much more costly. Protect against voltage and current swings so parts do not get close to their max ratings.

94 Reliability Growth Plan - Outside
Stress 24 Hour Model 10 Year Model Accelerated Stress Model Accelerated 1 Cycle Time Acceleration Factor Max Input Voltage 9.6V 9.6 N/A Number of Power Cycles 0.1 100 Thermal Range 20C – 45C 20C-45C Number of Thermal Cycle 1 720 Max Shock Grms 10 Number of Shock Cycles 150 - We are probably not going to test these prototypes for these types of tests except the input voltage cycles. We will probably test all prototypes for this. The other requires an environmental chamber and the G-force one could be destructive.

95 Reliability Growth Plan - Outside
Stress 24 Hour Model 10 Year Model Accelerated Stress Model Accelerated 1 Cycle Time Acceleration Factor Max Input Voltage 4.8 N/A Number of Power Cycles 0.1 100 Thermal Range 15C – 30C 15C –30C Number of Thermal Cycle 0.2 350 Max Shock Grms 50 Number of Shock Cycles 300 - We are probably not going to test these prototypes examples for these types of tests except the input voltage cycles. We will probably test all prototypes for this. The other requires an environmental chamber and the G-force one could be destructive.

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