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St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 16 October 2015

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1 St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 16 October 2015
News from Mrs Tyler Thank you to those of you who attended our Harvest service this morning. It is always a great opportunity to join with the St Margaret’s School community and to give the children a taste of a bigger school. We were so proud of our St Luke’s children – for their excellent behaviour, wonderful singing and of course, their great effort in the tractor race! Before the service we took all of our harvest gifts up to the church, so that Alistair could add them to those of the congregation before he takes them to the Marylebone Women's Refuge. Thank you so much everyone for your generous donations of food and toiletries. It is heartening that our children are beginning to recognise the part they can play in helping others. They might have told you that yesterday we had a visit from a representative of The Mayor of London’s Citizen Project. She talked to the children about the ‘We Schools’ programme, explaining how one small action to help someone else can make a big difference. We could not have had a better visual example of how one tin brought in by one child, when added to those brought in by our school, St Margaret’s School and the church community will make a huge difference to the folk of the Marylebone Women's Refuge. Talking of making a difference… Michelle, our new ‘Friends of St Luke’s PFA’ Chair, will be hosting the first PFA meeting of the year on Monday at 9am in the Upper KS2 room. I really encourage you to come along to meet Michelle, bring your ideas and meet other parents. I know she is very keen to ensure the PFA is about building up friendships within the parent community as well as fundraising. So do please stay after you drop your child off on Monday. Reminders PFA Meeting: Everyone welcome - bring along your ideas and meet our new Chair, Michelle. 9am next Monday, 19th October. St Luke’s Day next Friday 23rd October – wearing school house colours: We would like the children to wear their house colours on that day: Faith = red, Hope = green, Love = yellow. Thank you. Year 3 parents: A reminder that there is no swimming this week (as we have to fit with the UCS half term dates). Reception Class Golden Book Daniel for applying his phonics knowledge to his reading. Jed for being enthusiastic about his learning. Maths Monkey Scarlett for adding objects and writing the totals. KS1 Class Golden Book Joseph for interesting sentences using conjunctions. Hyman for his enthusiasm and excellent questions about paintings at the National Gallery. Maths Monkey Shylah for super subtraction. Message from Penny Lennon Penny would like to thank parents for their kind messages and to inform them that Assaf’s funeral will be at Golders Green Crematorium at 4pm next Tuesday, 20th October. Please let her know should you wish to attend. Penny and Assaf’s parents have asked that instead of flowers, should people wish to make a donation, they will be setting up a fund to create a school library in Assaf’s name. They feel that not only will this be very special for Hannah and Zoe, it will also mark Assaf’s close involvement with the school as the first parent governor.  Details of the Just Giving page to follow.  Thank you. KS2 Certificate of Merit Year 3 Zephyr for applying his learning in other areas of the curriculum. Year 4 Joe for excellent perseverance during Maths this week. News from Reception This week we have been continuing our Autumn theme by painting leaves and counting conkers. We talked about what happens during Autumn and the children wrote labels for our Autumn display. The children also began building on their knowledge of counting and simple addition, through a range of different games and activities and have been working on improving their written number formation. They have enjoyed ordering numbers in the outside area as well as playing hopscotch and throwing beanbags into numbered targets. We also looked at the story of the Lost Sheep and thought about how important it is to look after our belongings - and each other!

2 2015-16 and 2016-17 term dates are on the school website.
News from KS1 The children had a fantastic time at the National Gallery on Thursday. We were very proud of their impeccable behaviour and maturity at the gallery. The children were fascinated by the paintings, commenting on the colours the artists used and the brushstrokes. From our observations we drew our own studies of “Sunflowers” by Vincent van Gogh and “Whistlejacket” by George Stubbs. This week we travelled around the world to Brazil. We had a visit from Liliana’s mum, who spoke to us about growing up in Brazil. The children asked lots of questions and tried coconut milk and Brazilian biscuits. Alongside all the fun activities this week, the children have been learning about addition and subtraction in Maths. MyMaths homework this week will consolidate the learning we have been doing in class. In English we have been learning about writing; using conjunctions and punctuating our sentences. News from Lower KS2 This week we have really noticed how the children are now working in a mature ‘KS2’ way. It is great to see them well-organised, responding to their marking and pushing themselves in their learning. In Maths we have continued to think about our number system and started using and applying our skills from previous weeks to money and real-life word problems. In English we started some adverb poems – the children now know the three types of adverbs and how to use them to enhance their writing. We are glad to hear that so many families had fun with the conker homework. As you can see we had a lot of fun in class today during the first of our annual Conker Competitions! Dates for Diary (Autumn term) and term dates are on the school website.

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