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Overview of ITU-T Study Group 12 Activities

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1 Overview of ITU-T Study Group 12 Activities
ITU Workshop on “Benchmarking QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Networks” (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013) Overview of ITU-T Study Group 12 Activities Joachim Pomy, SG 12 Rapporteur Consultant, Opticom GmbH Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013

2 Where it All Begins: Real Communication Situation

3 ... and where Technology comes to Play: Employing a Telecommunication System

4 SG 12 Key History Events (1)
Established in 1957 Separate SG 16 for Transmission Planning Old SG 12 just did subjective testing & telephone standards At CCITT Plenary Assembly in 1984, these SGs were merged to form the present-day SG 12 During same time SG 12 had a Laboratory WP Subjective & objective testing for loudness of telephones In the CCITT Laboratory in Geneva - closed in 1988 Since 1986 Speech Quality Experts Group (SQEG) To better provide the quality requirements and subjective testing for speech coding algorithms standardized by SG 18 (later SG 15, now SG 16) Key role in the standardization of all of the G.711-G.729 speech and audio codecs, and still exists as Q7/12.

5 SG 12 Key History Events (2)
Since 1997 Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) With a nucleus of subjective and objective video quality expertise from SG12 SG12 still maintains close contact with VQEG Since the early 1990s work in SG 12 has expanded Into many new technology areas ATM VoIP Multimedia Digital wireless IP QoS classes Ethernet IPTV, etc. Network Performance Resource Management. Since 2008 SG12 was given responsibility for Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality Responsibility for the QoS Development Group (QSDG).

6 SG 12 Mandate Performance, QoS and QoE
Responsible for Recommendations on performance, quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for full spectrum of terminals, networks and services ranging from speech over fixed circuit-based networks to multimedia applications over networks that are mobile and packet based Included are operational aspects of performance, QoS and QoE end-to-end quality aspects of interoperability development of multimedia quality assessment methodologies, both subjective and objective. SG 12 is the Lead SG on quality of service and quality of experience driver distraction and voice aspects of car communications

7 SG 12 Recommendations E.420-E.479, E.800-E.859
G.100-series, except G.160-, G.180- and G.190-series G.1000-series I.350-series (including Y.1501/G.820/I.351), I.371, I.378, I.381 P-series, except P.900-series Y.1220-, Y.1530-, Y.1540-, Y.1560-series

8 SG 12 Leading Team Chairman Vice Chairmen TSB Support
Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor (Ghana) Vice Chairmen Paul Barrett (United States) Vinvent Barriac (France) Gamal Amin Elsayed (Sudan) Hyung-Soo Kim (Republic of Korea) Al Morton (United States) Qi Feng (China) José Guadalupe Rojas Ramírez (Mexico) Akira Takahashi (Japan) Hassan Talib (Morocco) TSB Support Hiroshi Ota, Counsellor Sarah Scott, Assistant

9 Working Parties WP 1 Terminals and multimedia subjective assessment
CHAIR: Lars Birger Nielsen (Denmark) VICE CHAIR: Gunilla Berndtsson (Sweden) WP 2 Objective models and tools for multimedia quality CHAIR: Paul Barrett (United States) VICE CHAIR: Vincent Barriac (France) WP 3 Multimedia QoS and QoE CHAIR: Paul Coverdale (China) VICE CHAIR: Akira Takahashi (Japan)

10 CarCom Focus Group (closed in 2013)
Groups overseen by SG12 CarCom Focus Group (closed in 2013) Hans Gierlich, Chair Driver Distraction Focus Group (closed in 2013) Scott Pennock, Chair QoS Development Group Yvonne Umutoni, Chair Regional Group for Africa Gamal Amin Elsayed, Chair

11 CarCom Focus Group In car communication
Quality parameters & testing methods Interaction of car hands free systems with radio Requirements on sub-system level Requirements and testing procedures for super-wideband and fullband systems Interaction with other audio components and systems in the car Special requirements/testing procedures for speech recognition systems in cars Quality models: what and how can be applied for the car environment?

12 QoS Development Group Encourages wider participation in international QoS activities Identifies and develop performance monitoring activities for QoS Identifies procedures & practices for inclusion in the ITU-T Rec.s Disseminates information relating to QoS techniques & procedures Development of coordinated approach to study of QoS Pursues other activities which may improve international QoS

13 Work Programme (1/8) Coordination of QoS/performance studies
Communications Quality of Service: A framework and definitions Vocabulary for performance and quality of service Mean Opinion Score (MOS) terminology Transmission characteristics for wideband digital handset and headset telephones - Inclusion of extended wideband terminals Transmission characteristics for cordless and moblie digital terminals Transmission characteristics for wideband digital loudspeaking and hands-free telephony terminals - Inclusion of extended wideband terminals Technical requirements and test methods for the universal wired headset or headphone interface of digital mobile terminals Narrowband hands-free communication in motor vehicles Wideband hands-free communication in motor vehicles

14 Work Programme (2/8) User interface requirements for automotive applications Subsystem requirements for automotive speech services Artificial ears Calculation of loudness ratings for telephone sets Use of head and torso simulator (HATS) for hands-free and handset terminal testing Bone conduction testing setup Multiple test positions setup Setups and testing techniques for terminal performance measurements with background noise Artificial voices Speech processing devices for acoustic enhancement Transmission characteristics and speech quality parameters of hands-free terminals

15 Work Programme (3/8) Test signals for use in telephonometry
Objective test methods for speech communication systems using complex test signals Methods for determining the ‘Objective Quality Number’ as overall quality value for terminals Applicability of psycho-acoustic models to HATS based setups for the benefit of terminal testing Setup signals for terminal with background noise Subjective quality evaluation of telephone services based on spoken dialogue systems Subjective performance of active signal processing devices Cultural/language/nationality dependence of subjective quality Subjective evaluation of generic sound activity detectors Multidimensional scaling quality assessment Subjective assessment methods for music quality of narrowband and wideband telephony

16 Work Programme (4/8) Test methodology for web browsing and browser based applications Subjective usability evaluation of speech-based or multimodal interactive services Q.7/12 defines test plans for tests of speech coders, and reports the test results and analysis E-model extension for non-handset user interfaces E-model extension for speech processing devices E-model update for conversational quality features Mixed-band and beyond-wideband E-model E-model for monitoring Operational quality estimator Perceptual approaches for multi-dimensional analysis Perceptual objective noise reduction

17 Work Programme (5/8) Perceptual Objective Prediction of Speech Intelligibility No-reference models for quality prediction Subjective method for simulated conversation tests addressing audio and audiovisual call quality Effect of delays on the telemeeting quality Use of auditory and visual cues for high-quality telemeetings Overall telemeeting quality value (long term goal) Quality implications and requirements for telemeeting and conferencing services Spatial audio meetings quality evaluation Frequent updates of Appendices Quality of Experience aspects of Multi Connection End-to-end QoE aspects of tandemmed speech processing devices

18 Work Programme (6/8) End-to-end performance for managed voice over LTE networks This Recommendation describes the key aspects impacting end-to-end performance of managed voice applications over LTE networks. Definitions and associated measurement methods for user-centric parameters for call handling in cellular mobile voice service Mobile QoS Supplement XX to ITU-T E.800-series Recommendations (Guidelines on Regulatory Aspects of QoS) End-user multimedia QoS categories Network model for evaluating multimedia transmission performance over Internet Protocol Opinion model for video and audio streaming applications QoE of Web-browsing QoE requirements for multicast video streaming services QoE requirements for telepresence services Guidance for the use of P.1201 and P.1202 in operational contexts

19 Work Programme (7/8) QoE-diagnostic information from P.120X.Y type models on technical causes of QoE impairments Integral index of quality for general service monitoring (per user-session); KQI definitions Media-session QoE model (temporal pooling, long sequences; UDP- and TCP-based streaming) Parametric non-intrusive assessment of audiovisual progressive download, considering stalling/re-buffering & quality integration Parametric non-intrusive assessment of TCP-based multimedia streaming quality, considering adaptive streaming In-service non-intrusive measurement device – Voice service measurements Analysis and interpretation of INMD voice-service measurements Conformance testing for voice over IP transmission quality assessment models Conversational model Framework for invoking diagnostic functions Voice Service Diagnosis Framework

20 Work Programme (8/8) Technical cause analysis
Buffer models for development of client performance metrics Hand-over performance among multiple access networks Internet protocol data communication service – IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters Network performance objectives for IP-based services Measurements in IP networks for inter-domain performance assessment Ethernet frame transfer and availability performance Ethernet service activation test methodology Home network performance parameters Proposed Appendices for Y.1566 : QoS mapping and interworking between Ethernet, IP and MPLS

21 Work in ITU-T is contribution driven ! Next Meeting of Study Group 12
Cannot find your Topic ? Work in ITU-T is contribution driven ! Next Meeting of Study Group 12 3 – 12 December 2013 in Geneva Deadline for Contributions 20 November 2013

22 Any questions ? Joachim Pomy Telecommunications & Int'l Standards
Germany Tel.:

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