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Responding to an Onsite Visit

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1 Responding to an Onsite Visit
2017 AHMA Conference Responding to an Onsite Visit

2 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance
Onsite Visits of the Commission's multifamily tax credit and tax-exempt bond properties are currently conducted by U.S. Inspection Group, Inc (USIG) USIG will notify the owner and property manager via about 2-4 weeks before the proposed inspection date. Reply to USIG if you need to change the date. 48-hour notice - Written notice of unit inspections to all households is required at least 48 hours prior to the inspection date.

3 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance
USIG will confirm their approximate time of arrival a few days prior to the inspection by or phone. What to expect on the day of inspection – USIG will provide the property manager with the WSHFC Unit Selection, and a copy of the WSHFC Onsite Questionnaire. The USIG rep will inspect the selected units, common areas, bldg exteriors, bldg systems, and the site. Any Health and Safety deficiencies will be noted seperately and may require a 24-hour response by management.

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12 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance

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21 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance
Post-inspection: Your PA sends the Property manager an Excel grid of deficiencies noted at the inspection, and HFC Inspection Certification form. When returning your response to WSHFC's deficiency notice, please provide the signed certification and any back-up documents (copies of maintenance work orders, vendor invoices, etc.).  WSHFC is happy to accept inspection responses (including documents) via . , which the owner or property representative can sign off on to confirm that all deficiencies are fixed.

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The Onsite Grid

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25 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance
USIG sends notification to PM WSHFC sends grid to PM WSHFC sends 0-10 Days 1-4+ Weeks 2-4 Weeks 2-4 Weeks Inspection Date PM sends Cert copies & Questionnaire to WSHFC PM returns completed Grid & OS Cert to WSHFC

26 WSHFC Asset Management & Compliance
What about properties with multiple funders? WSHFC will continue to work with our funding partners to minimize multiple inspections each year for the same property.  Where we can confirm that another funder is inspecting a property, we will not ask USIG to inspect the same property in the same year.  If you have received confirmation from another funder that an inspection is taking place at your property, and USIG contacts you for an inspection, please immediately Melissa Donahue, Asset Management & Compliance Division Manager.


28 Recap: USIG Notice Perform pre-inspections if you haven’t done it lately Routine Maintenance – train staff to look for issues Available Staff – have enough staff on hand to address immediate concerns Complete the Questionnaire and return to WSHFC Portfolio Analyst with copies of resident certifications Complete the Onsite Certification & Deficiency Grid and return with copies of w completed Work Orders, Invoices, etc Contact your WSHFC Portfolio Analyst with any questions or concerns Clinton Sims, Coast Mgmt, Meadows 1, 2 & 3, Owner: Everett HA

29 Questions and Discussion…

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