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23 Aug (Sun) - Registration ( ) in Crowne Plaza Hotel Lobby 24-26 Aug - Registration, Working Groups, System Training 26 Aug :00 – MG Kamiya IPR (Colorado Salon E) 18:00 – No-host Social (hot/cold hors d’oeuvres) 27 Aug :00 – General Session Welcome and Admin Remarks - GO/FO/SES Welcome (JS J-7, COMJWFC, Dir OSD(R&T)) 08:40 – USJFCOM Update (TD - Reqts Brf/ Ops - Exercise Baseline Brf) (50 Min) 10:30 – COCOM Assessment Briefs PM – Working Group Brief-backs / Issue Review 17:30 – Executive Session (with Tri-Chair) 28 Aug :00 – Working Group Brief-backs / Issue Review AM – Combatant Command and NGB Updates AM – Services Updates 11:45 – Wrap-up 12:30 – ENDEX
Open Issues Issue OPR DoD Participation Challenges In The NEP JS J7 JETD-X Use Of Joint Live Virtual Construct Federation JS/JFCOM Missile Warning/Defense Systems Training Capability STRATCOM Experimentation & Testing In Joint Training OSD(P&R) National Transition Training Plan NORTHCOM Prioritization/De-confliction Of COCOM Joint Exercises USAF JWFC Use of JTIMS & JLLIS During Exercises NORTHCOM USJFCOM Development Of JTF Trng Progs, Stds & JMETL JFCOM Integration Of ABCA Partners Into Joint Training Enterprise JFCOM CSA JTSS Funding JS J7 JETD-T Joint Training Enterprise Training M & S Gaps JFCOM JC2 Training Management JFCOM Joint Staff Officer Proficiency JS J7 JETD-T JTIMS Training Assessment Update Requirement JS J7 JETD-T Joint Training Trends And Assessment JS J7 JETD-T JLLIS JS J7 JETD-T Joint Issue Resolution System NORTHCOM JTIMS & JLLIS Integration NORTHCOM Integration Of Interagency Partners OSD(P&R) PROPOSED NATO ISAF HQ Training CENTCOM 3 3 3 3
JWFC Use of JTIMS and JLLIS During Exercises
Submitted by: USNORTHCOM Proposed Issue : Direct Joint War Fighting Center (JWFC) / Deployable Training Teams (DTT) to use Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) Execution Tab and Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS), when requested by combatant commands, during JWFC supported exercises, to capture observations for future combatant command corrective actions. Discussion: CJCS and DOD mandate JTIMS and JLLIS as the observation and evaluation and lessons learned tools for combatant commands during joint exercises. Combatant commands receive JWFC / DTT and support for two designated exercises per year. During previous USNORTHCOM exercises, JWFC / DTTs do not record observations in JTIMS for training proficiency and JLLIS for command level issues and processes JWFC / DTT non-use of JTIMS and JLLIS is not cost and time effective; JWFC / DTT personnel render observations and recommended corrective actions, but non-recording of these observations in JTIMS and JLLIS negate the purpose of JTIMS and JLLIS being a data source and means for future corrective actions. Providing JWFC / DTT personnel JTIMS and JLLIS accounts and training requires minimal time and effort and would be accomplished by combatant command personnel prior to exercise start day. d. Directed use provides common systems of record. End state: Beginning FY10, JWFC / DTT personnel, if requested by combatant commands, use JTIMS and JLLIS to record observations during JWFC supported exercises. POA&M: JWFC / DTT coordinate with combatant command exercise planners during Joint Event Life Cycle requirements to use JTIMS and JLLIS. OPR: Joint Staff J7 OCRs: USJFCOM and combatant commands AUG 09 Ongoing OCT 10 Issue identified and resolved at WJTSC 09-02 JTIMS and JLLIS coordination during JELC JTIMS and JLLIS used by JWFC during combatant command exercises 4
USJFCOM Development of JTF HQ Training Programs, Standards, and JMETL
Briefer: Issue : Update on status and milestones for USJFCOM efforts to lead the collaborative efforts for developing Joint Task Force Headquarters (JTF HQ) training programs / standards and Joint Mission Essential Task List (JMETL) conditions and standards. Discussion: CJCSI E, Joint Staff Joint Training Policy and Guidance (JTP&G), dated 31 May 2008 tasks USJFCOM to lead collaborative development of joint training programs, processes, and standards and baseline JMETL conditions and standards for JTF HQ. (CJCSI E: ENCL E, para 6.j) Endstate: Improved readiness for JTF HQ. Development of a JTF HQ Concept of Operations (CONOPS) that: provides a JTF HQ Force Readiness Model; describes a process and criteria for use by a designated Service HQ to prepare for assignment as a JTF HQ; and outlines manning, equipping, training and readiness criteria. POA&M: USJFCOM to coordinate collaborative development and update of progress to date and future milestones. OPR/OCR: USJFCOM April 09 July 09 August 09 30 September 09 JTF HQ CONOPS JSAP Action Complete JTF HQ CONOPS JSAP Comments Adjudicated with C/S/A JTF HQ CONOPS JSAP Action: GO / FO Chop JTF HQ CONOPS Published 5 5 5 5
NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Headquarters Training
Submitted by: USCENTCOM Proposed Issue : Combatant Commands need a clear delineation of authorities and responsibilities when partnering with NATO allies on training, manning, and funding of ISAF headquarters. Discussion: a. NATO ISAF has the command of the Afghanistan Theater of Operation. b. There are differences in training processes, individual augmentee rotation policies, and financial responsibilities between US-only and NATO operations. Joint Staff DJ3 released a General Administrative Message DTG Z Jun 09 providing initial guidance for Regional Command (South) Rotation 6. The United Kingdom is the lead nation with US contributing 25% of the personnel. RC(S) ROTO 6 will train to employ under the NATO construct. DOD stakeholders awaiting authority to obligate funds for the NATO HQ training event. c. Regional Command (South) Rotation 7 will be a US-led rotation and will train to employ under the USJFCOM JTF HQ training model. This training will include personnel from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands. The transition from NATO HQ ISAF to an Intermediate Level HQ under HQ ISAF will present additional training, personnel, and funding challenges. NATO Joint Forces Command-Brunssum deputy commander has asked USCENTCOM to help shape the NATO ISAF Intermediate Level HQ training. Combatant commands have not received directives or authorities to enter multilateral agreements and commit national-level funding in support of current and future NATO training events. End State: JCS designate lead/supporting Combatant Commands to shape future ISAF HQ training and manning policies; JCS establishes clear financial authority when operating in a partnership with NATO. POA&M: OPRs: OCRs: AUG 09 TBD 09 TBD TBD 6
Comments & Guidance 7 7 7 7
Back-ups 8 8 8 8
Use of the Joint Live Virtual Constructive Federation
Briefer: COL Walrond Issue : The Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC) Federation provides the most realistic environment to align joint training with combatant commander assigned missions, requirements and constraints. The JLVC federation is comprised of both Joint and Service simulations and tools. Discussion: Current funding provides Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) as the standard suite to support the Combatant Command Joint Exercise Program (JEP), however, JTLS lacks the capability to model high fidelity strategic to tactical operations. This training shortfall was noted in the Joint Staff’s Training Capabilities Analysis of Alternatives Gaps JLVC addresses these gaps. Using the JLVC federation is an option contingent upon additional Combatant Commander funding for event integration (CE2) as well as additional USJFCOM Training Transformation (T2) funding for JLVC development. Recent cuts to T2 RDT&E need to be addressed to provide sustained integration and development funding streams. Endstate: Tailored / packaged use of JLVC in combatant command exercises to meet specific training objectives. Single standardized JLVC federation with low overhead competitive capability. POA&M: Combatant Commands provide details on which exercise(s) are most enhanced with the use of JLVC. CE2 SLT allocates funding for JWFC support (including JLVC) in accordance with CE2 business rules / processes. CE2 addresses only JLVC integration/support for combatant command events but not development of JLVC technical enhancements in demand by combatant command stakeholders. USJFCOM efforts to reduce JLVC costs by developing “low overhead” JCATS capability. OPRs: USJFCOM, JS J-7; OCRs: Combatant Commands SEP 07 NOV 07 MAR 08 APR 08 SEP 08 NOV 08 Mar 09 Sep 09 TBD CE2 SLT discuss requirement USTRANSCOM FY09/10 CE2 PRD emphasizes requirement. JLVC req’ts discussed at WJTSC working groups CE2 FY09 PBRs submitted, adjudicated FY09 PEP Update at WJTSC 08-2 Training Gap Analysis Forum Develop JLVC Low Cost options Develop plan for low overhead JCATS JTLS / JLVC transition decision 9 9
Joint Training Enterprise Training Modeling & Simulation Gaps
Briefer: Col Walrond Issue : Joint Training Enterprise identified key training Modeling & Simulation (M&S) gaps which are currently unfunded. Discussion: As tasked during the WJTSC 08-2, the Joint Training Enterprise executed a Training Gap Analysis Forum (TGAF) in November 2008 in order to identify the top training M&S gaps. The forum identified over 29 gaps and validated them with the 2004 TCAoA baseline. The forum was conducted using the established JTRG requirement procedures. The gaps identified from the TGAF are currently unfunded. Endstate: Approval of validated TGAF process and results; funding or mitigation plans to support the development of solutions that close the training M&S gaps identified by the Joint Training Enterprise. POA&M: Joint Training Enterprise identified the M&S Gaps; USJFCOM to lead the effort of gap analysis to determine detailed estimated costs to close the gaps. Status: Conduct detailed analysis to determine optimal solutions. OPR: USJFCOM; OCRs: Combatant Commands; Services Nov 08 Mar 09 Sep 09 JTE TGAF Briefed top 5 Training M&S Gaps at WJTSC 09-1 Brief analysis at WJTSC 09-2 10 10
Integration of ABCA Partners into the Joint Training Enterprise
Briefer: Col Walrond ABCA: American, British, Canadian, Australian Issue : The enhancement of ABCA Joint, Combined, Multilateral training in order to increase operational capability, preparedness, and improve interoperability. Discussion: No formal procedure exists for scheduling and coordinating ABCA Joint Combined and Multilateral training and use of the full range of Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) training capabilities. An ABCA working group (WG), including Combatant Commands and JS J7, needs to be established to draft agreement(s), develop business rules, and identify/develop the appropriate forum for coordination. Recommend the WG adopt the PACOM-AUS Joint Combined Training Capability (JCTC) work as a starting point. Formal business rules will require a long term effort, but short term efforts will continue to leverage existing multilateral venues. Endstate: Defense level policy guidance, and agreements. A formal coordination process, business rules and/or other documents as necessary for ABCA partners and combatant commands/Services that outlines the process for scheduling and coordinating bi-lateral and multilateral training and exercises enhanced via LVC enablers using ABCA networks. Short term endstate will address OIF/OEF pre-deployment training. Long term solution expected to take several years. POA&M: Formalize overarching vision statement and reach agreement in principle - Establish ABCA WG membership and chair - Define ABCA training requirements - Establishment of a scheduling process for the JTEN and V&C assets - Develop and adopt ABCA country agreements/business rules formalizing this process OPR: USJFCOM; OCRs: Combatant Commands, JS J-7, PJHQ J7, HQJOC J7, and CFD/CFEC. JUN 09 SEP 09 OCT 09 DEC 09 MAR 10 SEP 10 SEPT 08 MAR 09 Approved POA&M Initial ABCA WG Agreement in principle Established ABCA WG Develop CONOPS for JWFC events Determine venue for event coordination Draft agreements / Business rules ABCA WG at WJTSC Finalize Business Rules Formal acceptance of Business Rules 11 11
Joint Command and Control (JC2)
Training Management Briefer: Mr. Chiaverotti Issue : No joint organization assigned responsibility for managing JC2 training. Discussion: Transition from Global Command and Control (GCCS) Family of Systems to Net-Enabled Command Capability (NECC) offers opportunity for effective and efficient training delivery to individual warfighters worldwide based on a joint standards-based foundation. NECC provides a single, joint architecture to establish a common environment for warfighters at all levels of JC2 in which both systems and functional training curricula can be re-used and tailored to warfighter needs. NECC material developers will provide appropriate individual functional training packages for each NECC capability module produced. Current GCCS-Joint Single Service Training Manager model doesn’t provide authority and resources to ensure NECC-related training packages are effective, standardized, entered into extant joint curricula, and distributed to Services and Agencies for re-use. Endstate: A joint command and control training management organization with the necessary authority and resources codified by a CJCSI, in-place and functioning. POA&M: Standup a stakeholders’ forum to research and assess need, responsibility, authorities, and resourcing. Provide a POA&M. Revise CJCSI B. Lead warfighter engagement at Global Command and Control (GCC) Training Working Group (TWG) quarterly meetings. OPR: USJFCOM J8; OCRs: JS J-7, JS J-3 SEP 08 Brief WJTSC JUL 08 CJCSI signed TM Org established Informal CJCSI staffing process begun AUG 08 IPR-Draft CJCSI Brief GCC TWG Begin Formal CJCSI Staffing Process Brief C2 TWG OCT 08 MAR 09 OCT 09 Brief WJTSC 2009-1 FEB 09 JUL 09 AUG 09 JAN 10
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