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INTRODUCTION: An Age of Accelerating Connections

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1 INTRODUCTION: An Age of Accelerating Connections
PERIOD 3 (600CE-1450)

2 The End of the Classical Era 
Between CE many of the classical states and civilizations of the world experienced severe disruption, decline or collapse: Han Dynasty (China) Roman Empire (Europe) Gupta (India) Also… Meroe (Nubia) Axum (South of Nubia in Axum) Maya (will study soon) Teotihuacan (will study soon)

Han Rome Political Ineffectiveness Inflation, empire too large to govern, corruption, overspending High turn-over, inflation, empire too large to govern, corruption, overspending Inability to push back invaders Xiongnu Huns, Germanic tribes Peasant Unrest High taxes, unfair land distribution High taxes, latifundia, slavery Revolution/Civil War Wang Mang, Daoism promotes Yellow Turban Uprising Peasant revolts Collapse Generals usurp power and form independent states Foreign Germanic mercenaries depose emperor after Rome is split in two (West/East) Year 220CE 476CE

4 Compare/Contrast FALL OF INDIA
Maurya Gupta Political Ineffectiveness Decentralized government, bureaucracy cost more than state income, inflation Decentralized government, costly wars defending empire, disputes within royal family Invaders NA White Huns* Peasant Unrest Revolution/Civil War Rajput fight for power* Rajput break away Collapse Independent kingdoms break away Year 184BCE c. 550CE

5 New Period BEGINS! Also Known As….
Post-Classical Medieval Middle Ages **Third Wave Civilizations** (600CE-1450CE)

6 Patterns of TWC Each TWC was culturally unique but (like their predecessors) they featured states, cities, specialized economic roles, sharp class and gender distinctions. One of the largest TWC will be Islam! All TWCs borrowed heavily from their predecessors.

7 TWC Patterns continued…
Older/classical civilizations persist or are reconstructed Byzantine Empire (Eastern half of Rome) China – Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties India – Hinduism persists Sub-Saharan Africa - Ghana, Mali, Songhai sustain long distance trade (Niger River civilizations) Mesoamerica/Andes – Aztecs, Incas

8 TWC Patterns continued…
Trade continues to unite Afro-Eurasia Silk Road expands throughout Asia Trans-Saharan trade expands in West Africa Maritime – Indian Ocean/East Africa, Mediterranean, East China Sea NEW TRADE CITIES DEVELOP! (Trade goods, religions, and germs… Oh my!)


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