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Phonology Indah Lestari.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonology Indah Lestari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonology Indah Lestari

2 What is Phonology? The study of how speech sounds form patterns.
It refers both to the linguistic knowledge that speakers have about the sound patterns of their language and to the description of that knowledge that linguists try to produce. Knowledge of phonology determines how we pronounce words and the parts of words we call morphemes (phonological inventory)

3 Inventory of phones

4 Phonetic and Phonemic Feature
Phonetic feature is every natures of a phoneme such as bilabial, voiced, rounded, etc. Phonemic feature is the feature that distinguishes one phoneme from another, hence one word from another, such as voicing, and suprasegmental/prosodic features (length, pitch, loudness, stress, intonation).

5 Complimentary Distribution
Two variants of phoneme (or letter) which do not appear in the same environment. Peter Parker is Spiderman peTer pArker IS spiderMan There two kinds of complimentary distribution: distinctive and non-distinctive Distinctive one is minimal pair Non-distinctive ones are allophone and allomorph

6 Minimal Pair Two words with different meanings that are identical except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in each word. Cat and cap Big and pig Grab and crab Cat and cut

7 Allophone Sound corresponding to the phoneme in various environment.
Allophone does not change the meaning of words containing the phoneme For example, aspirated /p/ and unaspirated /p/ in English Pit For example, sound /ʊ/ and /ᴐ/ in Indonesian Telur – telor Kunci – konci

8 Exercise Are /t/ and /d/ different phonemes, or are they allophones of the same phoneme?

9 Allomorph Variation in pronouncing a morpheme in a certain phoneme environment without changing the meaning. Boys /bᴐɪz/ Tips /tɪps/ Roses /rəʊzəz/

10 Phonological Rules Assimilation rule Dissimilation rule Epenthesis
Silent letter Metathesis

11 Syllable (σ) are the rime
A phonological unit composed of one or more phonemes. Every sillable has a nucleus, which is usually a vowel. A nucleus is preceded by an onset, and followed by a coda. The nucleus and the coda constitute the subsyllabic unit called a rime. For example Jill /dʒɪl/ /dʒ/ is the onset /ɪ/ is the nucleus /l/ is the coda are the rime

12 Exercise Girls Snow Laugh Come Fall Kick Crown

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