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Diagnosis & Treatment of PMS

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1 Diagnosis & Treatment of PMS
19 October 2011 Lizzie Eley

2 Diagnosis Symptoms that may suggest diagnosis

3 Diagnosis- Symptoms Physical and psychological, second half of the
menstrual cycle (luteal phase), interfering with the woman's life Abdominal bloating- 90% of PMS, Breast tenderness & headaches >50% of PMS 30% to 95% of menstruating women PMS symptoms Symptom free interval in the follicular phase (relieved within 4 days of onset of menses and without recurrence until at least cycle day 12).

4 Differential Diagnoses...........
What do you want to exclude? Would you do any investigations?

5 Cause unknown, normal concentrations of serum oestrogen and progesterone? abnormal response to hormone changes U&E’s, FBC, TSH if cycles irregular <25 or > 36/7 FSH, LH, prolactin women >40 yrs, consider perimenopause Screen for underlying depression

6 Treatments Do you know of any? medical, alternative

7 Treatments Efficacy SSRI’s(unlicenced) (Alprazolam- anxiolytic)
(Agents that suppress ovulation: GnRH agonists &Danazol) Possible efficacy Oral contraceptives Vitamin supplements No Evidence of Efficacy Progesterone Diuretic Dietary restrictions Exercise

8 SSRI’s- Systematic reviews
Fluoxetine 20 mg/day - 60 to 75% Sertraline mg/day, Paroxetine mg/day, Citalopram mg/day Venlafaxine mg/day (Selective Serotonin & Noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor) more effective than placebo Luteal phase therapy — start on day 14, discontinue at onset of menses. Effective, less expensive, fewer side effects, but may need higher doses & ? smaller effect Others–TCA’s, MAOI’s & lithium not effective

9 Possible Efficacy Oral Contraceptive Yasmin Progestagen = drospirenone
4/7 pill-free interval, instead of 7/7 more effective than placebo for symptom relief in women with severe PMS (PMDD) 2 placebo controlled trials & 1 meta analysis

10 Agnus castus fruit extract The chasteberry tree
Vitex agnus castus Native Mediterranean plant , history of use in folk medicine for women Effects pituitary function, antagonizes prolactin and has progesterone-like effects. May stimulate (LH) and inhibit (FSH) Placebo-controlled trial of 170 women - significant decrease in irritability, anger, headache, and breast fullness -No differences in adverse events -herbal preparations are not regulated

11 Vitamin supplements and diet
Variable data quality vitamin B6 up to 100 mg/day calcium 600 mg bd magnesium mg tds Complex carbohydrate-rich beverage – increases the availability of the amino acid, tryptophan - this is actively transported into the CNS & is the rate limiting step in serotonin synthesis

Progesterone —no more effective than placebo in most studies and systematic reviews Dietary and vitamin supplements -evening primrose oil, essential free fatty acids, and ginkgo biloba extract

13 Any Questions???

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