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Introduction to Feedlots

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1 Introduction to Feedlots

2 Steers/heifers/mixed Varying history
pounds 6-17 months of age Steers/heifers/mixed Varying history Animal Husbandry Economics Veterinary Medicine Photo courtesy of pounds 14-21 months of age Steers or heifers Pen or lot Photo courtesy of

3 Feedlot Layout General Receiving pens Processing barn Home pens
Hospital with pens Feedmill

4 Feedlot Layout General

5 Feedlot Layout General Pen dimensions Varies to hold 60 – 300 head
Typically 75 ft2/head Adjust for dust

6 Feedlot Layout General Pen dimensions Water Fenceline waterer
Frost-free Concrete apron Training may be required

7 Feedlot Layout General Pen dimensions Water Bunk space Receiving – 24”
lbs – 18” Finishing – 9-12”

8 Feedlot Layout General Pen dimensions Water Bunk space Slope/mounds

9 Feedlot Layout General Pen dimensions Water Bunk space Slope/mounds
Shade/wind breaks

10 Arrival Processing High Risk Low Risk Light weight “Bawling” calves
“Put together” calves No vaccination/anthelmintic history Long haul Bulls/horns Source reputation Older Weaned Single source Preconditioned Local cattle Steers and heifers Reputable source

11 Arrival Processing Eartags

12 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Selected to fit the cattle
Administered according to BQA guidelines

13 Arrival Processing

14 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Implants Placed SQ on back of ear
Improve feed efficiency 5-10% Improve daily gain 5-15% 0 days withdrawl

15 Name (mg/implant) Cattle Window Payout
Estrogen (mg/implant) Progesterone Anabolic Target Cattle Re-implant Window Estimated Payout Ralgro 36 mg Zeranol a Calves/stocker/feeders over 45 days of age days Days Synovex-C Comp. E-C 10 mg E2 benzoate b 100 mg Calves between 45 days of age and weaning Revalor-G Comp. TE-G 8 mg E2 -17bc 40 mg trenbolone acetated Pastured stocker & feeder steers 120 Magnum 72 mg Weaned stocker & feeder cattle Compudose 24 mg E2 -17b c Encore 43.7 mg Synovex-S Comp. E-S 20 mg 200 mg Revalor-IS Comp. TE-IS 16 mg 80 mg Revalor-IH Comp. TE-IH stocker & feeder heifers Synovex Choice 14 mg Revalor-S Comp. TE-S 120 mg Finaplix-S 140 mg Synovex-H Comp. E-H Testosterone Revalor-H Comp. TE-H 14 mg E2 -17bc TBAd days Days

16 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Implants Dewormer
Pour-on vs oral vs injectable? Combination? Generics?

17 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Implants Dewormer Metaphylaxis
Based on cattle Mandatory waiting period

18 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Implants Dewormer Metaphylaxis
Pregnancy examination Abort Calve Cull Avoid by spaying

19 Arrival Processing Eartags Vaccines Implants Dewormer Metaphylaxis
Pregnancy examination Castrate/dehorn? Band vs surgical castrations Local anesthesia Avoid at processing

20 Nutritional Program Adaption Bunk management
Melengesterol acetate (MGA) Ionophores Enhance feed efficiency Coccidiostat E.g. monensin, lasolocid

21 Average Daily Gain The amount of gain divided by the number of days in the feeding period Impacted by: Genetics Health Nutrition Etc. 3+ lbs/day is common

22 (lbs. consumed/lb. of gain)
Feed Efficiency Body Weight (lbs.) Feed Efficiency (lbs. consumed/lb. of gain) 300 4 400 5 500 6 600 700 800 7 900 8 1000 9 Feed efficiency (F/E) is the pounds of feed necessary to increase the body weight of the animal by one pound. Rule of Thumb: F/E = 1% of body weight and moves toward 6. Example: A 300 pound calf would have an expected feed efficiency equal to 1% of its body weight but moved toward 6. In other words 1% of 300 is 3 but moved one step toward 6 makes the F/E = 4.

23 Health Management Pen riding

24 Health Management Pen riding Pulls DART Depression Appetite
Respiratory index Temperature Other clinical signs Taken to hospital for final diagnosis and treatment


26 Health Management Pen riding Pulls Tx protocols
Designed by consulting vet Implemented by feedlot hospital crew Based on historical data and research

27 Health Management

28 Health Management Respiratory Digestive Lameness
Undifferentiated BRD Diphtheria Digestive Bloat Acidosis Diarrhea Lameness Others – “Bullers”, prolapses, pinkeye, etc.

29 Health Management Pen riding Pulls Tx protocols Railers/realizers
Marketing Options Pen riding Pulls Tx protocols Railers/realizers Slaughter Recovered, but ↓ BW & BCS vs penmates Must clear withdrawls Sale “Realizer buyer” Heavily discounted Renderer Sale barn - Buyer beware!

30 The Show List Finishing the calf Preharvest management Withdrawls + +
+/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- -

31 The Show List Optaflexx Finishing the calf Zilmax
Ractopamine hydrochloride Fed last days Increase rate of gain, feed efficiency, and carcass leanness 0 days withdrawl Zilmax Zilpateral hdyrochloride Fed last 20 days Increase live and carcass wt, dressing %, and Yield Grade 3 day withdrawl Finishing the calf Preharvest management Withdrawls Beta agonists

32 Close Out Finishing the calf Close out data Preharvest management
Withdrawls Beta agonists Close out data Steers Heifers Number 29663 20408 In Weight 796 776 Final Weight 1393 1251 Avg. DOF 164 ( ) 153 ( ) ADG 3.52 ( ) 3.21 ( ) F:G 6.05 ( ) 6.33 ( ) % Death Loss 1.70 2.21 AVG Cost of Gain/Cwt. $79.36 ( $84.76 ( Kansas Feedlot Performance and Feed Cost Summary, May 2016 Closeout Information

33 Questions?

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