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5 Why the Focus on Kingdom?

6 Two Absolutes The Kingdom of God Jesus Christ
The Unshakeable Kingdom…Heb 12:28 Jesus Christ The Unchanging King…Heb 13:8

7 Central Focus The most influential man in history made the kingdom his central focus! (over a hundred times) It was His message: “preaching the good news of the kingdom” Mt 4:23 It was His life purpose: “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent” Luke 4:43

8 Jesus’ Focus on the Kingdom
The start of his ministry…Matt 4:17,23 The theme of the Beatitudes…Matt 5:3,10 The centre of the Sermon on the Mount… Matt 5:19-20 The first petition in the Lord’s Prayer…Matt 6:10 The topic of His final farewell discussion (40 days)…Acts 1:3

9 In Acts Philip’s focus in Samaria…Acts 8:12
Paul’s focus in Rome…Acts 28:23 “explaining everything involved in the kingdom of God” Paul’s focus in Prison…Acts 28:31 “preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ”

10 Why Don’t We Talk About It?
“The church has lost the kingdom of God” Jones ISRAEL…lost it…Matt 21:43 EARLY CHURCH…lost it…Apostle’s Creed, Athanasian Creed (no mention), Nicene Creed (one mention) CRUSADES…lost it…Rather laid foundations of hate and conflict for centuries ROME…lost it…Genghis Khan’s request through Marco Polo to the Pope RUSSIAN CHURCH…lost it…Communism AMERICAN CHURCH…lost it…”American way of life”

11 For Most People The kingdom of heaven is the hereafter
that upsets NOTHING now But the kingdom is also now here on earth and it upsets EVERYTHING

12 The Revolts, The Revolutions
The “isms” (communism, fascism, Nazism) The religions (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism…) are an attempt to find the Kingdom of God but don’t realize it

13 Matthew 6:33 But SEEK FIRST - the kingdom of God (spiritual framework) - and His righteousness (spiritual life)

14 The Kingdom of God is: *RELATIONAL Parables: no physical markers *SPIRITUAL Romans 9:4 / 12:1-2 / 14:17-18 *ETERNAL Ephesians 1:4-14

15 Luke 16:16 OBEDIENCE FAITH (Old Wine) (New Wine)
____Old Testament_________________________New Testament_______ LAW and the PROPHETS KINGDOM (Old Wineskin) (New Wineskin) OBEDIENCE FAITH (Old Wine) (New Wine)

16 Acts 17:26-27 God determined the times set for them and the exact places. ……so that men would seek him …..and find him

17 Culture/Religion/Ethnicity--- MOBILITY of the GOSPEL
FIRST BIRTH: Acts 17:26-27 Culture/Religion/Ethnicity--- MOBILITY of the GOSPEL SECOND BIRTH: John 3:3 Born from above---spiritual PURITY of the GOSPEL KEYS of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:13-20) for BOTH BIRTHS.


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