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The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn

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1 The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn

2 The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn
“MASCHIL” Teaching to Embrace The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn PSALM 32

3 The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn
“MASCHIL” Teaching to Embrace The Blessed State of Being ForgivEn PSALM 32 Transgression Forgiven Sin covered Iniquity not imputed by Jehovah David: Psalm 32:1-2 Romans 4:6

4 David’s experience Blessed is the man…in whose spirit - no GUILE (Psalm 32:2) “I KEPT Silence…” (V.3)

5 David’s experience Blessed is the man…in whose spirit - no GUILE (Psalm 32:2) “I KEPT Silence…” (V.3) The pain of Conscience (V. 3-4)

6 David’s experience Blessed is the man…in whose spirit - no GUILE (Psalm 32:2) “I KEPT Silence…” (V.3) The pain of Conscience (V. 3-4) I acknowledged my sin – did not hide iniquity (v.5) I will confess (v.5) God forgave the iniquity of my sin (v. 5)

7 David’s experience Blessed is the man…in whose spirit - no GUILE (Psalm 32:2) “I KEPT Silence…” (V.3) The pain of Conscience (V. 3-4) I acknowledged my sin – did not hide iniquity (v.5) I will confess (v.5) God forgave the iniquity of my sin (v. 5) David’s sin with Bathsheba – against Uriah (Psm. 51:6,8; 2 sam. 11: 6-11,12-13, 14-15; 12:1-7; 13)

8 David’s teaching Let everyone godly pray while god can be found before the flood comes (v.6)

9 David’s teaching Let everyone godly pray while god can be found before the flood comes (v.6) God is my hiding place – surrounded with songs of deliverance (v. 7)

10 God’s teaching I will instruct and teach thee in the way (v.8)
I will counsel thee – own eye on you (v.8)

11 God’s teaching I will instruct and teach thee in the way (v.8)
I will counsel thee – own eye on you (v.8) Be not a horse or mule – no understanding (v.9)

12 Lesson Understood -embraced
Come to god for forgiveness (v.9)

13 Lesson Understood -embraced
Come to god for forgiveness (v.9) God’s loving kindness will surround you- be glad in Jehovah, rejoice ye righteous (v.10-11)

14 Lesson Understood -embraced
Come to god for forgiveness (v.9) God’s loving kindness will surround you- be glad in Jehovah, rejoice ye righteous (v.10-11) Shout for joy ye upright in heart – in whose spirit is no guile, not keeping silent, not hiding sin (v.11, 2 -3, 5)

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