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Sibusiso Xaba Director-General: Arts and Culture

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1 Sibusiso Xaba Director-General: Arts and Culture
2012/13 1st QUARTER EXPENDITURE REPORT AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 Sibusiso Xaba Director-General: Arts and Culture

2 Budget and Expenditure
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Performance Overview Budget and Expenditure Explanation of Expenditure per Economic Classification Review of Programme Performance on Key Indicators 2




Main Appropriation 2012/13 Expenditure June 2012 Total Available % Spent R’000 Administration 209,687 44,911 164,776 21% Performing Arts 639,996 124,370 515,626 19% National Language Services 111,850 33,787 78,063 30% Cultural Development 180,410 18,255 162,155 10% Heritage Promotion 744,243 169,000 575,243 23% National Archives and Library Services 799,471 130,687 668,784 16% Grand Total 2,685,657 521,010 2,164,647 Programme 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

Main Appropriation 2012/13 Expenditure June 2012 Total Available % Spent R’000 Compensation 180,030 42,478 137,552 24% Goods & Services 398,771 58,290 340,481 15% Conditional Grant 564,574 97,971 466,603 17% Agencies & Accounts 952,881 259,257 693,624 27% Capital Works 482,950 42,067 440,883 9% Non Profit Org 12,873 3,772 9,101 29% Households 86,964 16,075 70,889 18% Capital Assets 6,614 1,100 5,514 Grand Total 2,685,657 521,010 2,164,647 19% Programme 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15


The amount of R42 million (24%) has been spent as at the end of June 2012 During the first quarter there was a high rate of officials working overtime amounting to R469 thousands. The key projects/events were the Freedom Day, Youth Day, Preparation of the Annual Financial Statements and Cape Town Jazz festival Overtime was for staff in levels 12 and lower as senior managers do not claim overtime

10 GOODS AND SERVICES An amount of R58 million (15%) has been spent at the end of June 2012 The expenditure will improve in the second quarter as in July, the Department received claims from DPW relating to first quarter expenses on Municipal Services, State owned and Private leases The department is awaiting Treasury to approve the re-classification of most MGE funds from Goods and services to Household budget

Main Appropriation 2012/13 Expenditure June 2012 Total Available % Spent Remark R’000 Normal Departmental activities 133,374 48,076 85,298 36% Property Mngt (Prog 1) 75,218 1,454 73,764 2% Soc Coh (Prog 1) 7,054 5,072 1,982 72% Soc Coh SAGN (Prog 5) 7,668 72 7,596 1% Soc Coh Heraldry (Prog 5) 7,750 - MGE (Prog 2) 49,970 2,847 47,123 6% Ear-marked MGE (Prog 4) 113,500 490 113,010 Community Libraries: Top Slice (Prog 6) 4,237 279 3,958 7% 398,771 58,290 340,481 15%

R98 million (17%) has been transferred as at the end of June 2012 Funds are transferred to Provinces based on the approved quarterly needs as per business plans The actual spending by Provinces in the first quarter amounts to R63 million (11%) of the total grant as follows:

Per Province: Conditional Grant Main Appropriation 2012/13 Received by Province Provincial actual payments: June 2012 Available % Actual payments of total Main Appropriation R’000 Eastern Cape 78,058 18,285 7,694 59,773 10% Free State 50,304 6,713 6,358 43,591 13% Gauteng 56,452 2,200 623 54,252 1% KwaZulu-Natal 48,619 11,562 3,145 37,057 7% Limpopo 68,822 21,264 8,182 47,558 12% Mpumalanga 9,000 11,260 59,822 16% Northern Cape 72,395 14,986 10,710 57,409 15% North West 64,973 12,569 13,151 52,404 20% Western Cape 56,129 1,393 1,392 54,736 3% Total 564,574 97,972 62,515 466,602 11%

An amount of R259 million (27% ) has been spent as at the end of June 2012 Payments to Heritage Institutions, Libraries are effected monthly and to Arts Institutions three times a year (i.e. April, August and December). No over or under expenditure is anticipated by March 2013

An amount of R42 million (9%) has been spent at the end of June 2012 This expenditure item relates to maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of the Department’s Museums and Libraries as well as the construction of Legacy Projects through the DPW The Department has recently received approval from the National Treasury to transfer directly to the Playhouses, National Library of SA and Iziko Museums of Cape Town an amount of R140 million for Capital Works Projects. Expenditure on this economic classification will therefore accelerate in the second quarter of the financial year

This expenditure relates to subsidies to Business Arts South Africa (BASA), Blind SA and Engelenburg House Art Collection An amount of R3,7 million (29%) has been spent by the end of June This is due to the fact that Business Arts South Africa (BASA) receives a third of its allocation in April. No over or under expenditure is anticipated by March 2013

17 HOUSEHOLDS An amount of R16 million (18%) has been spent by the end of June 2012  This expenditure item relates to all the financial assistance projects that the Department funds during the financial year. Treasury approval has been received to fund the final IIC projects to an amount of R8,2 million The leave gratuity to an amount of R125 thousands has been paid in respect of capped and pro rata leave credit for officials who left the Department The detail of projects per Programme are as follows:

Programme Name of Official Amount Paid Reason R’000 Nat Lang Services Marais CM 47 Retired Heritage Promotion Makhema SPM 13 Resigned Nat-Archives & Lib. Services Mathole MP 65 TOTAL 125

19 HOUSEHOLDS (CONT) Project Name Contract Amount 1st Tranche 2nd Tranche
Balance Programme 2 (Performing Arts) R’000 Buyelekhaya Music Festival 500 - Technical Equipment (Tshego) 340 Arts Access 130 DAC Youth Month (NYDA) 350 150 Artist in School 90 National Arts Festival Development Programme 3,000 2,000 1,000 Total 4,560 3,410 1,150

20 HOUSEHOLDS (CONT) Project Name Contract Amount 1st Tranche 2nd Tranche
Balance Programme 3 (Nat Language Services) R’000 Bursary (University of Limpopo) 800 - Bursary (University of SA) Bursary (University of Johannesburg) Bursary (University of Zululand) S/Ben: Leave Gratuity (Once off R47 thousand) Total 3,200

21 HOUSEHOLDS (CONT) Project Name Contract Amount 1st Tranche 2nd Tranche
Balance Programme 4 (Cultural Development) R’000 Disney on Ice Productions 5,000 4,000 - 1,000 Elelwani Project 400 320 80 Africa Day Celebration 2,000 1,500 500 SA Chapter of U-40 Africa 70 Somafco Script 2 Screen Indigineous Lang Film Development 800 200 Eco Design 700 300 Total 9,970 7,890 2,080

22 HOUSEHOLDS (CONT) Project Name Contract Amount 1st Tranche 2nd Tranche
Balance Programme 5 (Heritage Promotion) R’000 Voortrekker Monument 900 - Liberation Heritage 600 350 250 Bursary Heritage Professionals (University of Cape Town) 420 200 220 S/Ben: Leave Gratuity (Once off R13 thousand) Total 1,920 1,450 470

The expenditure was R1,1 million (17%) by the end of June 2012 This budget relates to the purchasing of machinery and equipment including the ICT equipment To stimulate the spending in this economic classification, a Commitment Register has been developed for all Programmes. This budget will be centralized to Programme 1 for monitoring purposes


25 PROGRAMME 1 OBJECTIVE: To provide core support services to the department to ensure the realisation of enhanced governance and accountability INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION % of successfully attained targets 60% 47% of first quarter targets fully achieved, 38% targets partially achieved and 15% of target not started Performance in 1st quarter is normally slow due to processes for implementation still being conceptualized and put in place. The above unpacks the overall first quarter performance of the department. Annual review of the organisational structure in line with the departmental strategy. Approval of the micro structure. Minister approved the macro structure on 8 June Consultation with line managers re: development of the micro structure. Delays in consultation process with organised labour.

26 PROGRAMME 1 OBJECTIVE: To provide core support services to the department to ensure the realisation of enhanced governance and accountability INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION % Vacancy Rate to approved structure. Advertising of critical vacancies (phase 1). Implementation of the retention policy and vacancy management plan. 4 DDG posts advertised in the 1st quarter. Approval and implementation of Retention Policy. Vacancy management plan will be finalised in the 2nd quarter. % Females Employed at SMS Level. 43% Current female representativity at SMS level is 41.7% Advertising of DDG posts only took place in the 1st quarter. % PWD employed 1.5% Current PWD employed: 1.6%

27 OBJECTIVE: To provide core support services to the department to ensure the realisation of enhanced governance and accountability INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION % of Capital Works budget spent to upgrade Public Entity facilities 25% of budget spent 8% of R482,950,000 processed. Delays in finalising the 2012/13 capital works budget. It is envisaged that outstanding transfers will be effected as soon as National Treasury approves the increase of the main appropriations. Number of Izimbizo arranged annually 6 Izimbizo 3 Izimbizo arranged (Minister’s Budget Vote Breakfast, Geographical Names Workshop & Youth Day Imbizo) % of Social Cohesion strategy implemented. Consult national intergovernmental structures on strategy. Draft strategy developed and presented to Social Cluster and G&A Cluster. Approved by Cabinet on 13 June 2012. PROGRAMME 1

OBJECTIVE: To promote arts & culture in SA and mainstream its role in social development INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of Cultural programmes supported Submission and approval of 2 Cultural Events Achieved. 2 Cultural Events were supported and implemented (North West and Eastern Cape) Community Arts Centres’ Audit Report Submission for approval to appoint service provider (to conduct the Audit) Submission has been drafted to appoint the Service provider TORs had to be strengthened and have clear Outcomes. Advertisements to be done in 2nd Quarter Number of programmes targeting Vulnerable groups Submission approval for Youth Month plans. Departmental Youth Month Programme was implemented in partnership with NYDA. The following activities were undertaken; 1) My Historical Educational – 8/6/12; National Youth Day – 16/6/12 and Departmental Youth Imbizo on 23 June 2012

OBJECTIVE: To develop, promote and protect all official language through policy formulation and implementation. INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Proportion of functional translation and editing as per clients request Receipt, assessment and further processing of documents to be translated and/or edited Achieved. English: 43 documents received and completed; Afrikaans: 24 documents received and completed; Foreign Languages: 139 documents received and completed. African languages: 85 documents received and completed: IsiNdebele 8; isiSwati 7; isiXhosa 11; isiZulu 11; Sepedi 10; Sesotho 12; Setswana 8; Tshivenda 10; Xitsonga 8. Promulgation of the SA Language Practitioners' Council (SALPC) Act Drafted Ministerial submission and Cabinet memo to introduce SALPC Bill to Cabinet Achieved. Ministerial submission and Cabinet Memo to introduce SALPC Bill to Cabinet done.

OBJECTIVE: To develop, promote and protect all official language through policy formulation and implementation. INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of Terminologies developed per domain 873 terminologies developed - Arts and Culture Achieved Arts & Culture terminologies were finalised during the period under review. 2 898 terminologies developed - Human, Social, Economic & Management Sciences (HSEMS) Achieved HSEMS terminologies were finalised during the period under review. 926 terminologies developed - Mathematics Achieved. 978 Mathematics terminologies were finalised during the period under review. 1 491 terminologies developed - Life Orientation Achieved Life Orientation terminologies were finalised in the 1st quarter. 1 400 terminologies developed - Election Terms Achieved Election Terms were finalised during the period under review.

OBJECTIVE: To improve development opportunities for SA Arts & Culture, through partnerships to ensure sustainability of the sector INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Signing of Continental Multilateral Treaty (Charter for African Cultural Renaissance) Promotion and popularization of the Charter nationally for endorsement and commitment towards implementation Achieved. The Minister signed the Charter during Africa Day celebrations – 25/5/12. Activities for promotion and popularization were: Africa Day Expo; Booklets distribution in the Visual Arts Exhibition from the SADC region Paper presented in the Africa Diaspora Summit Implementation of the South Africa -French Seasons Launch of the South Africa - French Seasons and cultural activities in SA Achieved. The media launch of the South Africa -French Season took place in May 2012 and the first activities took place at the Grahamstown Arts Festival Implementation of Phase 2 of the Rock Art Project Implementation of Rock Art Project phase 2 and review phase 1 Achieved. Phase 1 reviewed. Implementation of phase 2 included International Travelling Exhibition to Botswana and Makgabeng training project in Limpopo

OBJECTIVE: To improve development opportunities for SA Arts & Culture, through partnerships to ensure sustainability of the sector INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of partnerships supported and implemented in the Cultural Industries Consulting stakeholders and creating partnerships on National Book Week Partnerships created with publishers who have donated over R worth of books. Number of Film Co-production Treaties signed Finalise the negotiation with relevant country Signed a Treaty with Ireland on the 21st May 2012 in Cannes, France.

33 PROGRAMME 5 OBJECTIVE: Preserve, protect and promote SA’s cultural & heritage through policies for socio-economic development, social cohesion and national identity INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION 100% Implementation of the of the national database on living heritage Submission of the ICH Management Report The project is completed. The Service Provider is busy printing the final report. The DAC will host the ICH website Number of policies/ legislative instruments developed and/or reviewed to achgieve the objective First draft of the costing of the Underwater Heritage Policy drafted First draft of policy costing done by June 30 Heritage Human Resoufrce Strategy costed, approved and implemented First draft of policy costing done by June Research towards costing of policies more extensive than expected

34 PROGRAMME 5 OBJECTIVE: Preserve, protect and promote SA’s cultural & heritage through policies for socio-economic development, social cohesion and national identity INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Consolidation of research reports for the National Museums Policy Only the Literature Review Reports were done Late approval of budget. Number of heritage institutions established 30% Site Clearance work completed Approval of the Sarah Bartman Centre of Remembrance working drawings No physical site clearence work was done, only provisional site clearance was issued. Working drawings have been approved. There was no site clearence certificate and that delayed the start of the physical work.

35 PROGRAMME 5 OBJECTIVE: Preserve, protect and promote SA’s cultural & heritage through policies for socio-economic development, social cohesion and national identity INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of government gazette publications on standardized geographical names One (1) Government Gazette publication by 30 June 2012 On 11 May 2012 the Government Gazette of approved geographical names was published. It was made of names that were announced for proposed change during the State of the Nation Address. Number of bursaries awarded 30 Bursarie to be awarded Achieved. 31 Bursaries were awarded. Number of national flags and flag poles installed in schools 1000 National flags and flag poles installed in schools No flag was installed. No service provider appointed Tender adjudication process is underway to appoint the service providers. The sorting of the received bids took longer than anticipated

36 PROGRAMME 5 OBJECTIVE: Preserve and promote cultural heritage through the commemoration and celebration of historic and national days as well as the popularisation of national symbols INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of national symbols exhibitions and workshops held 2 workshops on national symbols held No workshop with the targeted audience. Dates for workshops with desired audience were confirmed for the first 2 weeks of July which falls under a different quarter. Number of National Orders Award Ceremonies Co-hosted Co-Host 1Annual National Orders award ceremony Achieved. One National Orders Award Ceremony was hosted on the 27th of April 2012.

37 PROGRAMME 6 OBJECTIVE: Archives and record management INDICATOR
1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Proportion of archival records accessed and consulted 100 percent (%) of requested records provided Achieved (100%) 100% of requested records provided (7853 records in total) Number of Library material purchased library material purchased items purchased for the quarter. Number of Oral history projects conducted Planning for oral history project Planning for the second Phase of the oral History Project on Prince Africa Zulu started in February Training project on Oral History in the Free State schools started during the First term where schools to participate were identified.

38 PROGRAMME 6 OBJECTIVE: Archives and record management INDICATOR
1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Number of outreach programmes implemented 1 Archives awareness week Achieved. Archives Awareness week was hosted between 8-12 May Approximately 1200 people attended, which included school learners, members of the public, researchers, registry and records managers in different government departments No. of Oral History Conferences organized Planning for Oral History Conference Achieved. 4 Meetings held with LOC in Mangauang to discuss logistics for the implementation at the Annual Oral History Conference.

39 PROGRAMME 6 OBJECTIVE: Archives and record management INDICATOR
1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS VARIANCE/COMMENTS or PROGRESS DESCRIPTION Functional NAAIRS system Target according to the cost analysis provided by SITA Partially Achieved (1) (0-25%) Total project status = 23 % The SITA project team to complete the necessary documentation for the Blueprint stage. Resources to be available for the work sessions. Amended Bill submitted to State Law Advisor, Minister, and MINMEC & TIC Achieved (100%) Bill amended and submitted to State Law Advisor. Precertification opinion received from State Law Advisor on 12/6/2012. MINMEC and TIC briefed, March 2012.


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