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Who Are We and How’d We get here?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are We and How’d We get here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Are We and How’d We get here?
A Brief Explanation and History of Psychology

2 Today’s Agenda Introductions Backtracking What Is Psychology
Syllabus and Syllabus Mini-Review Schedule Expectations What Is Psychology In-Class Research

3 Seating Stay where you’re sitting over the upcoming weeks.

4 Participation Points 15 points for 20 activities
0.75 points each Full credit or no credit, usually Present = Full credit 5 points for 10 reading assessments 0.5 points each Graded Broad concepts from the reading

5 Monday’s Class Activity
There was an activity!? Yes. What was it? Discussing maximizing the class. Can I make up the assignment? If you added after Monday’s class, Yes. If you had an excused absence, Yes. If you missed class for the sake of it, No. Will you always let us know when we miss activities? No. If you have an excused absence, it’s your responsibility to ask what you missed in class.

6 Testing Common Exams Class Schedule Test 1: Sunday, Oct 9th
Choosing a time between 18:00-21:00. Room will be announced in class, as will alternative testing arrangements. Test 2: Monday, Nov 21st Time and room TBA. Class Schedule Will be on WebCT under Syllabus

7 Class Expectations I’m here to teach, You’re here to learn.
Different motives for taking this course Ultimately, you should achieve a basic understanding of psychology and the ability to think like a psychologist. Not here to learn? That’s ok, but you need to fake it. Question I Hate #1: “Is this information important?”

8 Class Expectations Participate Read Study for Exams
Come to class, take notes, engage in discussion/activities, ask questions Produce a satisfactory group project. Read Read the chapters before class. Study for Exams Review, re-review, and understand notes. Review the chapters. 10% of test questions come from information only found in the book. Dedicate adequate study time across multiple days.

9 Class Expectations Grades
I recognize that grades are important to you. I want you to get a good grade. I really, really, really do. Tests, Assignments, and the Project are straightforward. Broad concepts and basic application Please don’t obsess about grades. If you focus on learning, you will get a good grade. If you Participate, Read, and Study, you will get a good grade. Question I Hate #2: “Will this be on the test?”

10 Layperson’s Psychology
Before this course, what were your impressions of psychology?

11 Who’s Interested In Psychological Processes?
Not just psychologists… Most (if not all) people are interested in basic psychological processes. Understanding Ourselves What makes us happy? Successful? Understanding Others Predicting how people will act/feel. The social nature of human beings.

12 What is psychology (as a field)?
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

13 Who is a psychologist? Someone holding a higher degree in psychology.
- Master’s Degree - Ph.D. - Psy.D. - M.D. (Psychiatrist)

14 What are the areas of psychology?
Take a look at your syllabus or the table of contents in your textbook…Each chapter is a separate (although related) psychological discipline (pg. 7).

15 Syphilis Testing In Guatemala
The effects of Syphilis on brain processes Clinical Neuropsychology and Health Psychology The psychological ramifications of being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology The social ramifications of being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease Social/Cultural Psychology The effects of diagnosis across age groups Developmental Psychology The personality traits of unethical researchers Personality Psychology

16 The ‘ologies Sociology Anthropology The study of society.
A focus on the whole. Psychology is focused on the individual in society. Anthropology A broad study of humanity. A stronger focus on human history. Also not focused on individual processes.

17 Psychology’s Roots

18 Psychology’s Many Parents
Philosophy Physicians Mathematics The Arts

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