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Sharks By: Kristian.

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1 Sharks By: Kristian

2 Tiger Sharks They are found in tropical areas (Hawaii).
They live alone in shallow waters. They are the fourth largest shark in the world. They can grow to be 14 to 20 feet long. They get their name due to their stripes. They have the most attacks on humans other than Great Whites.

3 Bull Sharks They can be found in rivers and lakes.
They are among sharks that can penetrate fresh water. They can grow up to 11 feet long. They hunt alone and mainly feed on boney fish and other sharks. They belong among the 3 most dangerous sharks. They are well known because of unpredictable, often hostile behavior. They are very aggressive and vicious.

4 Hammerhead Sharks They can grow to be 3 to 20 feet long.
They don’t have mineralized bones. So, no fossils are ever found. They live in warm water. Hammerheads live in large groups, which is unusual for sharks. They are deep sea creatures. Their eyes are quite sharp. They locate their prey with the help of sonar.

5 Why I Chose Sharks I chose sharks because they haven’t changed from prehistoric time to present. How they adapted is great. The very word, shark, strikes fear in the hearts of the bravest men. They are a living fossil. They are one of the scariest fishes ever. What they do to survive is really cool.

6 Great White Sharks Great White sharks are the largest predatory fish in the sea at 3,000 pounds. They can grow up to 25 feet long. They live along the coast of all continents except Antarctica. They lose more than one thousand teeth in a lifetime. They can live for 25 years. They can go 3 months between large meals. In 1 year, they eat about 11 tons of food.

7 Shark vs. Seal This is a video of a Great White shark.

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