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6-2 2nd Pret irregs, demos adj, ordinal #’s, location words

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Presentation on theme: "6-2 2nd Pret irregs, demos adj, ordinal #’s, location words"— Presentation transcript:

1 6-2 2nd Pret irregs, demos adj, ordinal #’s, location words
Escríbelo- test review

2 Las reglas Everybody gets a whiteboard/marker/eraser
Sra. puts up a question Write your answer fast- turn your board upside down/or cover it- marker down!!! Say uno/dos/tres etc. (talk softly) Whoever gets it correct first 2 pts. Everybody else 1pt. If the person who said uno isn’t correct- check dos etc.

3 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What verbs make up the “los locos” group? Ir, ser, dar & ver

4 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What are the conjugations for ir & ser? Fui Fuimos Fuiste Fuisteis Fue fueron

5 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What are the conjugations for dar and ver? Di/vi Dimos/vimos Diste/viste Disteis/visteis Dio/vio Dieron/vieron

6 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
He saw Él vio

7 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
We gave Nosotros dimos

8 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
I saw it Yo lo vi

9 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
They gave you Ellos te dieron

10 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What infinitive verbs are part of the “u” group? Poner, poder, tener, estar, saber, andar

11 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What are the irregular stems for those verbs? Pus, pud, tuv, estuv, sup, anduv Remember the song? Let’s sing it!   

12 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
What are the “Zorro” endings? é í e imos aste iste iste isteis ó ió o ieron amos imos asteis isteis aron ieron

13 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
We could sing Nosotros pudimos cantar

14 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
The rooster was inside the pen. El gallo estuvo dentro del corral.

15 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
You (sing/fam) had to practice. Tú tuviste que practicar.

16 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
You (plural/familiar) rode bikes. Vosotros anduvisteis en bicicleta.

17 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
Yesterday my younger brother set the table. Ayer mi hermano menor puso la mesa.

18 I can correctly conjugate irregular preterits.
I knew it! ¡Yo lo supe!

19 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
What are the 3 ways to write ‘this’? Este, esta, esto

20 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
What does it mean when we use Eso, esto, and aquello? Nueter- (when they end in “O” we don’t know!....the gender)

21 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
In Spanish this and these have ______? T’s

22 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
This book Este libro

23 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
These hens Estas gallinas

24 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
That bull Ese toro

25 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
Those llamas-far away Aquellas llamas

26 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
What’s that? ¿Qué es eso?

27 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
That one masc.- far away aquél

28 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
Those ones(fem) ésas

29 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
This one (masc) éste

30 I can correctly use demonstrative adjectives.
Those pigs Esos cerdos

31 I can correctly spell the location words.
Up arriba

32 I can correctly spell the location words.
Outside of Fuera de

33 I can correctly spell the location words.
Down abajo

34 I can correctly spell the location words.
Underneath Debajo de

35 I can correctly spell the location words.
On top of Encima de

36 I can correctly spell the ordinal numbers.
Fourth (fem) cuarta

37 I can correctly spell the ordinal numbers.
10th (masc) décimo

38 I can correctly spell the ordinal numbers.
Which two numbers do you drop the “o” before a masc. singular noun? 1 and 3 Primero tercero Primer tercer Any of the above answers is good.

39 I can correctly spell the ordinal numbers.
7th (masc) séptimo

40 I can correctly spell the ordinal numbers.
9th (fem) novena

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