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EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty

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1 EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty

2 Current Strategic Plan - ambitious vision of stronger and more engaged member-led network
Members have been asking for a review of our Strategic Goals already in the previous strategic planning periods. What are our ambitions: recognising and using more the expertise of the members + supporting members through strengthening (development) ensuring members are strong national Anti Poverty Platforms – lobbying and policy-making ensuring people experiencing poverty feel EAPN is their network – participation Current Strategic Plan - 3 Goals: on influencing policies; on developing the network; on strengthening the participation of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion

3 Terms of reference approved by the EXCO
Building on the results of the Membership Review and Support System Task Force (i.e. based on the MASS Document): Map out the capacity building needs of the members; Identify he expertise that members can provide; Clarify the priorities that members have in terms of network development; Develop an EAPN training agenda; Establish a pool of trainers of EAPN, within the framework of the Strategic Plan.

4 Priorities of the NN at the national level Focus of the activities
First stage: mapping out the members’ capacity building needs and expertise A questionnaire was sent out to Exco members (13 responded): National level  Priorities of the NN at the national level Focus of the activities One successful activity in the past 12 months carried out by the NN EAPN Europe level Goals the NN engages with Priorities in engaging with EAPN Europe work Training and capacity building needs that should be taken up in the future by EAPN Europe Problems/challenges the NNs face in their engagement

5 Problems/challenges the NN faces Needs per pillar of MASS
First stage: mapping out the member capacity building needs and expertise Challenges and needs: Problems/challenges the NN faces Needs per pillar of MASS The strongest and weakest pillar, according to the NN Expectations from the EAPN training and capacity building agenda Resources, knowledge and expertise What resources would the NN want to share What does the NN training and capacity building agenda look like Additional comments

6 Some messages coming through
Still not enough knowledge on membership in EAPN Europe (annual reports, some other initiatives to build the picture) For every challenge a NN faces, someone else has solutions Generally similar priorities and actions, but different ways of delivering on the goals (resource-related) Some needs are the same for many years – Questions on how NNs carry out own capacity building work and how they evolve A real peer-support system would work in the case of NNs as similar challenges and focus, despite big differences in structures and resources Definition of what is a good practice and sharing more of those as a way to tell NN stories and give solutions (Annual reports one starting point)

7 Priorities, actions and needs
that members mention Europe 2020 or related lobbying work Participation of people experiencing poverty Involving member organisations in talking to the government, to media Alliance-building Specific thematic work (i.e. structural funds, employment, minimum income/active inclusion, child poverty)… Understanding the functioning of the EU (how the lobby process works) Members feel they need more capacity building rather than training

8 Examples of successful activities
Hosting EAPN GA and Exco Training and Capacity Building work (110 training actions in 6 months) National Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty and amendment to the Law on Social Protection of Children Election Campaign proposals taken up by political parties Government subgroup on studying poverty and national strategy for 2020 NRP consultation and involvement in a coalition of different types of actors. Active participation in preparing the National Programme against Poverty and Social Exclusion Participation in drafting the Prosperity report with other NGOs taken up by government Media award “bottom-up” for respectful poverty reporting National Dialogue Conference The Two—day social forum on housing, health and welfare Seminar: Who listens to the Poor in the parliament Working on a national poverty line; member of Contact Committee for Europe 2020 strategy and member of Council on Human Rights Shadow report in 2012 in cooperation with a street magazine; meeting of people experiencing poverty Capacity building and lobbying on Structural Funds Work group on protection of best interests of the Child; EU 2020 Strategy training and Strategic plan

9 Pillars in which NNs feel strongest in and need to work on more

10 Needs per pillar Needs revolve around getting and keeping members involved; working in alliances and keeping dialogue with decision-makers Some networks have a specific policy they focus on which is priority in their countries or for network members Looking for good practice Building and strengthening internal structures of direct pariticpation of people experiencing poverty – drawing on EU PEP meetings Training and capacity building of members on EU and national social policy Funding Marketing plan/communication tools Establishing a firmer structure for the network and engaging members better Seeking resources for a full-time paid employee

11 Next steps MASS – a common framework for mid-term development of Networks helping members identify their strengths and weaknesses as part of a European network Training and capacity building agenda to build on it + on mapping exercise and involve members in identifying priorities Launching a process of strengthening networks and peer learning, based on the common framework – transparent and equal for everyone Developing the training and capacity building agenda to complement and support the MASS implementation process in the National Networks A membership review system in the foreseeable future (3-5 years’ time)

12 Training and Capacity Building in 2014 and beyond
New budget reality Need to adapt and rely more on member expertise Need to seek new forms of support (develop e-solutions; video training; webinars etc) Challenge for the goals of strengthening direct participation of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion in EAPN NNs and European work Building a projects wing in EAPN and NN strengthening their capacity to engage with EU projects EAPN Fund (fundraising and sharing through solidarity grants)

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