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telling friends and family to DO something…

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Presentation on theme: "telling friends and family to DO something…"— Presentation transcript:

1 telling friends and family to DO something…
Key Topic The FRAME Routine Aff. Tú Commands is about… telling friends and family to DO something… Main idea Main idea Main idea -ar, -er, -ir Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Pronoun Placement Essential details ATTACH the pronouns to the end of the command. Add an accent. Count back three vowels from where the pronoun was added and place the accent over that vowel. DOP IOP Reflexive decir = ¡Di! hacer = ¡Haz! ir = ¡Ve! mantener = ¡Mantén! poner = ¡Pon! salir = ¡Sal! ser = ¡Sé! tener = ¡Ten! venir = ¡Ven! Use the present tense indicative form of any regular verb… él, ella, ud. form So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Understanding the correct usage of Affirmative Tú Commands and being able to tell your friends and family members to do something. Adapted from The Framing Routine. Copyrights for the template are held by the authors of The Framing Routine.

2 telling your friends and family to DO something…
The FRAME Routine Key Topic is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Main idea Essential details Aff. Tú Commands telling your friends and family to DO something… Pronouns D.O.P. = replace the noun (me, te, lo/la nos, os, los/las) I.O.P = answer to/for whom/what (me, te, le nos, os, les) Reflexive = “selves” (me, te, se nos, os, se) Attach to the end of the command and add an accent mark!!!!!!! Understanding the correct usage of pronouns in Spanish and placing them correctly in the affirmative Tú command form. Adapted from The Framing Routine. Copyrights for the template are held by the authors of The Framing Routine.

3 opposite endings -ar verbs es -er & -ir verbs as
Key Topic The FRAME Routine Negative Tú Commands is about… telling friends, relatives, coworkers, or a child to NOT do something… Main idea Main idea Main idea formation opposite endings Verbos Irregulares Essential details Negative Tú dar = no des estar = no estés ir = no vayas ser = no seas saber = no sepas Conjugate the verb in the “YO” form. Drop the “o.” Add the “opposite” ending. -ar verbs es -er & -ir verbs as So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) To know when and how to use negative Tú commands. Adapted from The Framing Routine. Copyrights for the template are held by the authors of The Framing Routine.

4 telling friends, relatives, coworkers or a child NOT to do something…
The FRAME Routine Key Topic is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Main idea Essential details Neg. Tú Commands telling friends, relatives, coworkers or a child NOT to do something… Pronouns & Verbs Affirmative = attach pronouns at the end and add an accent mark Negative = place pronouns in between the NO and the command form -car verbs = (spelling change c → qu) ¡No lo busques, ahora! -gar verbs = (spelling change g → gu) ¡No la pegues! -zar verbs = (spelling change z → c) ¡No me abraces! Understanding the correct usage of pronouns in Spanish and placing them correctly in the negative Tú command form. Adapted from The Framing Routine. Copyrights for the template are held by the authors of The Framing Routine.

5 Practiquemos… Speak in Spanish during class!
Don’t speak in English during class! Eat your vegetables! Eat them! (vegetables) Exercise everyday! Go to bed at a decent hour! Don’t go to bed late! Take vitamins everyday! Don’t take them on an empty stomach! Wear comfortable clothing when you exercise!

6 Practiquemos… Cross the street with caution! Cross it with caution!
Practice good eating habits! Practice them everyday! Organize time in your day for exercising! Don’t organize your day without exercise! Listen to me closely! Follow the instructions! Follow them! Don’t follow them!

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