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Flooding FLOODING flooding By Sara.

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1 flooding FLOODING flooding By Sara

Too much water. Not enough trees. Too much concrete. Too much CO2.

3 Flooding in Burma 2012 Flooding can cause lots of disasters.
Many people lose their houses and usually die not having enough food, Most of the populations that are affected by flooding rely on crops.

4 Flooding in tropical Indonesia
It rains every summer in the tropics. With global warming the rain is heavier and lasts for longer. Blocked drains stop water flowing away.

5 Flooding in Rome Flooding doesn't only happen in tropical areas it also happens in Italy, beside rivers, lakes and sea. Rome has been effected by flooding, because in the middle of Rome there is a river that overflowed because of too much rain.

6 Cars and factories burn a lot of fuel to make energy
Global warming Cars and factories burn a lot of fuel to make energy When fuel burns it makes carbon dioxide and water. These stay in the air and stop heat escaping from the atmosphere . The earth gets warmer. There is more evaporation of water and more rain and storms. All this causes flooding.

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