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Database Programming in Java

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1 Database Programming in Java

2 What are you going to learn about today?
MySQL database programming Relational DB model How to write SQL queries

3 Database (DB): Organized collection of data
Database Management System (DBMS): Controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a DB

4 Why use a DBMS? Data independence: Applications need not be concerned with how data is stored or accessed Provides a lot of functionality that would be silly to implement yourself: Sharing (network) Customizable security Integrity

5 Two key aspects of a DBMS
Database model: How DB is structured and used Examples: Relational, Object-Oriented, Hierarchical Query language: Types of questions you can ask Examples: SQL, XQuery Relational + SQL is most common, so we’ll use MySQL

6 DB Tools DB client tools Code using DB library
Example: MySQL Workbench Code using DB library Lib example: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

7 Relational Model Concepts

8 Example Tables Authors AuthorISBN Publishers Titles AuthorID FirstName
LastName YearBorn 1 Ayn Rand 1905 2 Peter Benchley 1940 AuthorISBN Publishers PublisherID PublisherName 1 Bobbs Merrill 2 Random House ISBN AuthorID 1 2 Titles ISBN Title EditionNumber YearPublished Description PublisherID The Fountainhead 1 1943 Atlas Shrugged 1957 2 Jaws 1973

9 Primary versus Foreign Keys
Primary key: Uniquely identifies each record in table Foreign key: Field in table A such that the field is a primary key in one other table B Authors AuthorID FirstName LastName YearBorn 1 Ayn Rand 1905 AuthorISBN ISBN AuthorID 1

10 CRUD-to-SQL Mapping CRUD Operation SQL Statement Create INSERT
Read (Retrieve) SELECT Update (Modify) UPDATE Delete (Destroy) DELETE For complete documentation, see:

11 Example SELECT Queries—Let’s try them!
SELECT * FROM Authors SELECT AuthorID, LastName FROM Authors SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE YearBorn > 1910 SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE LastName LIKE ‘r%’ SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE LastName LIKE ‘_e%’ SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE LastName REGEX ‘[a-r]*’ SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE LastName REGEX ‘[a-r]*’ ORDER BY LastName ASC For complete documentation, see

12 Use JOIN to merge data from multiple tables
SELECT FirstName, LastName, ISBN FROM Authors INNER JOIN AuthorISBN ON Authors.AuthorID = AuthorISBN.AuthorID ORDER BY LastName, FirstName SELECT Titles.Title, Authors.LastName, Publishers.PublisherName FROM (Publishers INNER JOIN Titles ON Publishers.PublisherID = Titles.PublisherID) INNER JOIN (Authors INNER JOIN AuthorISBN ON Authors.AuthorID = AuthorISBN.AuthorID) ON Titles.ISBN = AuthorISBN.ISBN For complete documentation, see

13 Basic steps for performing query with JDBC
Load driver class (only needs to be done once) Connect to DB Create/initialize statement Execute statement (returns ResultSet) Process ResultSet Close connection (closes statement and ResultsSet) For more complete documentation, see:

14 Let’s take a tour of a web app that uses JDBC
Let’s take a tour of a web app that uses JDBC

15 What could go wrong with this code? (Hint: Recall last lecture)
Check Use // Add 1 to each player’s Score Statement qst = con.createStatement(); rs = qst.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Players"); while ( { int playerID = rs.getInt("PlayerID"); int score = rs.getInt("Score"); Statement ust = con.createStatement(); ust.executeUpdate("UPDATE Players SET PlayerID = '" + (score+1) + "' WHERE PlayerID = '" + playerID + "'"); } Score could change TOCTOU race condition! To avoid races, see transactions and/or table locks:

16 Summary Relational DBs CRUD to SQL mapping JDBC programming
Summary Relational DBs CRUD to SQL mapping JOIN operation JDBC programming Watch out for race conditions!

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