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Integrating CFD and Experiments in Aerodynamics

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating CFD and Experiments in Aerodynamics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating CFD and Experiments in Aerodynamics
Welcome to the USAF Academy – where young men and women are prepared for service as officers in the USAF; over 20 academic majors; approximately 60 chose to major in Aeronautical Engineering; we have many symposium attendees who are either serving now or have served in the past as faculty members in the dept of Aeronautics. Welcome to Colorado – I hope you enjoy the area including a hike into the mountains; a word of warning about unpredictable weather; forecasts now call for sunny conditions; but be aware of late afternoon thunderstorms; also possible all four seasons in 24 hour period Welcome to the USA for all of you from abroad It is an honor to host all of you to discuss the important topic of “Integrating Experimental and Computation Investigations” When Russ Cummings asked me to make a few opening remarks; I jumped at the chance since it has been a personal interest of mine for 20 years 20-21 Jun 07

2 Experimental and computational investigations
Are complimentary Together provide a more complete picture of the important flow physics An illustrative example from 20 years ago

3 Turbine Blade Cooling Osney Turbomachinery Lab University of Oxford
’86-’89 Example from “ancient history” to show how I know that this topic is important; Historical backdrop I show this with a great deal of humilty because so much has been accomplished in twenty years – Fred Flintstone; what I will show you will prove that point.

4 Heat transfer results Flow

5 Pattern of enhanced heat transfer?

6 Computational Investigation
Heat transfer results

7 Captured the double lobe

8 Virtual PIV

9 What is really going on in the flow?
Two approaches are complimentary! What is really going on in the flow? Experimental results CFD results The two approaches are complimentary; hopefully will have some overlap for validation; but you will learn more about what is going on when the two approaches are combined

10 USAFA efforts Experimental and computational investigations are performed by integrated teams Updated our undergraduate curriculum – students as knowledgeable users of existing CFD packages Accompanying text book Experimentalists and CFD researchers work side by side; integrated teams For CFD; correct modeling and BC’s For Experimentalists; put the sensors in the correct place Undergraduate cadets Experimental Applied Aerodynamics knowledgeable users of CFD packages Russ Cummings is leading a group in the writing of an accompanying undergraduate text

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