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New Summary Report - 19 November 2015

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1 New Summary Report - 19 November 2015
Survey: WAG Survey 2015

2 5. If you were able to work only a restricted number of contests per year – from which number on would WAG be included? Value Percent Count 3 possible contests per year 12.1% 10 5 possible contests per year 16.9% 14 10 possible contests per year 34.9% 29 more than 10 possible contests per year 36.1% 30 Total 83 Sum 390.0 Average 7.4 StdDev 3.0 Max 10.0

3 10. When do you normally decide how many hours you will operate in WAG?
Value Percent Count At the latest on the weekend before WAG 8.3% 7 During the week before WAG 21.4% 18 On Friday evening before WAG or on Saturday 3.6% 3 During WAG 66.7% 56 Total 84

4 11. What factors define or restrict your op-time (multiple answers possible)?
Value Percent Count Fitness 14.3% 12 Goals 15.5% 13 Pleasure&mood 29.8% 25 Family activities and other obligations 63.1% 53 Condx 58.3% 49 Total 84

5 Motives Value Percent Count
Enjoying runs when being a rare or semirare station/multiplier 26.2% 22 Having ties to Germany 17.9% 15 Ranking in my country Collecting points for awards (e.g. DLD) 20.2% 17 Possibly coming close to a TopTen rank 10.7% 9 Finding at least a few hours to have some operation fun 60.7% 51 Improving my result from the previous year 38.1% 32 Working as many QSOs as possible in the available time 51.2% 43 Winning my category or rank as high as possible Total 84

6 17. Do you look up your result and compare it with previous years or that of other competitors' after publication of the scores? Value Percent Count Yes 71.8% 61 No 20.0% 17 No comment 8.2% 7 Total 85

7 18. Would you like to operate more seriously as a competitor but do not have a fitting goal to be motivated enough? Value Percent Count Yes 27.9% 22 No 72.2% 57 Total 79

8 20. In which category do you operate most often (multiple answers possible)?
Value Percent Count SO CW LP 38.1% 32 SO CW HP 19.1% 16 SO Mix LP 28.6% 24 SO Mix HP 21.4% 18 SO MIX QRP 7.1% 6 SWL 2.4% 2 In a multioperator team 6.0% 5 Total 84

9 22. Do you read your UBN report about the deductions from your score as a result of the logcheck?
Value Percent Count Yes 79.8% 67 No 9.5% 8 Didn't know about it 10.7% 9 Total 84

10 23. If CW, how do you key CW: Value Percent Count By software 29.0% 20
By key/paddle 15.9% 11 Mostly by software, only occasionally by key/paddle 55.1% 38 Total 69

11 24. Which of these antenna setups is describing yours best?
Value Percent Count Indoorantenna 2.4% 2 One antenna for all bands 26.2% 22 One lowband antenna and a non-rotable antenna for the highbands 20.2% 17 Several lowband antennas and a rotable antenna for the highbands 34.5% 29 One antenna for 80m, a beam for 40m and several rotable antennas for the highbands Total 84

12 25. Do you operate with CAT? Value Percent Count Yes 71.8% 61 No 23.5%
20 Unknown 4.7% 4 Total 85

13 26. Do you operate SO2R (single operator, 2 tranceivers)
Value Percent Count Yes 18.1% 15 No 81.9% 68 Total 83

14 27. Do you log the contest Value Percent Count
With a contest logging software 90.6% 77 Initially on paper 5.9% 5 With a logbook software 3.5% 3 Total 85

15 28. How do you ensure to stay away from the contestfree segments (multiple answers possible)?
Value Percent Count Warning function of contest logging software 14.6% 12 From memory 43.9% 36 Pdf-file from WAG website 37.8% 31 Paper notes at the station 31.7% 26 Total 82

16 31. Which of these sources do you use (multiple answers possible)?
Value Percent Count Clusterspots 50.6% 43 RBN-spots 36.5% 31 Own skimmer 4.7% 4 Nothing of the above 37.7% 32 Total 85

17 32. Do you call CQ by yourself?
Value Percent Count Yes 78.6% 66 (No) 21.4% 18 Total 84

18 34. Do you use the DCL? Value Percent Count Yes 9.5% 8 No 27.4% 23
Unknown 63.1% 53 Total 84

19 35. Do you use LotW? Value Percent Count Yes 64.3% 54 No 32.1% 27
Unknown 3.6% 3 Total 84

20 36. How do you rate the QSL reply rate of contest participants?
Value Percent Count Good 33.7% 28 Average 27.7% 23 Poor 7.2% 6 No comment 31.3% 26 Total 83

21 37. Do you download your award as pdf from the WAG website?
Value Percent Count Yes 58.8% 50 No 21.2% 18 Did not know about 20.0% 17 Total 85

22 38. How important would be for you:
Empty Cell very much somewhat not Responses Plaques for winning a category 33 41.8 % 25 31.6 % 21 26.6 % 79 Stickers fo TopTen ranks 22 28.9 % 26 34.2 % 28 36.8 % 76 New award motives each year 23 29.1 % 32.9 % 30 38.0 % Souvenir per order (ca.15 €) for e.g. 200 different DOKs 11 14.3 % 27 35.1 % 39 50.6 % 77

23 40. Do you connect to livescores to continuously upload your actual score there?
Value Percent Count Yes 16.5% 14 No 74.1% 63 Unknown 9.4% 8 Total 85

24 41. Should WAG add a „basic“ category like „LP mixed, no rotable antenna and no part of the antenna(s) being higher up than 12m“? Value Percent Count Yes 29.8% 25 No 23.8% 20 No opinion 46.4% 39 Total 84

25 43. Should WAG add SSB categories?
Value Percent Count Yes 34.1% 29 No 23.5% 20 No opinion 42.4% 36 Total 85

26 44. Should all logs (except checklogs) be public after submitting deadline?
Value Percent Count Yes 68.2% 58 No 4.7% 4 No opinion 27.1% 23 Total 85

27 45. Should WAG publish score deduction after logcheck in percent
Value Percent Count For TopTen (as it is now) 31.0% 26 The best quarter per category 9.5% 8 The best half per category 2.4% 2 All participants (except checklogs) 57.1% 48 Total 84

28 46. Should individual log checking reports be published
Value Percent Count No, only for the individual participant (as it is now) 49.4% 41 Stations ranking in TopTen 12.1% 10 Best quarter per category 3.6% 3 Best half of category 0.0% All participants 34.9% 29 Total 83

29 48. Which of the contents on the WAG website (http://www. darc
48. Which of the contents on the WAG website ( do you use (multiple answers possible)? Value Percent Count Pages “Tips&Info” 28.4% 23 Link for submitting the log 88.9% 72 Logging tips / software list 16.1% 13 Results of previous years 74.1% 60 Download of award 50.6% 41 Rules 91.4% 74 Statistics 33.3% 27 Total 81

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