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Town Lane Infant School

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1 Town Lane Infant School
WIRRAL ! Mathematics in the Foundation Stage Parent Workshop Town Lane Infant School

2 Maths in Foundation … Mathematical development depends on children being confident and competent in learning and using key skills. - counting- reciting, grouping, saying one number name for each item, knowing what an amount looks like. - sorting- by shape, colour, size - matching- pairs games, bingo - seeking patterns- creating patterns using different criteria - problem solving- reasoning and questioning. - use of mathematical vocabulary- comparative language, more, less

3 Understanding is developed through …
Stories Songs Games Imaginative play Sand/water play

4 Numicon The benefits of Numicon in the Foundation Stage.
Visual, multi-sensory and versatile resource. Helps children develop early mathematical concepts such as; Number bonds Enhances others areas of the curriculum such as: Communication and Language: where children can explain their ideas and develop their mathematical vocabulary such as: bigger, smaller, one more, one less. Creative Development: by exploring pattern and recognising colours. Personal, social and emotional development: by working in pairs they can develop friendships, work on activities together and solve problems collectively. Also used as preparation for year 1 looking at and understanding place value

5 Numicon

6 How can you help ? Make it FUN!!!
Music, rhythm and rhymes can help with number skills Playing card games, dominoes and board games Build maths into everyday activities Maths Library Maths Homework

7 iPad Apps and useful websites
Phonics: Hairy letters Bee Bots Pocket phonics Squeebles Spelling Test Eggy Numbers 1-10

8 Thank You For Listening

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