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Unit 3- Nutrition Review Game

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1 Unit 3- Nutrition Review Game

2 What 5 things can influence your eating habits?
Culture Family and Friends Advertising Time and Money Your Emotions

3 Read the label!! How many grams of fat are in 2 servings of this product? 16 grams of fat

4 How much water should men consume in a day?
Men should consume (in food and drinks) about 3 liters (13 cups) a day.

5 How many calories are in 1 gram of carbohydrates?
4 calories per 1 gram of carbohydrates

6 Name that Mineral! This mineral helps keep your teeth strong. It is found in toothpaste, tablet supplements, fish with edible bones, and specially treated water. Fluoride

7 What are 3 things you can do to manage your portion sizes?
Learn the hand symbols Learn to read food labels Compare store/restaurant portions to recommended portions Repackage supersized bags Share a meal Eat ½ or less if you don’t share a meal Use a smaller plate Slow down and skip second helpings.

8 What is 1 way you food can become cross-contaminated?
Unwashed hands Dirty knives and utensils used on other foods Cooked foods touching raw foods.

9 True or False? Your appetite continues even after your hunger has been satisfied. True

10 What percentage of your diet should come from Proteins?
15-20% of your daily calories should come from proteins (which include: dairy, soy, meats, eggs, buckwheat, chia, quinoa, beans, whole grains, and nuts)

11 Name that Mineral! This mineral helps control acid and liquid balances in your body. It is most commonly found in bananas and can help reduce muscle cramps Potassium

12 This eating Disorder is characterized by binging and purging:

13 What are 2 foods in which saturated Fats are found?
Animal products- meats, cheese, butter, lard, cream, milk, tropical oils, etc.

14 What temperatures are included in the food temperature danger zone?
degrees Fahrenheit

15 Read the label!! What %of your daily recommended carbohydrates are contained in one serving of this product? 7%

16 What percentage of your diet should come from fats?
Below 30% of your diet should come from fat.

17 There are 9 Essential Amino Acids
How many amino acids does your body have to get from foods you eat because it cannot make them? There are 9 Essential Amino Acids

18 What are 2 Ways someone can become infected with a Foodborne Illnesses?
Unwashed hands Contaminated utensils/cutting boards used on cooked foods Washing foods with contaminated water Food in the temperature danger zone Meats not cooked to proper internal temperatures Eating unpasteurized milk, juice, or foods with raw eggs Meats thawed at room temperature; not in the microwave or fridge During slaughtering- meats can contact intestinal bacteria

19 Read the label!! How many milligrams of sodium are in one serving of this product?- Is this a poor choice or a good choice with regards to your daily sodium intake? 910 mg- poor choice because the sodium is 38% of your recommended daily value. If you eat the whole package of soup you would be using up 76% of your daily intake.

20 What are the 4 essential nutrients that are also macronutrients ?
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Water, and Fats

21 What are the 4 steps of food safety?
Clean Separate Cook Chill

22 How many calories are in 1 gram of fat?
9 calories per gram of fat

23 What are 2 foods in which unsaturated Fats are found?
Nuts and Seeds Vegetable Oils Olives

24 Name that Mineral! This mineral, is not sodium, but it is the same as sodium. It is found in your digestive juices and in your saliva to help break down foods. Chloride

25 True or False? Using a smaller plate is a strategy that someone could use to manage their portion sizes. True

26 Read the label!! Which ingredient is least abundant in this product?

27 Unhealthy because it increases levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Are saturated fats healthy or unhealthy fats and why? Unhealthy because it increases levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

28 What are macronutrients?
Nutrients in your diet that you need in large amounts

29 Which essential nutrient is the most important source of energy for your body?

30 What are the 2 essential nutrients that are also micronutrients ?
Vitamins and Minerals

31 Your diet should contain no more than what percentage of saturated fat?
No more than 10% of the recommended fat should unhealthy saturated fat.

32 How many calories are in 1 gram of protein?
4 calories per 1 gram of protein

33 As a part of a healthy weight loss plan, you should expect to lose how many pounds a week?
½-1 pound per week

34 What are the 2 Water soluble vitamins?
Vitamins: C and B Complex

35 Which is healthier? (And Why?!)
Saturated or Unsaturated Fats? Unsaturated fats, because unlike saturated fats which raise cholesterol levels in the body, unsaturated fats decrease bad cholesterol levels in the body

36 Name a food in which Raw eggs can hide in and potentially infect you with salmonella?
Cookie dough Caesar salad dressing Hollandaise sauce Homemade mayonnaise

37 Do the Math!! How many calories in one serving, come from fat?
17g x 9 calories per gram = 153 calories

38 The last acceptable date a store can have the product on their shelves.
Sell-by Date

39 The amount of food you choose to eat is known as?
Portion Size

40 Name that Vitamin! This vitamin helps protect you against infection, makes your skin, gums, and teeth healthy and is found in citrus fruits. Vitamin C

41 What are the 6 Essential Nutrients that our diets must provide?
Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

42 Which essential nutrient provides the most concentrated form of energy?

43 What are micronutrients?
Nutrients in you diet that you need in small amounts

44 Name that Mineral! This mineral helps with water balance in the body and is found in processed foods and soy sauce Sodium

45 How much water should women consume in a day?
Women should consume (in foods and drinks) about 2.2 liters (9 cups) per day

46 The date the manufacturer deems the product reaches peak freshness- but does not indicate a food is no longer safe to eat. . Use-by Date

47 What are 4 Fat soluble vitamins?
Vitamins: A, D, E, K

48 Name that Mineral! This mineral is found in dairy products and helps build strong bones and teeth Calcium

49 Do the Math!! How many calories in one serving, come from carbohydrates? 41g x 4 calories per gram = 164 calories

50 Name that Vitamin! This vitamin is only found in animal products and it helps maintain your red blood cells Vitamin B12

51 The amount of food recommended that you consume is known as?
Serving Size

52 What is a Fad Diet? A potentially dangerous short term weight loss plan that promised dramatic results by limiting foods, variety, and some nutrients.

53 What percentage of your diet should come from carbs?
55-60% of your daily diet should come from carbohydrates (which includes: sugars, starches, beans, seeds, grains, nuts, fiber, and tubers)

54 This eating Disorder is characterized by starvation:
Anorexia Nervosa

55 What is a Foodborne Illness?
Illnesses caused by food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins

56 Do the Math!! How many calories in one serving, come from proteins?
24g x 4 calories per gram = 96 calories

57 What are 2 Examples of Fad Diets?
Fasting Liquid Diets (Slim Fast, detoxes, juicing) Diet Pills (Herbalife, ItWorks, Hydroxycut, etc). Proportioned Meal Plans (Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etc)

58 Name that Vitamin! This vitamin is found in fortified milk. It helps the body use calcium to make strong bones and teeth. It is also known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D

59 the date after which a product should not be sold because of an expected decline in quality?
Expiration Date

60 What are the 2 most common foodborne illnesses in the US?
Norovirus Salmonella

61 Which essential nutrient helps build and maintain body tissues such as muscles?

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