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WIOA: Opening CTE Doors for New Customers

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1 WIOA: Opening CTE Doors for New Customers
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 | Radisson Blu Hotel, Bloomington, MN 10:45 am – 11:40 am | Lakes Ballroom C (holds 91) Todd Wagner, State Adult Basic Education Director

2 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA was passed in July It received bipartisan Congressional support. The final rules to implement this new act were released on June 30, 2016, nearly two years after the legislation passed. The previous legislation was the Workforce Investment Act that was passed in 1998.

3 WIOA: Six Core Programs
Workforce Development Activities 1) Adult Program 2) Dislocated Worker Program 3) Youth Program Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) 4) Adult Education Program Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 5) Employment Services Program Rehabilitation Act of 1973 6) Vocational Rehabilitation Program WIOA: Six Core Programs There are actually five titles (the fifth title is general provisions) but the six core programs of WIOA are under these four titles. These are the four titles that must be included in the state plan. Each state must submit a WIOA state plan to the federal government

4 Career and technical education programs
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program Employment and Training programs under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Work programs authorized under section 6(o) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers programs Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program Unemployment Insurance programs Senior Community Service Employment program (SCSEP) Employment and training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Services Block Grant Reintegration of Ex- Offenders program If any of these programs are added to the unified state plan it then becomes a combined plan The items in bold are currently in Minnesota’s state plan.

5 State Plan Regional Plans NEW! Local Plans
WIOA : State Plan There is a link to Minnesota’s state plan in this slide. If you would like to read it. It has been described as a “plan to plan”.

6 WIOA: Regional Plan
Can you find yourself on this map? Are you doing work in your area that aligns with industry?

7 WIOA: Local Plans

8 Where is there opportunity for new customers?
AREAS OF ALIGNMENT BETWEEN CTE AND WIOA Planning Labor Market Information Career Pathways Integrated Education and Training Employment Engagement Work-based Learning Performance Measures Shared Data Where is there opportunity for new customers? The handout “ Aligned by Design” goes into more detail on areas of collaboration.

9 Successful efforts to integrate career and technical education programs of study with Career Pathways Systems requires a commitment from multiple partners to working together toward greater transparency, alignment, and systemic change. The Integrated Career Pathways Model below shows how a comprehensive Career Pathways System can serve both high school age youth, as well as adults, and promote collaboration, alignment, and cross-system development of structured pathways into and through postsecondary credential programs. Career Pathways

10 This model was developed as part of the Advancing Career and Technical Education in State and Local Career Pathways Systems project sponsored by OCTAE.

11 Leverage points for CTE and ABE to work together
State statute (in your folders) 124D.02 School Board Powers: Enrollment Subd.2 Secondary school programs… WIOA …the Act does not provide us with the authority to restrict the source of funding for the workforce training component of integrated education and training, nor does it provide us with the authority to limit the amount of funds that can be used for occupational training. Ability-to-Benefit Leverage points for CTE and ABE to work together

12 Southwest Adult Basic Education Website http://www. southwestabe


14 More information is included on the website.
Please read the executive summary white paper that is included in your packet.

15 Roseville Adult Learning Center

16 SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288
Cindy Walters Director of Alternative Programs SouthWest Metro  Intermediate District 288 PH: FX: SouthWest Metro Intermediate District

17 Todd Wagner Julie Dincau Contacts
Adult Basic Education State Director Minnesota Department of Education 1500 Highway 36 West Roseville, MN Adult Basic Education Transitions Specialist Minnesota Department of Education 1500 Highway West Roseville, MN

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