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Biography of Arthur Miller

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1 Biography of Arthur Miller
By: Amanda Niester Kevin Lee Jack Glancy

2 Early Life He was born in Harlem, New York City in 1915
Mom: Augusta Barnett Dad: Isidore Miller Sister: Joan Miller Worked many jobs to get to college

3 Achievements & Awards No Villain Death of a Salesman Crucible
1959: Gold Medal 1984: Kennedy Center Honors 2 Tony’s

4 Miller’s appearance Miller and ten others were put in front of the committee because they were believed to be communists. Only one man spoke, the rest didn’t say anything The ten that didn’t speak were called the “Hollywood Ten” Held in contempt served between 6 And 12 months jail time.

5 Effect of the investigation on Miller’s writing of The Crucible
Miller compared the witch trials to his experience in front of the committee Both in Salem and in the un-American activities committee people were falsely accused He wanted to show people still haven’t really changed and they need to investigate more

6 How did miller’s social conscience affect his work?
Miller tried to show the way how he views the world and the society through his works, especially in The Crucible. He wrote analogies to the McCarthy anti-communist hearing in 1950s America Miller’s sense of justice against McCarthyism(modern witch hunt) appears in his work.

7 What common theme or themes appear in his works?
The drama of the family good versus evil Individual versus Society American dream

8 Bibliography

9 The END

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