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As well as Days of the Week in Spanish

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1 As well as Days of the Week in Spanish
Numbers in Spanish! As well as Days of the Week in Spanish

2 100- Cien

3 When someone asks, ¿Cual es tu numero de telefono?
¿Cuál es tu numero de teléfono? Means : What is your telephone number? When someone asks this phrase, you respond with something very simple, Mi numero de telefono es ……. Ocho-seis-cinco- cinco- cero-cuatro-uno

4 Days of the Week in Spanish!!!
When someone asks: ¿Que dia es hoy? (What day is it?) You respond with something very simple: Hoy es lunes. (Today is Monday) ** In Spanish, the days of the week are never capitalized: domingo (Sunday.) Use el and los to talk about what you do on certain days of the week. el lunes on Monday los lunes on Mondays

5 When someone asks: ¿Que dia es hoy? (What day is it?)
You respond with something very simple: Hoy es lunes. (Today is Monday) ** In Spanish, the days of the week are never capitalized: domingo (Sunday.) Use el and los to talk about what you do on certain days of the week. el lunes on Monday los lunes on Mondays

6 Now open up your textbook to pages 16 and 17!
Please do activities 14 and 15 by yourself! We will check when everyone is done!

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