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Swifts Autumn 1 Literacy Science Topic Art/DT Animals and Humans

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Presentation on theme: "Swifts Autumn 1 Literacy Science Topic Art/DT Animals and Humans"— Presentation transcript:

1 Swifts Autumn 1 Literacy Science Topic Art/DT Animals and Humans
Fiction Stories in familiar settings Non- Fiction Labels, lists and signs Poetry Songs and repetitive poems Phonics Letters and sounds Handwriting Numeracy Sequencing Data gathering Measuring and Shape Addition and Subtraction Time and Money Mental Addition PSHE Following the rules Being a kind friend Science Animals and Humans Looking at the senses and which body parts are used for each sense. Identifying and labelling the main human body parts and comparing this with common animals. Art/DT Painting and colour mixing Autumn Collage Drawing Fruit Kebabs Swifts Autumn 1 Topic Happy and Healthy Healthy eating Keeping fit Hygiene PE Throwing Catching Balancing Racket Skills ICT Keyboard Skills Logging in and out of a programme Research Mathletics Purple Mash Music Exploring Sounds Exploring Duration RE Hinduism Diwali

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